Part 22
By Deanna Spingola Follow me on Twitter
Long before George W. Bush met with Paul Martin, then Canada’s Prime Minister and Vicente Fox, then Mexico’s president at Baylor University in the miserably memorialized city of Waco, Texas on March 23, 2005, he had a similar meeting in Göteborg, Sweden on June 14, 2001 with Romano Prodi, then European Commission President and Swedish Prime Minister Göran Persson, then President of the European Council. There were several reasons for this media-blacked-out meeting but the essential purpose was the discussion and implementation of the Transatlantic Agenda, supported by both E.U. and U.S. authorities. [1]
The Transatlantic Agenda was adopted on December 3, 1995 at the EU-US Summit in Madrid and signed by William Clinton, then U.S. president and Felipe Gonzalez, then Spanish Prime Minister and Jacques Santer, then European Commission President (1995 – 15 March 1999). The European Commission is the executive body of the European Union. [2] On 1 May 2004 the European Union (EU) undertook an historic enlargement, bringing the total number of Member States from fifteen to twenty five.
Then again from 25 to 26 June 2004, George W. Bush met with Romano Prodi and Taoiseach Bertie Ahern, then President of the European Council in the Dromoland Castle, County Clare, Ireland. [3] They discussed Iraq, the Middle East and counter-terrorism. The summit ended with an agreement between the satellite navigation systems, GPS from the US and the EU’s Galileo system, which secures full interoperability of the two satellite navigation systems. This agreement, initiated in December 1995, was signed by U.S. Secretary of State, Colin Powell, Commission Vice President Loyola de Palacio and Irish Foreign Minister, Brian Cowen. The system will be operational by 2008, possibly to coincide with Real ID? [4]
The crux of this media-blacked-out summit: “The EU and the US are committed to a result-driven economic partnership focused on well-identified and mutually beneficial bilateral projects in all areas where better cooperation between governments and regulators can achieve common solutions to concrete problems affecting transatlantic business.” [5] They expanded on the Transatlantic Economic Partnership Action Plan of 1998 and the Positive Economic Agenda roadmap of 2002. Right, we never heard of those meetings or schemes either!
Another issue was non compliance with the WTO, “a legal system set up to regulate and bring order to world trade. As such, upon accession to the organization, WTO members agree to stand by and uphold any decisions that the WTO takes. Full compliance with WTO rulings is therefore one of the fundamental cornerstones on which the continued functioning of the international trade system rests.” [6]
Then there was the summit in June 2005 where they “launched the ‘Initiative to Enhance Transatlantic Economic Integration and Growth.’” And how about the meeting on November 30, 2005 in Brussels, Belgium which was a follow-up to the commitments made at the U.S.-EU summit in June 2005? The U.S. delegation was led by Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez. “The delegations agreed to concrete action plans and timelines to tackle the most significant issues in the trans-Atlantic economy, according to a press release from the Council of the European Union.” [7] There was another meeting on November 9, 2006 where they talked about the Transatlantic Capital Market Integration. [8]
What next – the Amero? That is the least of our worries. While the astute are focused on the NAU there are other issues. Foreign Affairs, published by the CFR had the following to say: “the world economy and the international financial system have evolved in such a way that there is no longer a viable model for economic development outside of them.” [9]
“The right course is not to return to a mythical past of monetary sovereignty, with governments controlling local interest and exchange rates in blissful ignorance of the rest of the world. Governments must let go of the fatal notion that nationhood requires them to make and control the money used in their territory. National currencies and global markets simply do not mix; together they make a deadly brew of currency crises and geopolitical tension and create ready pretexts for damaging protectionism. In order to globalize safely, countries should abandon monetary nationalism and abolish unwanted currencies, the source of much of today's instability.” [10] Given the CFR’s influence in foreign, national and personal policies, this is significant.
Then on April 30, 2007 there was yet another meeting, mentioned in the alternative media but blacked-out in the mass media. This meeting was entitled: Framework for Advancing Transatlantic Economic Integration Between the United States of America and the European Union with the opening paragraph: “Believing that deeper transatlantic economic integration and growth will benefit our citizens and the competitiveness of our economies, will have global benefits, will facilitate market access for third countries and will encourage other countries to adopt the transatlantic economic model of respect for property rights, openness to investment, transparency and predictability in regulation, and the value of free markets; … [11] There is an Open Skies agreement that will take effect on March 30, 2008 and will allow EU carriers to fly to anywhere in the US and vice versa.” The conspirators reaffirmed America’s commitment to the 2005 U.S.-EU Summit Declaration on Enhancing Transatlantic Economic Integration and Growth in which they “resolved to pursue a forward-looking agenda to enhance transatlantic economic integration and growth, and our commitments from the June 2006 Summit to redouble our efforts to reduce barriers to transatlantic trade and investment and our pledge to keep our investment regimes open and to build on existing investment flows to boost growth and create jobs in the transatlantic economy.” [12]
Further it was stated: “We have identified … projects, selected from the existing work program and other programs within the existing transatlantic dialogue, that will significantly enhance transatlantic economic integration, and we resolve to achieve progress on these projects within six to eight months of the effective date of this Framework, and at latest by the time of the 2008 EU-U.S. Summit.” [13]
There are co-chairs on both sides: “The Transatlantic Economic Council is hereby established, to be co-chaired, on the U.S. side, by a U.S. Cabinet-level official in the Executive Office of the President (embedded January 2005), Allan Hubbard and on the EU side by a Member of the European Commission, Vice President Guenter Verheugen, collaborating closely with the EU Presidency.” [14] Where is our comatose Congress on this “treaty,” this plan to integrate the EU and the United States? Some Americans have been heavily distracted by the North American Union and the open-on-purpose southern border.
So what kind of individual is Allan Hubbard, a huge contributor to the Republican Party? He attended the Bilderberg meetings in 2004 and 2005. The Logan Act specifically states that it is against the law for federal officials to attend secret meetings with private citizens to develop public policies. However, the American government was represented in 2005 at Rottach-Egern by Allan Hubbard, assistant to the president for economic policy and director of the National Economic Council. Others attended as well: “William Luti, deputy under secretary of defense; James Wolfensohn, outgoing president of the World Bank and Paul Wolfowitz, deputy secretary of state, an ideologue of the Iraq war and incoming president of the World Bank. By attending Bilderberg 2005 meeting, these people all broke federal laws of the United States.” [15] So, what else is new? Laws are for the rest of us.
During the George H.W. Bush Administration, big business personalities were placed in key regulatory positions. An effort to weaken certain regulations was led by Vice President Quayle who employed a group called the White House Council on Competitiveness to spearhead the campaign. “In 1991 the Council’s executive director, Allan Hubbard, was accused of a conflict of interest because of his financial holdings in corporations that stood to benefit from a deregulatory agenda. One of those companies was an Indiana chemical producer of which Hubbard was a half-owner.” [16] This company has done business with third world dictators. [17]
“By quashing an EPA recycling regulation that affected his family's newspaper business, Quayle violated the most minimal ethical standards. One expert bluntly described the vice president's actions as ‘the common alley-cat breed of conflict of interest.”’ Quayle gave Hubbard a waiver from our conflict-of-interest laws. This waiver allowed Hubbard to participate in clean-air regulatory decisions that directly affected his financial interests. [18] Hubbard owned stock in an electric utility company, another industry subject to new Clean Air Act requirements. In response to these conflict of interest charges the White House displayed a waiver from conflict of interest laws that Quayle granted Hubbard in June 1991. [19]
Hubbard attended Harvard Business School with George W. Bush and appears to travel in like-minded company. Hubbard raised more than $300,000 for Bush's presidential campaigns and was intimately involved in Bush’s 2000 presidential campaign, holding policy tutorials for the candidate and recruiting other policy advisers for the campaign. “An original Bush ‘Pioneer,’ Hubbard raised more than $100,000 for the president's 2000 campaign, then made the list of 221 Bush supporters last year who raised more than $200,000 each. He also contributed more than $94,000 to Republican candidates and campaign committees since the 2000 election cycle, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics. His wife, Kathryn Hubbard, gave nearly $20,000 more.” [20] Allan B. Hubbard has always been a big Republican contributor for which he was undoubtedly amply rewarded.
War, financed on both sides by international bankers, desolates lives, destroys economies, depletes resources, moves massive amounts of money and promotes despair, discouragement and dependence within the population and creates more wealth and power for the corporate elite. To the elite, common humanity functions merely as cannon fodder and labor, the cheaper, the better! The purpose of war is profit. War-torn people easily fall prey to the suggestions of the elitists who have ulterior and highly profitable motives in offering security and solace.
People willingly give up their freedoms when threatened. World War II gave rise to the two new super powers: the United States and the Soviet Union, a new enemy, heavily financed by Wall Street and industrialized with our tax money and technology – in Hegelian Dialectical terms – thesis and antithesis. Owning both sides ensures success – like owning both political parties.
Economic warfare directed by the British in an effort to reclaim her American colony began with deflation through the New York Panic of 1920-21. Next was the Crash of 1929. The British banking cabal was instrumental in shaping the Federal Reserve whose policies led to the wild speculation and ultimate crash, during the Great Depression of 1929. [21] The deliberate catastrophic crash was world-wide creating joblessness, hunger, disintegration of production and national bankruptcies.
The U.S. government alleged that the Second World War was caused by serious obstacles to free trade, exacerbated by the financial events of 1929 manifested in Nazi fascism and responsible for the tensions that led to the Second World War. As a consequence of their questionable theory, the conditions of receiving American economic aid included the implementation of a free trade policy.
Winston Churchill, an agent of the British banking cabal, gave a promotional speech at Zurich University on September 19, 1946 which was the first step towards European integration. Europe found integration acceptable for three reasons: awareness of their own vulnerability, to prevent further wars, “to create a freer, fairer and more prosperous continent.” [22]
America gallantly began to fight the “war on communism,” a precursor to the “war on terrorism.” In March 1947, Harry Truman appealed to Congress for funds (tax money) to support anti-communist forces in Greece. He then proclaimed a broad new policy – The Truman Doctrine, to keep communism in check throughout the world. [23] The premeditated provocateur provided U.S. citizens with visions of Armageddon-style annihilation giving our corporate-directed government ample justification for numerous bloody wars, carnage-creating conflicts, clandestine operations and starving economic sanctions against nonconformist countries who wish to retain their natural resources.
On April 16, 1948, sixteen European countries responded to the generous offer of U.S. economic aid through the Marshall Plan, purportedly to impede the expansion of communism. [24] The Organization for European Economic Cooperation (became the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development – OECD in 1960) was established in order to restore Europe’s economy under the Marshall Plan, the economic carrot, but not without conditions. Each recipient had to sign a strict agreement promising to balance its budget, free prices, halt inflation, stabilize its exchange rate and abolish trade restrictions and allocate scarce commodities. The recipients had to devise a scheme to allocate aid in collaboration with each other. From the beginning America encouraged West European political and economic integration. [25]
America’s economy grew during the war; especially the military/industrial complex – the shipbuilders, aircraft and weapons manufacturers – and they wanted new customers. Conversely, European and Japanese industry and infrastructure were ravished. The Marshall Plan money, by agreement, had to be used to purchase American exports. They would begin their marketing in Europe – what a radical concept for American business. [26] Bomb them and then allow campaign-contributing-businesses to reap the rewards of marketing and rebuilding.
The Treaty of Paris created the benign amalgamation of the countries of Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and West Germany. The treaty was signed on April 18, 1951 and expired on April 18, 2001. These countries were then referred to as the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) purportedly to pool their coal and steel resources, a plan wholly supported by the elitists residing in the United States. [27]
The European Community (originally called European Economic Community) was founded on March 25, 1957 by the signing of the Treaty of Rome. With such common interests as economic, social and trade matters, the manipulated countries easily morphed into the European Union which was created on February 7, 1992 in Maastricht, Netherlands, known as the Maastricht Treaty (formally, the Treaty of European Union, TEU), for the place where it was signed. The treaty was entered into force on November 1, 1993. Down with independence and personal freedoms!
It appears we are on the fast track to the One World Order. With George H. W. Bush giving or selling our infrastructure through an Executive Order and his son, things looks pretty dismal. [28]
Thomas Jefferson said: “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies . . . If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] . . . will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered . . . The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” -- Thomas Jefferson -- The Debate Over The Re-charter Of The Bank Bill, (1809)
Next on the agenda: the full implementation of The North American Union which began as a seemingly innocuous document called the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, just a collaboration to ensure prosperity for adjoining countries and safety from the terrorists, communists, Islamofascists or whichever enemy is currently targeted on the daily Two Minutes Hate segment distributed through the “fair and balanced”, everything-sounds-like-Fox-News, mass media by the Propaganda Ministry. [29]
Bibliography: The Transatlantic Community: Helping Build Peace, Prosperity, and Security in the Greater Middle East EU/US Merger: New Global Order By Stealth
[2] European Commission, Wikipedia [4] Agreement between Galileo and the Global Positioning System (GPS), PDF file [9] The End of National Currency by Benn Steil, Foreign Affairs, May/June 2007 [10] Ibid [11] Framework for Advancing Transatlantic Economic Integration Between the United States of America and the European Union, April 30, 2007 [12] US and EU agree 'single market' The United States and the European Union have signed up to a new transatlantic economic partnership at a summit in Washington [13] Ibid [14] Ibid [16] The Revolving Door and Industry Influence On Public Policy by Peter O’Driscoll, Center of Concern & Scott Amey, Project On Government Oversight, P. 17, PDF File [20] Bush Picks Supporter as Economic Council Chief By Jonathan Weisman, Washington Post Staff Writer, Tuesday, January 11, 2005; Page E03 [21] Part 7, British Financial Warfare: 1929; 1931- 33, How the City of London Created the Great Depression by Webster G. Tarpley, December, 1996, [22] The Origins 1945-1951, The History of the European Union, The European Citizenship, [23] A gift from the cold war: Bretton Woods revisited, 1994 Economist Newspaper Ltd., available: Highbeam [24] Britannica Online, Organization for European Economic Co-operation [25] A gift from the cold war: Bretton Woods revisited, 1994 Economist Newspaper Ltd., available: Highbeam [26] Ibid [27] European Coal and Steel Community, Wikipedia [28] Executive Order 12803 - Infrastructure Privatization, April 30th, 1992, [29] Two Minutes Hate, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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