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The super secretive Order of Skull and Bones (hereafter called The Order) is non partisan – it is neither right or left, conservative or liberal, Republican or Democrat. Of the secret groups, The Order and the Bilderberg Group are the most secretive. The Order may, in fact, be the core of the others. Each group appears to have specific activities towards the development of the One World Order. The activities of The Order are focused on changing our society and the world, to bring about a One World Order, a very structured society, encompassing all current countries. Individual freedoms will be more heavily restricted. There will be even less Constitutional protection, no national boundaries or cultural distinctions. [i] Therefore, The Order controls Republican Bonesmen and Democrat Bonesmen. The Order’s methodology is a strict adherence to Hegelian Dialectics. Apply those dialectics to the two political parties. Essentially, political parties are artificial groupings designed to create cultural and emotional division. A contrived choice between two bad options, without recognizing alternative better choices, creates the perception of freedom. Ostensibly opposing ideologies generate deliberate distraction and polarization. It is the old divide and conquer tactic. The very public, distracting, lengthy, increasingly hostile battle between the Republicans, posing as thesis, and the Democrats posing as antithesis constitutes orchestrated opposition. Elections, staged for the masses, are completely irrelevant political tennis matches. Domestic and foreign policies remain intact, regardless of the political affiliation of the puppet president. Despite popular misconceptions, our government is supposed to be a representative Republic, not a democracy, as deceptively asserted and popularly accepted. Citizens vote in both democracies and republics. That single act does not make you free. Those who finagle their way into office supposedly represent the voters who purportedly put them there. Moreover, they are to sustain an invariable written law – the Constitution which mandates civil law and our response to it. The non-negotiable Constitution is our explicit gauge of right and wrong, applicable to all without special considerations for occupation, political, social or cultural status, or ethnicity. Since Woodrow Wilson, we have descended into a Socialistic democracy with adaptable mob rule, adjustable laws and poll-driven public opinions. All democracies, in which selective enforcement of law is tolerated, are short lived, for they typically morph into oppressive tyrannies. “Whenever laws are passed, under whatever form, if they do not represent the will of the majority of the people or their desires, then they represent oppression. That is to say, we in America today have an oppressive government because it passes laws against the will of the people. Thus, we no longer have a Republic. A strong case can be made that America in the 21st century is an Empire, as was Britain in the 19th. Any government that would even consider an issue as ludicrous as ‘hate crimes,’ i.e. the concept of policing thought, is in very serious jeopardy.” [ii] Of the three branches of government, only the legislative branch is authorized to make law. Presidential executive orders have been unconstitutionally used to make law. The Judicial branch, the Supreme Court, is supposed to interpret the constitutionality of a law. Rather, they invent new interpretations never envisioned by the founding fathers. “It is the duty of the Supreme Court to interpret the Constitution as ratified by the states, not to invent preposterous meanings which were not originally intended by the authors. The judiciary makes law through changing precedents as well as by invention, neither of which are constitutionally authorized.” [iii] Of the choices in 2004 we had two professional politicians, members of the same silver-spooned secret society whose dedicated function is the destruction of the country, pretending to relate to the working masses while the media sheltered the compromised loyalties of the candidates and ignored any other possibilities. The elite have achieved synthesis – a merging of the two parties into one which favors mammoth government, unrestrained illegals, out-of-control deficit spending, high taxes, continued abortion, big brother spying, loss of freedoms via such documents as Patriot Act, big business/big government cronyism, preemptive war, job losses and the authentic free market. Treasonous trade agreements are not about trade but about cheap labor and corporate profits. Impervious to party behavior as opposed to their rhetoric, conditioned party loyalists accept a multitude of misconceptions. Lack of unification behind the Constitution, the law of the land, will lead U.S. citizens into unbearable bondage – while enjoying their perceptions of freedom. “We are either a united people, or we are not. If the former, let us, in all maters of general concern act as a nation, which have national objects to promote, and a national character to support. If we are not, let us no longer act a farce by pretending to it.” George Washington (letter to James Madison, 30 November 1785) Reference: George Washington: A Collection, W.B. Allen, ed. (315) We are sadly deceived. We do not select and then elect candidates. Influence and money determines the selection of acquiescent local and federal candidates. “Since its founding, the Bilderberg Group has functioned as a de facto private Global Politburo with 120 attendees at recent yearly meetings. Historically, the Group's power is awesome. Bill Clinton, an obscure Arkansas governor, was tapped to run for president. Likewise, Margaret Thatcher, as well as Tony Blair, was tapped by the Bilderbergers to assume the reins of government in the United Kingdom. Congressman Gerald Ford, later U.S. president, also attended Group meetings in 1964 and 1966.” [iv] Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter, an unknown peanut farmer, joined forces with the Bilderberg Group. In all likelihood, every presidential candidate in the last five decades has collaborated with the Bilderberg. Voters witness this contrived opposition in every national election. In the staged elections of 2000, our “choices” were Gore and Bush. Months before the November elections, Florida Governor, Jeb Bush ordered election supervisors to purge 58,000 voters on the grounds that they were felons and not entitled to vote. Actually, only a handful of those voters were felons. This purging prevented 50,000 people from voting. Ninety percent of those voters were Democrats. This incident, assuring older brother Bush’s victory, never made the news. [v] “In four states — Alabama, Kentucky, Virginia and Florida — people with any felony conviction are barred for life from the polls, unless the government grants them individual rights through a petition process.” [vi] Puppet leaders in any country owe their allegiance to the entities that installed them into office, not to the masses they profess to lead. Political fixing involves several tactics: forced resignations, military coups, CIA assassinations of leaders who are antagonistic to American big business interests, paperless electronic voting machines, or illegal Supreme Court decisions. [vii] Installed dictators wreak havoc against their own citizens and other targeted countries to accommodate their handler’s world government goal. Idealistically, individuals are elected to faithfully represent and proxy vote in the name of their constituents. However, there are variables – representatives may vote in several different ways: · Vote their conscience · Vote for what they think their constituents want · Vote based on Executive Branch pressure · Vote based on lobbyists' perks · Vote with the party leadership The last, voting with the party leadership is the most common – it is party politics and is frequently at the expense of the people’s pocket. How many of us have ever requested a substantial raise for a congressional leader or a millionaire-maker, life-long pension or a family health care program that dwarfs any of the benefits or salaries of the average hard-working American? Yet, this routinely occurs. However, many of us have made numerous calls, sent abundant faxes, letters and emails requesting, nay demanding, constitutionally sound votes on such things as CAFTA to have our “representative” vote against the constitution, against their campaign rhetoric, against the citizens and in favor of their party financiers. I did get a reply from my pro-abortion, pro-big business Republican representative telling me that she had voted for the CAFTA (August 2, 2005) bill for three reasons: 1. “It will help our manufacturers. 2. It bolsters our national security as it helps strengthen relationships with six very important new governments in our own backyard. 3. This agreement will help the anti-poor efforts in these six nations, stem the flow of illegal immigration to the U.S., and reverse China’s dominance in textiles and apparel.” [viii] She ended her letter by saying: “I am sorry we did not see eye-to-eye on this issue, but I hope this information and the enclosed fact sheet on benefits for Illinois might help to allay some of your concerns about the agreement. Please don’t hesitate to contact me again on this or any other issue that interests you.” [ix] Representative Biggert’s belated response reminded me that she no longer represents the voter. It takes time and creativity to concoct the rational for congressional complicity in the destruction of U.S. sovereignty. Congressional members rarely read before signing legislation, written by interest groups or paid corporate lobbyists. It is rubber-stamp legislation according to the corporate-owned congress. I am certain that the voter’s views of CAFTA paralleled their perceptions of NAFTA. The “representatives” didn’t read that bill either. It wasn’t even published until several weeks after the vote. Over 80% of the American population opposed NAFTA. Obviously, Biggert and other “representatives” didn’t bother to review the disastrous results of NAFTA on the American middle class and she apparently assumes that no one else will connect the huge demise of 7 million manufacturing jobs to treasonous trade treaties. Fifteen hundred manufacturing plants relocated to Mexico as a result of NAFTA. So why are so many Mexicans coming north to work in “jobs Americans won’t do”? Moving those plants should have provided motivation for workers to remain in their own country. Folks, we are lied to on a regular basis. Only a complicit politician ignores the cause and effect of any legislative disaster and hopes the voters won’t notice. Biggert and others of her ilk will continue to be reelected by amnesia-afflicted or ignorant voters who may currently work two jobs to stay afloat. Suffice it to say – both parties are owned and reek with corruption. In the 2004 election the Establishment selected Kerry to run against the incumbent Bush, both committed members of The Order and both adept in the art of orchestrated opposition. The candidates deliberately ignored the real issues while focusing attention on insignificant distractions. Bush’s Bones membership would have been the very last issue that the Democrats would have mentioned. Instead attention to military and drug/DUI arrest records and Kerry’s possible lack of dedication to the Iraqi War with the intention of introducing the frightening possibility that Kerry couldn’t keep us safe from those bogeymen terrorists. That timely counterfeit Osama video, in addition to the dedicated, yet deceitful, Republicans monitoring the software in the Ohio voting machines clinched the staged election. With the assistance of Katherine Harris and the U.S. Supreme Court, Bush “won” the election. [x] What a surprise!! – NOT! Papa George H. W. Bush nominated two of the Judges that sat on that Court. Three other Court members were: Sandra Day O'Connor, Steve G. Breyer, and Ruth B. Ginsburg, members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), another group dedicated to obliterating American sovereignty. [xi]
Part 4
America’s Secret Establishment, An Introduction to the Order of
Skull & Bones by Antony c. Sutton, 2002, pg. 31
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