We’ve Been Trumped
PNAC Policies Persist
November 19, 2016
Kissinger and Trump met in New York on November 17, 2016 where
their conversation focused on Russia, China, Iran and the European Union.
Why not on the United States? After all, Trump was “elected” to govern
America. The two individuals have known each other for years. Trump said, “I
have tremendous respect for Dr. Kissinger and appreciate him sharing his
thoughts with me.” [1]
The benign-sounding foundations or groups such as the Project for a New
American Century (PNAC) and the Council on Foreign Relations (1921), the
forerunner of the United Nations, promote a globalist agenda controlled by
corporations. In the spring of 1997, William Kristol and Robert W. Kagan
co-founded PNAC to promote American Global leadership. William Kristol is
the son of Irving Kristol (CFR), considered the godfather of
neo-conservatism. William Kristol, a trustee for the Manhattan Institute, is
also the editor/co-founder, along with John Podhoretz, of the Weekly
Standard, established September 17, 1995. Kristol and Fred Barnes
co-edit this so-called conservative magazine, which they publish 48 times a
year. It promulgates the war hawk mentality that infects the most popular
conservative talk show radio hosts. Some contributing editors to the
Weekly Standard are Tucker Carlson, Joseph Epstein, Charles Krauthammer
(CFR), Robert W. Kagan (CFR), Brit Hume, John Podhoretz (son of Norman
Podhoretz - CFR) and other similarly connected individuals.
Robert W. Kagan (CFR), a foreign policy analyst is the son of Donald Kagan
(CFR) a Yale Professor. Robert is a columnist for the Washington Post
a contributing editor at The
New Republic as well as
a senior associate of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Andrew
Carnegie, an internationalist, established the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace on November 25, 1910, his 75th birthday. He
believed that war could be eliminated by stronger international laws and
organizations. In 1903, he gave 1.5 million dollars for the construction of
the Peace Palace at The Hague. Currently, the Moscow Center of the Carnegie
Endowment assists in the establishment of public policy analysis among the
states of the former Soviet Union and the United States. The Endowment
publishes Foreign Policy, a leading magazine on international
politics and economics with readers in over 120 countries.
Robert W. Kagan wrote Of Paradise and Power: America and Europe in the
New World Order; and
Dangerous Nation: America's Place in the World from its Earliest Days to the
Dawn of the Twentieth Century.
He is married to
Victoria Nuland, an Assistant Secretary of
European and Eurasian Affairs in the Barack
Obama administration.
The Project for a New American Century (PNAC) mission statement has
twenty-five signatories: Elliott Abrams, (CFR), Donald Kagan, (CFR), Gary
Bauer, Zalmay Khalilzad, (CFR), William J. Bennett, I Lewis Libby (CFR),
John E. Bush (Jeb), Norman Podhoretz, (CFR), Richard B. Cheney, (CFR), Dan
Quayle, Eliot A. Cohen, (CFR), Peter W. Rodman, (CFR), Midge Decter, (CFR),
Stephen P. Rosen, (CFR), Paula Dobriansky, (CFR), Henry S. Rowen, (CFR),
Steve Forbes, Donald Rumsfeld, Aaron Friedberg, (CFR), Vin Weber, (CFR),
Francis Fukuyama, (CFR), George Weigel, (CFR), Frank Gaffney, Paul
Wolfowitz, (CFR), and Fred C. Ikle, (CFR).
Seventeen (68%) of the twenty-five belong to the Council on Foreign
Relations. This should raise the red flag as their ultimate goal is one
world government. The Council on Foreign Relations publishes a journal
entitled Foreign Affairs.
PNAC and neoconservative’s preliminary goals are as follows:
1. Remake America in the image of an imperialistic nation prepared for
global domination.
2. Remake other nations into the socialistic democracy that many people seem
to think we have - while abandoning our constitution.
3. Spend more for defense.
4. PNAC promotes intervention – hence the abandonment of the more Christian,
isolationist mentality of the founding fathers.
5. Infiltrate and hold high often unelected government positions.
Leading individuals belonging to PNAC wrote a letter to President William J.
Clinton, dated January 26, 1998 -
Elliott Abrams, Richard L. Armitage, William J. Bennett, Jeffrey Bergner,
John Bolton, Paula Dobriansky, Francis Fukuyama, Robert Kagan Zalmay
Khalilzad, William Kristol, Richard Perle, Peter W. Rodman, Donald Rumsfeld,
William Schneider, Jr., Vin Weber, Paul Wolfowitz, R. James Woolsey and
Robert B. Zoellick.
They suggested the following:
1. Current American policy toward Iraq is not succeeding
2. Develop a new strategy that would secure the interests of the U.S.
3. Remove Saddam Hussein and his regime from power
4. Develop a full complement of diplomatic, political and military efforts
5. Take the necessary steps, including military steps, to protect our vital
Some of those same individuals wrote a letter to President George W. Bush,
dated September 20, 2001 which included strong encouragement for the
nation’s “first war of the 21st century” including the capture or
killing of Osama bin Laden, and the capture and prosecution of any and all
perpetrators of 9/11.
The forty signatories, members of PNAC, many listed above, also encouraged
Bush to go after any other group that means us harm, in other words, any
entity one could accuse as a terrorist. They strongly encouraged Bush to
topple Saddam Hussein’s government and to give full financial and military
support to any Iraqi opposition.
That letter was signed by Elliott Abrams, Gary Bauer, William J. Bennett,
Jeb Bush, Dick Cheney, Eliot A. Cohen, Midge Decter, Paula Dobriansky, Steve
Forbes, Aaron Friedberg, Francis Fukuyama, Frank Gaffney, Fred C. Ikle,
Donald Kagan, Zalmay Khalilzad, I. Lewis Libby, Norman Podhoretz, Dan
Quayle, Peter W. Rodman, Stephen P. Rosen, Henry S. Rowen, Donald Rumsfeld,
Vin Weber, George Weigel, and Paul Wolfowitz.
The letter encouraged targeting the terrorist organization Hezbollah and the
countries that support them: Iran and Syria. If Iran and Syria fail to
comply and cooperate then the United States must take any action or
retaliation necessary against these countries. In other words, get them
before they get us which means preemptive assaults. Their interests do not
include North Korea or China which is interesting considering they actually
have adequate weapons and the mentality to use them against us or so we have
been told.
They further recommended that the United States withhold any support of any
kind to the Palestinians in favor of support to Israel. Finally, the letter
favored major military spending and recommended the United States enlistment
of other countries for the support of our nation’s actions.
So we are spending money that we do not have in a country that was not a
threat with an eye towards other military targets in the same region. Based
on the encouragements in the letters above and the actions of every
administration since those letters were written, we seem to be following the
PNAC agenda. This situation is probably in part the result of the pervasive
fear the citizens of this country felt after 9/11. We are willing to trade
our liberties for claims that US warfare is making America safe. As the
vulture-like war hawks circle overhead, we must also be prepared to give up
our moral values for questionable dominance over those too weak to fight our
military superiority. As Rich Williams said, all
the breadcrumbs lead back to the same loaf - Israel.
Review PNAC’s
Statement of Principles
It appears that Donald Trump will be following the same nation-destroying
policies that PNAC promulgated about two decades ago despite his belated
campaign proclamations released just two days before the elections.
Why did he wait to release statements unfavorable to the persevering ruling
elite? It is more prudent to evaluate the policy statements made on the
Trump web site.
On October 7, 2016, Donald Trump announced his National Security Advisory
Council. They are as follows:
members of the national security advisory council include: KT
McFarland, Congressman Mike McCaul, Senator Tom Cotton, Senator Richard
Burr, Jim Woolsey, Tom Barrack, Congressman Darrell Issa, Senator Bob
Corker, Senator Jim Inhofe, Charlie Glazer and John Ashcroft.
new members will add to the already strong team comprised of Senator
Jeff Sessions, General Mike Flynn, Tom Stewart, Bert Mizusawa, Bob McEwan,
Chuck Kubic, Jay Garner, Keith Kellogg, Gary Harrell, Bob Magnus, Jim
Hoskins and Rudy Giuliani. [6]
Woolsey was the director of the CIA during
President Bill Clinton’s first term. Woolsey
has functioned in both Republican and
Democratic administrations. He “currently chairs the Strategic Advisory
group of the Washington, D.C. private equity fund, Paladin Capital Group,
chairs the Advisory Board of the Opportunities Development Group.” “Woolsey
remains an eminent expert on alternative energy sources and security
Does that include directed energy weapons used in the Middle East? After the
bombing of any country, whether in Europe or the Middle East, there are
reconstruction concerns and corporate bids. The American taxpayer picks up
the tab which functions as a redistribution of wealth – from private to
corporate hands, handled by the banks. After the first invasion of Iraq
certain companies received very lucrative contracts.
Those companies include Fluor, Dresser Industries, Bechtel, Caterpillar
Inc., Motorola Inc., AT&T, Raytheon, General Motors, Ford Motor, Chrysler,
and the Army Corps of Engineers. Rebuilding takes years.
Those companies got contracts to allegedly rebuild Iraq which has not
occurred with the exception of funneling the money to the firms. Suzanne H.
Woolsey (
On November 15, 2016, the Trump web site announced the Presidential
inaugural committee leadership composed of the following:
Thomas Barrack Jr.
Finance Co-Chairmen
Roy Bailey
Finance Vice-Chairs
Sheldon Adelson
Dr. Miriam Adelson
Brian Ballard
Gentry Beach
Elliott Broidy
Robert Grand
Diane Hendricks
Tommy Hicks
Gail Icahn
Woody Johnson
Laurie Perlmutter
Phil Ruffin
Anthony Scaramucci
Ambassador Mel Sembler
Ray W. Washburne
Ambassador Ron Weiser
Steve Wynn
There are several names on the list that are troubling. Lewis M. Eisenberg was
the Chairman of the Board of
Commissioners of the Port
Authority of New York and New Jersey (1995-12/2001).
Eisenberg has held senior leadership positions with the United Jewish Appeal
(UJA), a billion dollar Zionist charity organization. The organization raises
hundreds of millions of dollars every year for a network of Zionist agencies in
the United States and Israel.
Eisenberg was the Chairman of the Republican National Finance Committee in 2002,
raising crucial dollars for Republican candidates across the country. During
2004, Eisenberg helped raise $135.3 million for the Republican Party.
He is also known as a Republican Super Power Ranger which is someone who was
willing to individually contribute $300,000 to the 2004 Bush/Cheney campaign.
Eisenberg personally gave $307,000 and has been an influence in the Bush
He is also a member of the Republican Jewish Coalition.”
Speaking of the Republican Jewish Coalition, it is
defending Breitbart News chairman and
newly-named chief White House strategist Steve Bannon from charges of
anti-Semitism. Bernie Marcus said, “I have been shocked and saddened to see the
recent personal attacks on Steve.” Trump asked Bannon to fill a “prominent role”
in his administration.
Trump, referring to the
situation in the Middle East, stated, “We mustn’t fear taking new, constructive
and mutually beneficial steps to advance the cause of peace in the region,
recognizing, at all times, the moral and strategic alliance, as well as the
unbreakable bond, between the United States and Israel…as President I’ll have no
greater responsibility than protecting the American people from harm.” Trump has
known Greenblatt for almost twenty years and trusts his advice on the
Israeli-Palestinian situation. Trump said, David…has a great love for and
knowledge of Israel.” Trump referred to Israel as “one of our staunchest allies
and the only democracy in the Middle East, Israel.”
Greenblatt plans to recruit
“people with expertise on Israel and…consider ways to strengthen the friendship
between the United States and Israel…” Greenblatt says that Israel is a beacon
of democracy and hope in a region that has suffered under more than its share of
tyranny and radicalism.” David Friedman said, “I have long held the view that it
is a core interest of the United States that the State of Israel be safe, secure
and the preeminent military force in the Middle East. Friedman has known Trump
and has advised him for over fifteen years.” The
Vice Chair of the committee is Dr. Richard H. Roberts, M.D., Ph.D. Dr. Roberts
stated: “It is a great privilege to be asked to join this committee which, among
other things, intends to analyze the status quo, seeking input from all parties
on potential new solutions to seemingly intractable problems, and to recommend
solutions to Mr. Trump.”
Nikita Vladimirov,
Trump, Kissinger Meet in New York, The Hill, 11/17/2016,
last viewed 11/18/2016
PNAC Letters Sent to President Bill Clinton, Information Clearing House,
http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article5527.htm; last
viewed 11/17/2016
The PNAC Letter to Bush,
http://zfacts.com/node/307, last viewed 11/17/2016
PNAC’s Statement of Principles,
last viewed 11/18/2016
Trump Campaign Announces National Security Advisory Council, 10/07/2016;
es/trump-campaign-announces-national-security-advisory-council; last
viewed 11/17/2016
Biographies of the National Security Council,
https://assets.donaldjtrump.com/NS_Bios.pdf; last viewed 11.17/2016
Steve Lohr, War in the Gulf: Postwar Kuwait; U.S. Corporations Win
Kuwait Rebuilding Jobs, New York Times, February 28, 1991
Rita J. King, Rebuilding: At What Cost and In Who’s Image?, Special to
L. Fletcher Prouty, JFK, the
President-Elect Trump Announces Presidential Inaugural Committee
Leadership, 11/15/2016,
last viewed 11/18/2016
Christopher Bollyn, Did Rupert Murdoch Have Prior Knowledge of 9/11?,
Global Research, 10/03/2003;
http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/BOL310A.html; ; last viewed
Republican National Convention;
https://www2.gwu.edu/~action/2004/convs/nychost.html; last viewed
Bob Feldman, The Republican Jewish Coalition and the pro-Israel Lobby,
The Electronic Intifada, 02/21/2005;
last viewed 11/18/2016
Republican Jewish Coalition;
http://www.rjchq.org/lewis_m_eisenberg; last viewed 11/18/2016
Allegra Kirkland, Republican Jewish
Coalition Defends Trump’s Appointment of Bannon, TPM Livewire,
last viewed 11/18/2016
Donald J. Trump Announces Creation of
Israel Advisory Committee, 07/14/2016;
last viewed 11/17/2016
Donald J. Trump Announces Creation of
Israel Advisory Committee, 07/14/2016;
last viewed 11/17/2016
Donald J. Trump Announces Creation of
Israel Advisory Committee, 07/14/2016;
last viewed 11/17/2016