Join Email List to receive notification of new Spingola articles 1/19/2015: When I first started writing articles in 2005, I probably promulgated many popular theories because of my ignorance. I cringe when I read some of my early efforts. I could cleanse my own archives but it would be like trying to capture feathers in a whirlwind because my articles are on other web sites. While many of the issues that appear in this multi-part article remain true, I have engaged in further, more objective research and no longer support the same conclusions that I arrived at when I began writing on the internet. People perpetuate false information, often unknowingly, because he/she is quoting or relying on other people’s information. Each of us needs to engage in independent objective research, and always use critical thinking when reading the "research" of others.
On 23 January 1991, Iraq began dumping approximately one million tons of crude oil into the gulf, causing the largest oil spill in history. Our focus was the military targets throughout Iraq and Kuwait: scud missile launchers, weapons of mass destruction sites, weapons research facilities and naval forces. In addition we besieged the following military and civilian installations: electricity production facilities, nuclear reactors, telecommunications equipment, port facilities, oil refineries and distribution, railroads and bridges. The Pentagon admitted in a report on 23 June 1991 that their targets were not limited to military targets but that they “deliberately did great harm to Iraq’s ability to support itself as an industrial society.” [i] By the end of the war Iraq had only 4% of it prewar electricity. Fifty railroad and highway bridges between Basra and Baghdad were damaged or rendered inoperable. Bombs destroyed eight multi-purpose dams, four of the seven pumping stations and thirty-one municipal water and sewerage facilities - twenty in Baghdad, resulting in sewage pouring into the Tigris, Iraqi’s water source. Water purification plants were incapacitated throughout Iraq. [ii] A U.N. report from the middle of March described “near apocalyptic” damage to Iraq's infrastructure which has consigned the country to a “pre-industrial age”. “According to the survey team report, the destruction of 9,000 homes has left some 72,000 Iraqis homeless.” [iii] General Merrill "Tony" McPeak, Air Force Chief of Staff, declared in a 15 March 1991 briefing that this war was “the first time in history that a field army has been defeated by air power”. He estimated that 88,500 (only 7.4 % were precision guided) tons of bombs had been dropped in 109,876 aircraft sorties. This was more intense than the 34,000 tons per month during the Vietnam War or the 22,000 tons per month during the Korean War. [iv] The results of the allied bombing campaign were obvious when Dr. David Levenson visited Iraq immediately after the Gulf War, on behalf of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War. He said: “For many weeks, people in Baghdad - without television, radio, or newspapers to warn them - brought their drinking water from the Tigris, in buckets.” “Dehydrated from nausea and diarrhea, craving liquids, they drank more of the water that made them sick in the first place.” “Dr. Levenson estimates many thousands died from polluted water.” [v] Two American “smart bombs” tore their way into a bomb shelter located in Al-Amariyah on 13 February 1991. Unfortunately, for the 400 Iraqis sheltered there the exit doors jammed and they were unable to escape. The temperature rose to 900 degrees Fahrenheit, bursting pipes. Between the boiling water and the bomb blast 400 Iraqis were boiled or incinerated alive. The scorched shelter now serves as a memorial where the victim’s pictures are posted on the blackened walls. The spiritually astute may sense the surreal unrelenting horror of the mass fiery tomb. Demoralized and beaten, Iraq agreed to a Soviet proposed cease fire on 22 February 1991. They had three weeks to withdraw their troops to within their pre invasion borders. Monitoring for the cease fire and withdrawal was via the United Nations Security Council. Although the United States was not in favor of the total proposal they indicated that retreating Iraqi soldiers would not be harmed and that the withdrawal would begin within twenty-four hours. Our continuing campaign for the retreating Iraqis was called Operation Desert Saber which began on 24 February 1991. Many Iraqi ground troops were entrenched defending a fortified line. Two U.S. brigades from the 1st Infantry Division used a “bulldozer assault”. Driving along side the trenches in earthmoving plows mounted to tanks they buried the terrified defeated occupants alive. To escape this horrible fate two thousand Iraqis surrendered. One brigade commander estimated that they only buried between 80 and 250 Iraqis. Understandably, thousands of other Iraqi soldiers deserted to the death of the desert but were followed by our Marines. Although they had agreed to a cessation of battle, the U.S. claimed they were fearful that the Iraqis would use chemical weapons. If they did, the U.S. was prepared to destroy the remaining dams on the Tigris and Euphrates rivers which would have completely flooded Baghdad. Iraq did not resort to chemical weapons. They started leaving Kuwait by way of the main Iraq-Kuwait highway, beginning on 25-26 February. They set fire to Kuwaiti oil wells on their retreat. The Bechtel Corporation handled the reconstruction of Kuwait's oil fields after the Gulf War for the Kuwait Oil Company. The convoy of retreating Iraqi troops was repeatedly bombed for several hours – to the point that the road became known as the “parking lot”. Over 1,500 Iraqi tanks, armored vehicles, trucks, jeeps, ambulances and automobiles were destroyed along the “highway of death”. There were hundreds of horrifically charred and twisted cadavers entombed in the burnt remains. So Kuwait was “liberated” and the Iraqis were retreating. And George H. W. Bush’s popularity ratings were up to 91% – another, though unstated, reason for the war. In spite of the cease fire, there was a two day systematic massacre of the Iraqis under the direction of General Barry McCaffrey but he was never held accountable for this slaughter. Instead, he apparently was rewarded. McCaffrey later became a member of President Clinton's cabinet and director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy – oh the rewards of service! Our troops, usually unaware of many of the orders issued to the top brass, comply with instructions. On 10 March 1991, our troops began leaving the gulf. Like the Iraqis, many of them would never be the same. Coalition military deaths amounted to about 378. The U.S. lost 148 in battle. There was another 145 non battled related deaths. According to a report by our government there were twenty to twenty-two thousand Iraqi combat deaths. The Iraqi government claimed that 2,300 civilians died during the air campaign. There have been higher casualty figures – from 100,000 to 300,000. Former President Jimmy Carter has publicly stated that “maybe more than 150,000 Iraqi civilians were killed in the massive bombing.” Colin Powell, who directed Desert Storm, in referring to civilian deaths remarked: “That's not really a number I'm terribly interested in.” Iraq continues to have serious internal social problems due to the differing factions that the British pushed together into a nation. Many of the Kurds left the country. From what the CIA had told them, the Kurds thought the Americans would support them in an uprising but that did not occur. Completely vanquished, Iraq has become a toxic wasteland. Her people will never be the same. The foreigners were leaving but the disease and death would continue unabated – thanks to the prevalent depleted uranium dust and the disease caused by the loss of sanitation facilities within Iraq’s infrastructure. Unfortunately, reconstruction would not occur immediately, by the Bechtel Corporation or anyone else. There are politically powerful people who prey upon their own citizens, as if they were mere pawns, just to enrich themselves, their business friends and to further the agenda of the globalist One World Order. The worst of them are the pretenders who are nothing more than wolves in sheep’s clothing. A tyrant, no matter what ethnicity, is a tyrant! We should have compassion for the millions of victims of war, internal ethnic cleansing, and discrimination and for those who are otherwise vilified by governments. Greed, power and hate drive the powerful to squander the lives and resources of others. I quote the following from a small booklet written by an acquaintance: “Are there consequences? If there are consequences, who is accountable? “So, I ask you, who is the enemy? The guy shooting at you – or the folks who set it all up and lied to you to make you believe that the guy shooting at you is ‘evil’ and want to ‘destroy your way of life’? The guy shooting at you probably doesn’t have anything against you personally at all. He may be just as much a victim of the lying puppets set up in his own government by the same cabal of international power brokers, financiers and industrialists. But the key question is this: do people have a responsibility to know what’s really going on before marching off to kill other human beings? Can war ever be justified by the phony, self serving lies of political and economic interests that people could and should know are lying?” [vi] “The brave, young Americans who have spilled their blood in the desert of Iraq did not die defending their country. They died to further a diabolical political agenda. They innocently believed the "democratic" propaganda and willingly gave their lives to what they thought was a great and noble cause: to improve the existence of foreign strangers. They merit our respect for their good hearted intentions. However, they also deserve a healthy portion of our pity for they, because of their naïveté, have been manipulated. They served with honest and honorable hearts just like the thousands of individuals who have served in previous devised battles. But certainly, their blood and the blood of thousands are a permanent stain on this land and its leaders who squander our nation’s greatest resource, her people, in wars designed, not to strengthen or defend us, but to weaken us. Our leaders are pushing this great country into impoverishment and slavery within the United Nations. The United Nations, the real axis of evil, and those who promote its malevolent existence and growth are the authentic and very sinister enemies.” [i]
Geneva Convention
Allied Air War Struck Broadly in Iraq
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