Cannon Fodder for the New World Order By Deanna Spingola
In 1926, General
Cherep-Spiridovich wrote, “War is only a ‘legalized mass murder.’ Thus
Christ pointed out those who
arrange all wars and revolutions, and that their chief cause is
Satan and his sons’ ‘lust of murder.’ But ‘Christians’ never seem to
agree with Christ.”
[1] Gandhi concurred when he said,
“Everyone but Christians understand that Jesus was nonviolent.” Those
who “arrange all wars,” are typically among the very top echelon of
secret societies, often Illuminati front groups like Skull and Bones,
many of whom serve in elected and unelected government positions.
Government officials implement a dark agenda of terrorism and genocide
through directives developed by members of the Council on Foreign
Relations (CFR) the Bilderberg (BB), and the Trilateral Commission (TC).
Some may view these allegations as incredible conspiracy theories, which
is exactly the perspective that the media-managing elites encourage in
order to conceal their reprehensible operations and their true
General Cherep-Spiridovich said
that those who arrange wars have a “lust of murder.” They also
demonstrate a lust for power and profit, made possible by
government-sanctioned warfare, funded by Congress and the government
which prints billions of debt-based, interest-laden dollars, debt that is
passed off onto the citizens who also fight and die in those wars. The
increased glut of cash into the market devalues the currency already in
circulation and further jeopardizes the country’s diminishing economy.
The malevolent, parasitical bankers achieve their objectives by funding
power-hungry, often psychopathic, well-compensated politicians who
accommodate the bankers at the expense of the citizens they claim to
represent. Representative government ends when the polls close.
Christians have been persuaded to accept what Christ long ago disdained
and warned against – usury. Citizens are manipulated into participating
in war. Essentially, in accepting pro-war propaganda, we abandon
Christianity and acquiesce to the mass slaughter of strangers targeted
by the warmongers. In effect, we idolatrously “worship the golden calf”
of the banker-backed, man-made state when we abandon the peaceful tenets
of Christianity. Double-minded individuals, either naively or
knowingly, often promote war while claiming to abhor abortion. We absolutely
must evaluate their motives and loyalties and then withhold our support
for warfare. In Christianity, there should be no fence sitting, no
serving of two masters.
The Ten Commandments include
“You shall have no other gods before me” and “You shall not murder”
(kill). Communists and Socialists, who like Lucifer, are rebellious
towards God, attempt to replace Him and impose their own laws upon the
naïve masses. An authoritative state advocates, with numerous deceitful
justifications, mass murder through warfare, actually genocide of entire
foreign populations. Like Lucifer, since Lincoln’s War, the war planners
always shift the blame for the initiation of warfare onto others via the
use of false flag operations. The highly skilled war planners
choreograph or aggressively provoke an attack and then call for a
retaliatory strike against the people they attribute the attack to. From
the shots fired at Fort Sumter, the explosion on the
USS Maine, the sinking of the
Lusitania, the attack on
Pearl Harbor, the Tonkin incident, and numerous attacks on various U.S.
embassies, there have been managed assaults. One of the major functions
of the CIA is to create chaos in other countries – just so the U.S. can
justify sending in military troops to restore order. That is how the
deceitful war planners get our support; we believe that we are valiantly
defending our country.
Government education spawns
battalions of potential soldiers who are willing to die “for their
country.” Eager soldiers have been advantageously and subtly prepared
through compelling peer pressure participation in Pentagon-designed
video games that have been commercially marketed as entertainment.
Dutiful teachers working within the federally controlled educational
system regularly memorialize the vilest, most warmongering politicians
of the past. This subtle programming is supported by a controlled media
which has been licensed and regulated by the federal government (FCC)
since the 1920s. The international bankers, who profit most from
warfare, have controlled the entertainment and documentary media for
decades. Media moguls, often in conjunction with the Pentagon, produce
movies that glorify war, promote immorality, immodesty and profanity,
all in an effort to subtly shape our opinions, alter our culture and
persuade us to abandon traditional Christian values. If Christians
forfeit so-called small ideals, they are more likely to relinquish
Christ’s prohibition against warfare.
Given the manner in which
individual governments exploit soldiers to enrich the bankers, those
troops are evidently expendable. Their bloodied bodies create massive
profits for the international bankers, the original advocates of
globalism, acquired through warfare, usually followed by sanctions,
reparations and finally obedience to an international entity. A nation
uses warfare to impose its policies on another nation. Gutele Schnapper
Rothschild, the wife of Mayer A. Rothschild, who grew enormously wealthy
by collecting usury while funding the European wars, said, “If my sons
did not want wars, there would be none.” One might add “grandsons, great
grandsons and other male relatives and all of their banking affiliates
camouflaged under numerous names – Goldman Sachs, Lehman, Kuhn-Loeb,
Citibank and others.”
Lenin (Vladimir Ilyich
Ulyanov), a Bolshevik said, “The establishment of a central bank is 90%
of communizing a nation.”
[5] The way to get the U.S. to
incrementally embrace communism began in 1913 with the establishment of
the Federal Reserve. The controllers of the
Federal Reserve, the US Congress, would ultimately accept bribes,
campaign funds and have influence with the boards of
every major corporation which would eventually capture the majority of America’s
wealth, through, burdensome taxation and continual warfare.
Americans are aghast when they
hear about the millions of Chinese and Russian citizens who have been
slaughtered by their Communist masters. Yet, under the federally
sanctioned abortion laws, approximately fifty million people have been
eliminated under the intellectual guise of “freedom of choice.” The
ultimate abortion decision was fueled by the CIA-funded women’s
movement. Steinem and the others were well paid to pretend concern for
the rights of women while ignoring the rights of infants. So rather than
Lenin’s depopulation method, the U.S. used Trotsky’s more subtle
process. The results are the same.
Contemporary Neo-cons William “Bill” Kristol and Robert Kagan established the Project for a New American Century, which called for a “new Pearl Harbor” in order to implement momentous change and to conduct Middle East warfare. Kristol’s late father, Irving Kristol who was often funded by the CIA, is known as the “godfather of neo-conservatism.” Kristol's organization promotes warfare (revolution), first in Iraq and now in Iran. Charles Krauthammer and Kristol, editor of the Rupert Murdoch-funded The Weekly Standard, the official voice of this cabal,[7] and their Neo-con cronies provide opposition to the left agenda, as suggested by Lenin. On September 18, 2002, Kristol claimed that a war in Iraq “could have terrifically good effects throughout the Middle East.” [8] Krauthammer and Kristol regularly appear on pro-Israel Murdoch’s “fair and balanced” Fox News where they allege that Iran is building nuclear weapons, a subtle form of their previous allegations about Iraqi’s weapons of mass destruction. Murdoch has always been a Rothschild family asset.
On February 17, 2003,
Krauthammer, a prominent Washington Post columnist writing in
Time admitted that
America’s imminent war against Iraq “is not just to disarm Saddam. It is
to reform a whole part of the world…What the U.S. needs in the Arab
world is not an exit strategy but an entry strategy. Iraq is the
beckoning door…” Krauthammer further targeted “Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria
and beyond” as part of the neo-conservative war policy. On February 18,
2003, as reported in the Israeli newspaper, Ha’aretz, Prime
Minister Ariel Sharon suggested that the U.S. wage war on Iran, Libya
and Syria after “the successful destruction of Iraq.”
Krauthammer, a former
psychiatrist has called for an all-out U.S. war against the Muslim
War is the most effective way of bankrupting a nation and to set it up
for total collapse and a tyrannical takeover. The warfare in the Middle
East is not in the best interests of America – it only serves the
international bankers.
On March 17, 2003, just before
the U.S. invaded Iraq, Kristol, in his editorial in The Weekly
Standard, wrote,
“obviously, we are gratified that the Iraq strategy we have long
advocated . . . has become the policy of the U.S. government.” On March
18, The Washington Post
clarified his obvious
influence when their columnist, Richard Cohen, referred to the
impending conflict as “Kristol’s War” and prior to the “shock and awe”
bombing of Baghdad, “this would seem to be Kristol’s moment.”
Millionaires and billionaires
buy up politicians. Those who defy the bankers suffer dire consequences,
like Charles A. Lindbergh, whose grandson was kidnapped and murdered.
Lindbergh had written articles of impeachment for high crimes and
misdemeanors against five members of the Federal Reserve Board, W. P. G.
Harding, Paul M. Warburg, Frederick Delano, Adolf C. Miller and Charles
S. Hamlin. Louis T. McFadden, another defiant Congressman died as a
result of poisoning, their third attempt to eliminate him. Other
non-compliant politicians are run out of office, assassinated, arrested,
die in airplane crashes, are impeached or publicly humiliated. U.S.
politicians understandably fear the international bankers more than they
fear the wrath of their disgruntled constituents.
Austrian-born Arthur F. Burns
(Burnseig), chairman of the Federal Reserve (1970-1978), had offices on
the 8th floor of the Watergate Apartment Hotel. On June 17,
1972, five husky Watergate burglars were apprehended on the 6th
floor after they had carried heavy files from Burns’ office down to the
6th floor for photographing.
[13] Allegedly, the burglars had
broken into the Democratic National Committee headquarters, a convenient
cover story. However, Martin was apparently promised the future
chairmanship of the Federal Reserve if he abandoned Nixon and the
populist currency plan that would have ended the power of the Federal
Reserve. Nixon was purged from the presidency by a media-driven frenzy
and forced to resign on August 9, 1974.
[14] He was later pardoned by Ford,
probably on the basis of his continued silence about the real details
surrounding the Watergate break-in.
The House of Rothschild
continues to influence the U.S. economy and domestic and foreign
policies. Volcker, after having served as the Federal Reserve Chairman
under Presidents Carter and Reagan, went to work for the Rothschilds as
chairman of the European investment-banking firm, J. Rothschild,
Wolfensohn and Co. in March 1992. Since February 2009, he has been the
Chairman of the Economic Recovery Advisory Board under the obedient
President Barack Obama who continues to decimate the economy at the
behest of the international bankers.
Richard N. Goodwin, former speechwriter for President John F. Kennedy (assassinated in 1963), said, “The principal power in Washington is no longer the government or the people it represents. It is the Money Power. Under the deceptive cloak of campaign contributions, access and influence, votes and amendments are bought and sold. Money establishes priorities of action, holds down federal revenues, revises federal legislation, and shifts income from the middle class to the very rich.” [16] “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” [17] [1] The Secret World Government or “The Hidden Hand” by General Cherep-Spiridovich, The Anti-Bolshevist Publishing Association, New York, 1926, p. 8 [2] Charles Lindbergh's - September 11, 1941, Des Moines Speech, [3] Henry Kissinger was quoted in Kiss the Boys Goodbye: How the United States Betrayed Its Own POW's in Vietnam by Monika Jensen-Stevenson and William Stevenson, Plume Publishing, New York, 1999 [4] Judaism Discovered, a Study of the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self Worship, Superstition and Deceit by Michael Hoffman, Independent History and Research, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, 2008, pp. 473-474 [5] The Synagogue of Satan, the Secret History of Jewish World Domination by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, River Crest Publishing, Austin, Texas, 2007, p. 102 [6] The Iron Curtain Over America by John Beaty, Chestnut Mountain Book, Barboursville, Virginia, 1968, pp. 26-27 [7] The High Priests of War, The Secret History of How America’s “Neo-Conservative” Trotskyites Came to Power and Orchestrated the War Against Iraq as the First Step in their Drive for Global Empire by Michael Collins Piper, American Free Press, Washington, DC, 2005, p. 39 [8] Kristol Clear at Time by David Corn, The Nation, January 2, 2007, [9] The High Priests of War, The Secret History of How America’s “Neo-Conservative” Trotskyites Came to Power and Orchestrated the War Against Iraq as the First Step in their Drive for Global Empire by Michael Collins Piper, American Free Press, Washington, DC, 2005, p. 8 [10] Ibid, p. 117 [11] Ibid, p. 39 [12] Money, the 12th & Final Religion by R. Duane Willing, The Barnes Review, Washington, DC, 2008, pp. 8-9 [13] Ibid, pp. 8-9 [14] Ibid, pp. 8-9 [15] Arthur Burns, [16] Quotes of Interest, [17] King James, Ephesians 6:12, See other translations of this verse
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