Timeline - Screening Sandy Hook, Causes and Consequences
May 7: establishment of the AMA, a private, secretive
organization of allopathic physicians
January 1: England and Wales imposed mandatory smallpox
July 15: The
London Lancet reported that 6,854 of
the 9,392 smallpox victims in the London hospitals had been vaccinated
Cold Spring Harbor founded
April 14: the AMA was incorporated in Chicago as a
profit-based medical system
June: Rockefeller founded The Rockefeller Institute for
Medical Research to study eugenics
U.S. enacted a compulsory smallpox vaccination program in
the Philippines though the citizens had never experienced smallpox
Carnegie Institution of Washington established
the Station
for Experimental Evolution at
Cold Spring Harbor
First deadly smallpox epidemic in the Philippines
Carnegie Foundation published Flexner’s
Medical Education in the United States
and Canada
First mandatory vaccination of every US soldier
(diphtheria) at the end of WWI
May 13: DuPont
filed a patent for an ethyl mercury fungicide called Ceresan
June 27: Morris
Kharasch filed a patent for thimerosal, marketed by Eli Lilly
October: Eli
Lilly registered thimerosal under the trade name Merthiolate
Forestry industry
used Kharasch’s ethyl mercury chloride called K-1 for fungus
In the 1930s,
drug makers began using thimerosal in vaccines and other products
Food and Drug Cosmetics Act altered the system of how drugs
were sold
Third-party payers were not always dominant in medical care. Until the post–World War II era, medical services were pay-as-you-go affairs. Employers, faced with chronic labor shortages, provided tax-free “benefits” such as health insurance
Nov 19: President Harry S Truman called for the creation of a national health insurance fund
Congress gave doctors their monopolistic prescribing
April 4: CIA Director officially established the
Psychological Strategy Board
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
(DSM) published
April 11: establishment of the Department of Health and
Human Services
Federal agencies began mass polio vaccinations
September: NIMH held conference to “consider the entire
psychotropic question.”
The incidence of polio increased by 50% (1957-1958 and by
80% (1958-1959)
FDA approved Ritalin (methylphenidate hydrochloride), a
schedule II drug
June 30: FDA told drug makers that they would not approve
of SV40-contaminated polio vaccines after that date
GD Searle chemist accidently discovers aspartame which the
pentagon lists as a prospective biochemical warfare weapon
July 30: President Lyndon B. Johnson signed Medicare into law
Medicare’s coverage took effect, as Americans age 65 and older were enrolled in Part A and millions of other seniors signed up for Part B.
Seven monkeys fed aspartame with milk, one dies, five have
Grand Mal seizures
January: CDC approved of the drug maker’s use of thimerosal
in vaccines
December 2: Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to protect
human health and the environment
Dr. John Olney
finds that aspartame causes holes in the brains of infant mice
FDA quality control official expressed concern about the
mercury in vaccines
Beginning of increased lawsuits against drug firms due to
DTP vaccine injuries
US government
terminated the use of mercury compounds in industrial situations
July 1: Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) created to
control and regulate
FDA approved thimerosal for numerous products
Creation of fluoxetine by a scientist at Eli Lilly
Eli Lilly ceased production of vaccines
APA formed a task force to assess the importance of
pharmaceutical support
Roundup was introduced to the consumer market
1975: Henry Gadsden, of Merck, said he wanted Merck
to be able to “sell to everyone”
Jonas Salk admitted that the mass polio vaccinations caused
most of the cases of polio since 1961
Autism appeared in the DSM for the first time
APA’s board voted to allow drug makers to start sponsoring
scientific symposiums
The APA added ADHD to the DSM
October 19: FDA
announced the unsafety of OTC products containing thimerosal
advertised in Reader’s Digest in the
first (DTC print ad
FDA approved Xanax (alprazolam) as an anti-anxiety agent
June 6: Peter
Lanza and Nancy Champion marry
July 15:
FDA team and approves NutraSweet for dry products
October 15: FDA announces that Searle has filed a petition that aspartame be
approved as a sweetener in carbonated beverages and other liquids (Sweet
Misery, A Poisoned World); (Sweet
Remedy: The World Reacts)
January 5:
introduction of hepatitis B vaccine for high risk adults
TV documentary,
Vaccine Roulette,
shown in Washington DC
panel concluded that thimerosal
was unsafe and ineffective as a bacteriostatic
September 24: Drug Price Competition and Patent Term
Restoration Act of 1984
FDA considered accepting clinical trials conducted in other
APA secretary Fred Gottlieb observed that the APA was now
receiving “millions of dollars of drug house money” each year
British Medical
Research Council compared the toxicology of ethyl and methylmercury
Suicide became apparent in Eli Lilly’s clinical trials of
Winship published
Organic mercury compounds and their
November 14:
Congress passed National
Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA)
December 29: FDA approved Prozac for treating depression
January: Eli Lilly launched Prozac in the United States
NIMH conducted its
Depression Awareness
Recognition and Treatment campaign
October 1:
creation of National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP)
October 1: Vaccine makers receive immunity from prosecution
for injury/death
January 1: Congress designated the beginning of the Decade
of the Brain
March 26: Newsweek’s
cover: Prozac: a Breakthrough Drug for Depression
March 29: NY Times
science writer promotes Prozac
July 17: President
Bush announces confirms the Decade of the Brain
August 1: the FDA dismissed the Scientology petition
August 2: Operation Desert Shield, US military received
anthrax vaccine
August: US military destroy Iraqi’s electricity production
facilities, nuclear reactors, port facilities, telecommunications equipment, oil
refineries and distribution, railroads and bridges
August 6: UN Security Council impose sanctions on Iraq
(Resolution 661)
January 17: Operation Desert Storm, vaccines cause
chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and
gastrointestinal disorders
altered and increased the number of vaccines in its schedule
May 6: Time
vilified Scientology as a “ruthless, terroristic, litigious, lucrative” cult
June 23: pentagon officials admitted deliberate intention
to destroy to Iraq’s ability to support itself
Dr. Hilleman (retired Merck vice president) admitted that
thimerosal was almost 50% mercury
April 22:
Adam Lanza is born (C-section) at Exeter Hospital in New Hampshire
June 12: Dr. George Peter (AAP) justified the Hepatitis B
vaccine to all infants
October 1: establishment of SAMHSA
October 29: George H. W. Bush enacted the Prescription Drug
User Fee Act
April 1: US government to provide free vaccines to all
May 11: Ciba sponsored the fourth Annual Decade of
the Brain Symposium
efforts diminish the data that doctors provide to their patients or to parents
By 1995,
had paid $700 million to victim families for vaccine injuries
March 10: Shalala (DHHS Secretary) removed all seizure
disorders from the Vaccine Injury Table in the NCVIA
March 24:
CDC published a list of vaccines for routine administration to children
April 23:
Reauthorization of the Prescription
Drug User Fee Act of 1992
August 6: CDC
added Hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenza type b, and varicella vaccines to its
EPA presented two
reports on mercury and its health implications to Congress
August 8: FDA
issued guidelines that enabled the use of broadcast ads for DTC
November 21:
Clinton signed the FDA Regulatory Modernization Act of 1997
June 29: FDA
issued guidelines for drug testing on children by drug companies
October 7:
Implementation of FDA Modernization Act, Dr. Friedman testified
November 16-18: NIH Expert Panel (Consensus Conference) on
December 14: FDA requested mercury data in drugs and food
from manufacturers
April 1: FDA
Regulatory Modernization Act of 1997 took effect
April 20: Columbine High School shootings in Littleton,
April 29:
William Egan, FDA, wrote a letter to drug companies
June 1: manufacturers deadline to submit data on products
containing mercury
July 1: CBER
told vaccine makers that it would continue to evaluate thimerosal
July 7: the AAP and PHS released a Joint Statement about
thimerosal in vaccines
July 9: CDC announced the Joint
Statement by the AAP and PHS
August 27: FDA approved Merck’s single-antigen
preservative-free hepatitis B vaccine (Recombivax HB®, Pediatric)
November 26: CDC rejected SmithKline Beecham’s proposal to
produce a thimerosal-free DTaP vaccine
February 29: Verstraeten gives internal report to CDC
March 9: Verstraeten emailed Davis and DeStefano about
thimerosal damage
April 6: Dan Burton’s hearing on vaccine safety
May 15: Official report of Columbine released
May 16: Safe Minds Group meeting at NIH and FDA
June 7-8: CDC’s National Immunization Program Simpsonwood
June 15: Burton’s hearing on conflicts of interest in the
vaccine approval process
June 21: CDC’s ACIP discussion of Vaccine Datalink
thimerosal study
July 11: Burton hearing about mercury, moms testify about
their children
July 14: Verstraeten wrote to Grandjean about his
misgivings about thimerosal
July 16: Mark Blaxill of Safe Minds presented info to
Immunization Safety Review Committee
July 31: Safe Minds wrote to FDA chief Jane Henney asking
her to prohibit thimerosal in medical products
September 18-19:
DHHS, the FDA, the NIMH, and other government agencies held consensus conference
October 2-3:
Psychopharmacology for Young Children, consensus conference
November 7: Liz Birt filed FOIA requesting info from
Simpsonwood conference
December 23: Bush named Mitch Daniels of Eli Lilly as the
OMB Director
altered and increased the number of vaccines in its schedule again
CDC rejected the use of thimerosal-free vaccines that the
drug makers offered
June 20: Andrea Yates, on various psych drugs, drowned her five children
August: Lilly lost its U.S. patent protection for Prozac
October 1:
IOM dismissed causal link between thimerosal and autism
Vaccine makers conducted a precautionary removal of
thimerosal in some vaccines
March 7: Liz Birt, Counsel for Safe Minds, wrote to
Congressman Dan Burton
April 29: Bush established the
Freedom Commission on Mental Health
November 25: Bush’s Homeland Security Act took affect
January 3: FDA officially approved of Prozac for children
from 7-17
March 19: US invasion of Iraq, bombing destroys Iraq’s
healthcare system
May 20: Dan
Burton presented data to the House regarding mercury in vaccines
May 22: End of US economic sanctions against Iraq
August 18:
policies enacted s that drug companies could introduce generic versions
November 22: Dr. Yoshitake Tanaka of the Kitasato Institute
met with Dr. William Egan and FDA officials
December 8: Bush signed
Medicare Prescription Drug
Improvement and Modernization Act
February 2:
held public hearing about reports of suicides in the clinical trials
February 2: Dr.
Peter R. Breggin addressed the FDA Panel
9: IOM convened a conference to examine thimerosal in vaccines
March 22:
FDA alerted the public about SSRI risks via a Public Health Advisory
May 27: Autism One Conference in Chicago with Dr. Andrew Wakefield
September 8: Egan testified to House committee about thimerosal in vaccines
September 9: FDA hearing about
the adverse effects of antidepressants
September 13-14:
FDA hearings at the Holiday Inn in Bethesda, Maryland
September 23: Dr. Temple testified before Senate about depression and
October 15: FDA
warned people of the adverse effects of antidepressants on adolescents
December 1: CDC added hepatitis A vaccine to the VICP
July 1: CDC added the trivalent influenza vaccines to its
September 11: Dr. Fox diagnosed Adam Lanza with Aspergers
The US and the EU began removing mercury-containing vaccine
from their schedule
January 4: Walgreens released a report showing the growth
for the preceding year
January 25:
AMC Entertainment Inc. and Loews Cineplex Entertainment merged
May 18: Merck
announced that the FDA’s Advisory Committee approved Gardasil
October 24: Dr. King diagnosed Adam Lanza with OCD and
profound ASD
February 1:
CDC added meningococcal and human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines
February 1: Nancy Lanza and Dr. Paul Fox communicated via
April 18-19:
IOM conference, Autism and the Environment: Challenges and Opportunities for
December 18: rescinding of the Fairness Doctrine, more
media monopolization
January 17: Cass Sunstein and
Vermeule posted a document on the Internet
April 24: Jesus Carrizales hit Fresno high school’s officer
with a baseball bat.
September 23: culinary student Matti Saari shot and killed
9 students and a teacher
August 19: Newtown Bee published Back to School
special focusing on SHES
September: Peter and Nancy Lanza formally get divorced
December 24: Wellstone-Domenici Mental Health Parity and
Addiction Equity Act
February 5: Hammad Memon shot and killed Discover Middle
School student
March 3:
NSSC issued 49-page document of
all media-reported “school associated deaths”
April 1:
implementation of the new mental health program in Connecticut
December 13: A 17-year-old boy held 20 pre-school kids and
their teacher hostage
February 16: HHS unveiled the 2010 National Vaccine Plan, a
10-year strategy
April: Lanza began going to the Loews Theater in Danbury to
play DDR
September 21: Christian Helms shot and wounded Socastee
High School’s “resource” officer
October 24: 15-year-old girl stabbed a girl 25 times at
Snohomish High School
April 20:
PhRMA announced that big pharma is now developing 300 new vaccines
July 13: Fox relinquished his license to practice in
Connecticut and New York
November: Adam Lanza discontinued his visits to the Loews
Theater in Danbury
December 14: school shooting drill in Bridgeport, 19 to 20
miles from Newtown
December 14: former neighbor said that Lanza was a “really
rambunctious kid”
December 15: Dr. H. Wayne Carver gave a press conference
December 15: CNN
filmed Robbie Parker in an eighteen-minute press conference
December 16: Tom Ridge on Fox News said the drugs
influenced SHES shootings
December 17: 27-second of the CNN video saying Robbie
Parker was an actor
December 17: detectives interviewed Fox by phone, about
AL’s medical records
December 18: Alex Jones had the 27-second video on his
InfoWars website
December 18: Sanjay Gupta on
CNN said that drugs influenced SHES
December 18: Anderson Cooper had the parents of Grace
McDonnell on CNN
December 18: Megyn Kelly of
Fox News interviewed Gene Rosen
December 18: Mark S. Mann appeared on Sean G. Turnbull’s SGT Report
December 19: Rachael Van Ness received copies of AL’s
psych/counseling records
December 20: J. Friend said the shooting was a major
cover-up and PSYOP
December 20: Dr. James Tracy wrote
Analyzing the Newtown Narrative: Sandy Hook’s Disappearing Shooter Suspects
December 20: Christian Dem wrote about a post on Dr. James
Tracy’s blog
December 21: Jay Johnson said it was a psychological
operation and a hoax
December 24: Dr. James Tracy wrote The Sandy Hook Massacre: Unanswered Questions and Missing Information
December 27: Veteran’s Today published Cimino and
Fetzer’s Sandy Hook: Huge Hoax
December 27: Peter Lanza claimed his son’s body
January 2:
Fox News
broadcaster noted the tie between mass murder and psych drugs
January 3: Governor Malloy established the Sandy Hook
Advisory Commission
January 7: the Sun
Sentinel published an article about Dr. James Tracy and his claims
January 7: YouTuber published 30-minute video,
Sandy Hook Shooting - Fully Exposed
January 7: Alex Jones appeared on Piers Morgan’s
CCN show talking about gun control
January 8: Kaili Joy Gray ridiculed Dr. James Tracy on the
Daily Kos
January 8: Christian Dem wrote that Tracy claims that the
media were complicit
January 11: 10.6 million views of
Sandy Hook Shooting - Fully Exposed
January 11: CNN’s
Anderson Cooper highlighted Tracy, gave out web site URL
January 12, Christian Dem (Daily
Kos) wrote about Cooper’s program on Tracy
January 12:
according to the University Press,
FAU’s Finest News Source, over 800
news sources discuss FAU professor’s Newtown conspiracy
January 14: Megan Kelly (Fox
News) gave air time to James Tracy’s views
January 14: Cooper broadcasted from Newtown and talked
about the gun issue
January 15: Sean Johnson shot and killed an official at the
Stevens Institute
January 16:
Ryan Cortes reported in the University
Press, FAU’s Finest News,
that Tracy's "blog posts weren’t
picked up by the mainstream media" until he wrote his article of 12/24/2012
January 16: Obama issued 23 Executive Orders on Gun Control
January 16: Mike Powers (Hollingsworth) was on Joyce
Riley’s The Power Hour
January 16: a website published a portion of the
CNN video of Robbie Parker
January 16: Sandy Hook Justice claimed Robbie Parker was an
January 17: a YouTube user uploaded
just twenty-seven seconds of the CNN
January 18: Alex Jones’s
InfoWars website published the
27-second video
January 18: two BuzzFeed journalists talked about people
had crossed the barrier from the alternative to the mainstream media
January 18: Dr. James Tracy was on the Alex Jones Show with
Paul Joseph Watson
January 19: Ben Swann questioned the idea that there was
only one shooter at SH
January 19: Mark Howitt published video,
Sandy Hook - The Documentary, part 1
January 23: Nodinsinfo claimed that all of the Sandy Hook
parents were phonies
January 24: FAU would receive
receive 384 pages of emails, the majority of which expressed outrage over
an article about Tracy’s theories in the
Sun Sentinel
January 25: Mark Howitt published video,
Sandy Hook - The Documentary, part 2
January 27: two authors co-hosted radio program,
The Sandy Hook Massacre, What Really
January 30: YouTuber claims SHES was not in operation,
January 30: Cimino and Fetzer wrote The Nexus of
Tyranny: The Strategy behind Tucson, Aurora and Sandy Hook
February 11:
Hunter Stuart wrote an article for the Huffington Post, Sandy Hook
Hoax Theories Explained: Why Newtown ‘Truther’ Arguments Don’t Hold Up
March 5: Sheila Matthews (AbleChild) sent a four-page
letter to Dr. Carver
March 19: Dr. Carver denied AbleChild’s request for
April 1: FDA allows preservatives, diluents, adjuvants,
and aluminum in vaccines
April 4: AbleChild attorney Emord filed a 26-page appeal
using the (FOIC) to obtain AL’s medical records
April 4: Public Act 13-3 approved making changes in
firearms policies in CT
May 7: Peter Lanza signed a release form for AL’s medical
records to the CT ME
May 13: Carver releases AL’s toxicology results from his
August 1: Governor Malloy had appointed Sarah Eagan as the
Child Advocate
August 22: Kwanashie admitted that releasing data about
AL’s prescription drug use could “… cause a lot of people to stop taking their
October 1: anyone buying ammunition has to have
state-issued gun credentials
October 21: Jose Reyes killed a teacher and wounded two
students at Sparks Middle School
November 5: Sofia Smallstorm released her video,
Sofia Smallstorm Unraveling Sandy Hook
November 25: Stephen J. Sedensky’s report released
December 15: Peter Klein of Tyranny News Network released his video,
December 27: Official report released by the State
Attorney’s office
January 18: Peter
Lanza willing to release AL’s treatment records to SHAC
January 23: Scott
Jackson, the SHAC chair, met with Peter Lanza
March 14: SHAC
members Schwartz and Flaherty viewed some of Lanza’s school, medical and
psychological records
March 17:
The New Yorker published Andrew
Solomon’s interview of Peter Lanza
April 10: UNICEF
starts nationwide polio vaccination campaign in Iraq
April 25: Chris
Plaskon stabbed Maren Sanchez at Jonathan Law High School
May 13: to date,
38,773 people reported to have side effects when taking Prozac
23: Elliot Rodger killed six and injured thirteen others then committed suicide
June 5: Ybarra killed one and wounded two at Seattle
Pacific University (DR)
July 25-27: two dozen people killed in Chicago
August 15: Jackson said, “Our report is not going to be a
deconstruction of Adam Lanza.”
September 24: Alex
Jones web site published article claiming the FBI showed no murders in Newtown
in 2012