The Transatlantic Agenda
By Deanna Spingola
Written on November 15, 2009
Posted May 15, 2015
Long before George W. Bush met with Paul Martin, then
Canada’s Prime Minister and Vicente Fox, then Mexico’s president at
Baylor University
in the miserably memorialized city of Waco, Texas on
The Transatlantic Agenda was adopted on
Then again from
The crux of this media-blacked-out summit: “The EU and the
Another issue was non-compliance with the WTO, “a legal
system set up to regulate and bring order to world trade. As such, upon
accession to the organization, WTO members agree to stand by and uphold any
decisions that the WTO takes. Full compliance with WTO rulings is therefore one
of the fundamental cornerstones on which the continued functioning of the
international trade system rests.”
Then there was the summit in June 2005 where they “launched
the ‘Initiative to Enhance Transatlantic Economic Integration and Growth.’” And
how about the meeting on
What next – the Amero? That is the least of our worries.
While the astute are focused on the NAU, there are other issues. Foreign
Affairs, published by the
“The right course is not to return to a mythical past of
monetary sovereignty, with governments controlling local interest and exchange
rates in blissful ignorance of the rest of the world. Governments must let go of
the fatal notion that nationhood requires them to make and control the money
used in their territory. National currencies and global markets simply do not
mix; together they make a deadly brew of currency crises and geopolitical
tension and create ready pretexts for damaging protectionism. In order to
globalize safely, countries should abandon monetary nationalism and abolish
unwanted currencies, the source of much of today's instability.”
[10] Given the
Then on
Further it was stated: “We have
identified … projects, selected from the existing work program and other
programs within the existing transatlantic dialogue, that will significantly
enhance transatlantic economic integration, and we resolve to achieve progress
on these projects within six to eight months of the effective date of this
Framework, and at latest by the time of the 2008 EU-U.S. Summit.”
There are co-chairs on both sides:
“The Transatlantic Economic Council is hereby established, to be co-chaired, on
the U.S. side, by a U.S. Cabinet-level official in the Executive Office of the
President (embedded January 2005), Allan Hubbard and on the EU side by a Member
of the European Commission, Vice President Guenter Verheugen, collaborating
closely with the EU Presidency.”
[15] Where is our
comatose Congress on this “treaty,” this plan to integrate the EU and the
So what kind of individual is Allan Hubbard, a huge
contributor to the Republican Party? He attended the Bilderberg meetings in 2004
and 2005. The Logan Act specifically states that it is against the law for
federal officials to attend secret meetings with private citizens to develop
public policies. However, the American government was represented in 2005 at
Rottach-Egern by Allan Hubbard, Assistant to the President for Economic Policy
and Director of the
National Economic Council.
Others attended as well: “William Luti, deputy undersecretary of defense; James
Wolfensohn, outgoing president of the World Bank and Paul Wolfowitz, deputy
secretary of state, an ideologue of the Iraq war and incoming president of the
World Bank. By attending the Bilderberg 2005 meeting, these people broke the
federal laws of the
During the George H.W. Bush
Administration, big business personalities were placed in key regulatory
positions. An effort to weaken certain regulations was led by Vice President
Quayle who employed a group called the White House Council on Competitiveness to
spearhead the campaign. “In 1991 the Council’s executive director, Allan
Hubbard, was accused of a conflict of interest because of his financial holdings
in corporations that stood to benefit from a deregulatory agenda. One of those
companies was an
“By quashing an EPA recycling
regulation that affected his family's newspaper business, Quayle violated the
most minimal ethical standards. One expert bluntly described the vice
president's actions as ‘the common alley-cat breed of conflict of interest.”’
Quayle gave Hubbard a waiver from our conflict-of-interest laws. This
waiver allowed Hubbard to participate in clean-air regulatory decisions that
directly affected his financial interests.
[19] Hubbard
owned stock in an electric utility company, another industry subject to new
Clean Air Act requirements. In response to these conflict of interest charges
the White House displayed a waiver from conflict of interest laws that Quayle
granted Hubbard in June 1991.
Hubbard attended
It appears we are on the fast track to
the One World Order. With George H. W. Bush giving or selling our infrastructure
through an Executive Order and his son, things looks pretty dismal.
Thomas Jefferson said: “I
believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than
standing armies . . . If the American people ever allow private banks to control
the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks
and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] . . . will deprive the
people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent
their fathers conquered . . . The issuing power should be taken from the banks
and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” -- Thomas Jefferson --
The Debate over the Re-charter Of The Bank Bill, (1809)
See Also:
Rethinking the New Atlantic Agenda
Merger: New Global Order By Stealth
Across Federal Spectrum
List of OECD Member countries - Ratification of the Convention on the OECD
Delegation of the European Union to the
United States of America
European Commission,
Agreement between Galileo and the Global
Positioning System (
[9] The End of
National Currency by Benn Steil,
Foreign Affairs, May/June 2007
[10] The End of
National Currency by Benn Steil,
Foreign Affairs, May/June 2007
Framework for Advancing Transatlantic Economic
Integration Between the
Framework for Advancing Transatlantic Economic
Integration Between the United States of America and the European Union,
US and EU agree 'single market'
The United States and the European
US and EU agree 'single market'
The United States and the European
US and EU agree 'single market'
The United States and the European
The Revolving Door and Industry Influence On Public
Policy by Peter O’Driscoll,
[21] Bush Picks
Supporter as Economic Council Chief By Jonathan Weisman, Washington Post
Staff Writer, Tuesday,
Executive Order 12803 - Infrastructure