The Ruling
By Deanna
Time Line
October 15: Catherine the Great issued an invitation to
foreigners to populate the Volga region
September 16: laws prohibit malefactors from foreign
January 16: law passed that no one affiliated with a
financial institution may be in Congress
April 20: Napoleon announced that he was going to restore
Palestine to the Jews
March 16: Congress authorized the first military school,
West Point
February 9: Sanhedrin authorized any leader who would
advocate their cause.
August 17: Nathan M. Rothschild began financially advising
the British government
Joseph Frey organized The Jews Society to promote
Christianity among the Jews
February 27: Vaccine Act, first federal law concerning
November 1: The Congress of Vienna lasted until June 8,
June 8: Congress of Vienna ended
June 15: Napoleon lost the Battle of Waterloo
March 2: government required to keep a list of all
May 15: German Confederacy was set up to replace the old
Holy Roman Empire
January 1: Samuel Russell established Russell and Company
June 28: William H. Russell and Alphonso Taft co-founded
Skull and Bones
July 1: Jardine and Matheson founded their drug smuggling
1839, journalist John L. O’Sullivan coined the phrase
“manifest destiny”
March 18: the First Opium War started; it ended August 29,
1837: Andrew Jackson, who worked for the Rothschild family, caused the first economic crash
February 5: Damascus Affair (false flag provocation?)
August 11: Lord Palmerston asked the Sultan to let Jews
settle in Palestine
August 17: British government considered “restoring” the
Jews to Palestine
July 13: Lord Palmerston signed the Straits Convention to
close the Straits
August 29: the signing of the Treaty of Nanking
October 13: Freemasons founded B’nai B’rith International
in New York
May 7: the establishment of the American Medical
Association (AMA)
February: Marxist revolution began in France, then spread
to Germany, Italy, Poland, Austria, Denmark, Hungary, Ireland but did not affect
July: Lord Shaftesbury referred to “a country without a
July 8: Commodore Perry, with military force, arrived in Japan to demand that
the nation begin trade with the US
October: Crimean War begins
March 30: Czar Alexander II ends Crimean War via the Treaty
of Paris
August 24: Bessemer process first announced
October 8: beginning of Second Opium War
October 25: Treaty of Tientsin
May 17: Adolphe I. Crémieux created the Alliance Israélite
March 3: Czar Alexander II issued the Edict of Emancipation
April 12: beginning of the
so-called civil war
May 23: Lassalle founded the General German Workers'
May 9: End of the so-called civil war
March 2: officials created the National Bureau of Education
March 30: Austro-Hungarian compromise reestablished Hungary
June 11: International Red Cross founded
June 10: assassins killed Mihailo Obrenović, the Prince of
March 4: 1869, Ulysses S. Grant became president
November 29: 1869, U.S. leased Samaná Bay from the
Dominican Republic
July 19: Franco-Prussian War began; it ended May 10, 1871
September: someone found diamonds on the Dutoitspan farm
January 18: unification of the German states
May 8: Washington Treaty, greatly influenced International
June 10: U.S. invades Korea, killing approximately 350
1871: prospectors discovered diamonds in at Kimberley, in
South Africa
September 18: 1873, U.S. stock market crash
October 4: 1873, panic triggered an international economic
1875: the U.S. began restricting immigration
July 1875: bankers created the American Bankers Association
October 6: Ottoman Empire defaults on usury payment to
European bankers
November 25: Britain purchased majority shares in the Suez
December 8: Britain assumed managerial control of the Suez
January 22: Johns Hopkins University founded
July 1: the establishment of Japan’s first private bank
August 31: Abdülhamid II became Sultan of the Ottoman
March 4: Rutherford B. Hayes became president
April 24: Russo-Turkish War started; it ended March 3, 1878
July 14: the first nationwide strike began in Martinsburg,
West Virginia
March 3: Treaty of San Stefano
June 4: secret alliance between Britain and Ottoman Empire
against Russia
June 11-12: Congress of Berlin
October 19: Otto von Bismarck enacted the Anti-Socialist
December 16: First Boer War started; it ended March 23,
March 4: James A. Garfield became president
March 13: terrorists killed Alexander II
1881, The First Aliyah of Zionist Jews migrate to Palestine
from Eastern Europe
July 2: Charles J. Guiteau shot President Garfield who died
two months later
September 19: Chester A. Arthur became president
Fall: Ottoman government ends Jewish immigration to the
Ottoman Empire
October 20: Decree of Muharram, bankers assume control of
Turkey’s economy
1882: Ottoman authorities restrict foreign Jews, except
pilgrims, from Palestine
1882: Alfred Thayer Mahan argued for enlargement of the
1882: hoards of Jews immigrated from the Russian Pale to
New York
January 1: Dr. Leon Pinsker published
An Appeal to His People
January 1: Ferdinand de Lesseps began the construction of
the Panama Canal
January 2: Rockefeller created the Standard Oil trust
February 1: London Jews meet to initiate fund raising for
Russian Jews
May 6: Congress passed the first Chinese Exclusion Act
May 15: Russian government imposed the May Laws
May 20: Triple Alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary
and Italy
May 22: Korea and the U.S. sign a friendship treaty
July 31: Rothschild funded the first Israeli settlement,
Rishon LeZion
September 11-12: officials convened the First Anti-Jewish
Congress in Dresden
September 13: nationalist rioting resulted in Battle of Tel
el-Kebir (Egypt)
1883: Emma Lazarus wrote the poem,
The New Colossus
March 5:
Ottoman authorities pass laws to prevent Jews from acquiring land
January 4: British Fabian Society created to introduce
socialism into society
February 27: London Convention, a treaty after the First
Boer War
May 17: the cornerstone for the New York Cancer Hospital
October 6: Stephen B. Luce established the Naval War
College at Newport
November 6: international Jewish assembly at Kattowitz
formalized Zionism
March 4: Grover Cleveland became president
May: Rockefeller sent Kennan to Russia to meet with the
March: the gold discovery in the Witwatersrand
May 4: strike staged by a group of anarchists at Haymarket
Square, Chicago
December 8: Gompers helps found the American Federation of
January 20: U.S. obtains rights to build a naval base at
Pearl Harbor
February 4: Grover Cleveland created the Interstate
Commerce Commission
May 5: the state executed Lenin’s older brother, Aleksandr
July 6: 1887, Kalākaua, Hawaiian monarch, signed the
Bayonet Constitution
October 6: the Ottomans awarded railway concession to the
Deutsche Bank
March 4: Benjamin Harrison became president
May 31: the South Fork Dam, in the mountains above
Johnstown, burst
1890: American theologians introduced Marxist socialism in all of
the major seminaries
1890: Rockefeller purchased the
Encyclopedia Britannica
January 11: the British presented an ultimatum to
Portugal’s King Carlos
July: Cecil Rhodes became Prime Minister of the Cape Colony
July 2: the Sherman Anti-Trust Act
July 15: the Hunchaks organized the Demonstration of Kum
August 20: Portugal and Britain signed the Treaty of London
October 1: McKinley Tariff bill became effective
November 18: Stanislaus Padlewsky killed General Michael de
January 29: Queen Liliuokalani becomes the monarch of
February 5: Rhodes established the British Round
Table/Pilgrims Society
March 3: Congress began disqualifying certain immigrants,
felons, etc.
March 29: the announcement of the Jewish expulsion decree
from Moscow
September 11: Hirsch created the Jewish Colonization
Association (JCA)
September: Hovevei Zion societies try to create a worldwide
June 29: workers strike at Carnegie Steel Company in
August 18: secretive Franco-Russian Alliance Military
November: Ottoman government stops all land sales to Jews
January 16: armed U.S. sailors and marines disembark in
January 17: U.S. deposes Liliuokalani to accommodate the
sugar industry
March 4: Grover Cleveland became president
March 11: the ABA sent out a
Panic Circular to all national banks
March 28: false flag assassination of Kim Ok-gyun in
May 11: Pullman Strike in Chicago to protest wage cuts
June 8: Japanese seized Emperor Gojong and occupied the
Royal Palace
August 1: Sino-Japanese War begins; it ended April 17, 1895
September 1: bankers called in outstanding loans and
refused to renew loans
April 8: the Supreme Court declared the income tax law
May 11: Europeans demanded Abdülhamid reform his Armenian
October 7: Japan’s military attacked Korea
October 8: Japanese assassins killed Korea’s Queen Min
October 9: in Breslau, the Socialists held a Congress
October 12: the Hunchak Party rebelled in the Ottoman
December: Britain and the U.S. agreed to be plundering
February: copies of Theodor Herzl’s book arrived at the
local booksellers
May: Bodenheimer wrote to Herzl for help in creating the
Zionist movement
May 1: Mirza Reza Kermani assassinated Nasser al-Din Shah
May 19: Herzl met with Cardinal Antonio Agliardi in Vienna
May 3: Turkey stated it would not surrender any of its
June 30: Vickers bought Barrow’s Naval Construction and
Armaments Co.
August 23: Aguinaldo led the Filipino rebellion against
Spanish dominance
August 26: Dashnaks seized the Ottoman Bank in
October 1: Vickers bought Maxim-Nordenfelt Guns and
Ammunition Co.
1897, Britain and America formalized their alliance with
the Pilgrims Society
March 4: William McKinley became president
April 14: American Medical Association incorporated in
Chicago, Illinois
April 17: Turkey declared war on Greece
July 17: the authorities arrested Felix E. Dzerzhinsky
August 8: Michele A. Lombardi killed Spanish Prime Minister
August 29 to August 31: First Zionist Congress at Basle,
August 29 to August 31: Protocols of the Learned Elders of
Zion issued
1897, Vickers, DuPont, Nobel, Koln, Kottweiler and others
created a military trust
September 29: Freud
joined the Vienna lodge of the International order of the B’nai B’rith
October 7: founding of the General Jewish Labour Bund
October 21: Dewey assumes command of the Asiatic Squadron
January 25: McKinley sent the USS Maine,
an armored cruiser, to Havana
February 11: Dewey leaves Japan heading towards Hong Kong
February 15: deadly explosion on the USS Maine
which sunk it
February 17: William Sampson heads the Board of Inquiry of
the USS
March 13 –15: First Congress of Russian Social Democratic
Labour Party
March 26: officials advance William Sampson over several
other officers
April 11: per Sampson’s findings, an external explosion
sunk the USS Maine
April 14: Oliver H. Payne founded the Cornell University
Medical College
April 15: McKinley demanded that Spain grant independence
to Cuba
April 21: the U.S. fleet began a blockade of Cuba
April 25: the U.S. Congress declared war on Spain
May 1: the U.S. claimed victory against Spain in the
May 2: Congress voted a war emergency credit of $34,625,725
June 21: the U.S. seized Guam
July 3-17: U.S. assault on Santiago, Cuba
July 7: America annexes Hawaii against the will of the its
July 25: the U.S. invaded Puerto Rico by landing at Guánica
August 14: U.S. sent 11,000 occupational troops to the
August: Second Zionist Congress at Basle
September 10: Luigi Lucheni assassinated Empress Elizabeth
of Austria
1898, Herzl meets with Kaiser Wilhelm II in Eretz Israel
December 21: McKinley delivers his Benevolent
Assimilation Proclamation
Ottoman official told Wilhelm II that the Sultan would not
support Zionism
Winston Churchill said, “Mohammedanism is a militant and
proselytizing faith”
January 17: the U.S. seized Wake Island in the North
Pacific Ocean
February 4: U.S. military forces surround Manila and other
crucial areas
February 6: U.S. military occupiers views all Filipinos as
March 8: Herbert Hoover arrives in China
June 2: Churchill and Rhodes met and planned South Africa’s
October 11: Second Boer War began; it ended May 31, 1902
November 2: Boxer Rebellion began against the foreigners in
December: the Ottomans awarded the Baghdad concession to
May 25: General Arthur MacArthur takes command in the
May 30: diplomats requested military to defend their
legations in China
July 29: Benedetto Cairoli assassinated King Umberto I of
July 30: Herbert Hoover deceptively seized ownership of the
Kaiping mines
August 14: U.S. and other troops crush the Boxer Rebellion
in China
August 17: Pasha wrote, “We must have no illusions about
November 21:
Jews a three-month permit to Palestine
December 20:
the U.S. authorized General Order #100 against the Filipinos
February 25: incorporation of the United States Steel
February 7: U.S. started a concentration camp policy in the
March 23: U.S. troops capture Emilio Aguinaldo, the
Filipino leader
May: the Shah of Persia sold the exclusive oil rights to
William K. D’Arcy
June: Rockefeller founded The Rockefeller Institute for
Medical Research
September 6: Leon F. Czolgosz shot President William
September 14: Theodore Roosevelt became president
November 27: officials established the U.S. War College
January 12: Rockefeller established the General Board of
Education (GEB)
January 30: Britain and Japan signed the Anglo-Japanese
July 1: Congress authorized a population census of the
July 1: U.S. authorized the creation of corporations in the
July 4: Roosevelt officially declared the end of the war in
the Philippines
1902: Joseph Stalin began working at the Rothschild’s
refinery in Batumi
September: Beatrice and Sidney Webb formed the Coefficients
U.S. military imposes compulsory smallpox vaccinations in
the Philippines
Zionists began negotiating with the British for a Zionist
February 4: American chapter of the Pilgrims Society
Officials authorize Emma Lazarus poem on plaque on Statue
of Liberty
April 6-7: Kishinev pogrom
British cabinet ministers devised the British Uganda
August 23: Max Nordau, at the Zionist Congress revealed the
Basel Program
July 30–August 23: Second Congress of Russian Social
Democratic Labour Party,
Israel Zangwill and Lucien Wolfe founded Jewish
Territorialist Organization
August: von Plehve told Herzl that Russia would support
Jewish state
January 22: Herzl met with Secretary of State Cardinal
Rafael Merry del Val
January 25: Herzl met with Pope Pius X regarding Jewish
settlement in Palestine
February 6: Japan suspended contact with Russia
February 8: Japan launched a surprise attack on the Russian
fleet in the harbor of Port Arthur
February 10: Japan declared war on Russia, Russo-Japanese
April 8: Entente Cordiale between United Kingdom and French
April 18: Herbert Hoover
sold 200,000 unemployed Chinese into
May 4: U.S. officially took control of the Panama Canal
July 28: Yegor Sozonov assassinated Vyacheslav von Plehve
December 6: President Theodore Roosevelt delivered
Roosevelt Corollary
America’s Jews applauded Japan’s triumph against Russia
Nachman Syrkin formulated the Zionist Socialist Workers
Party in Odessa
January 22: first Bolshevik Revolution started; it ended July 16,
February 5: Czar Nicholas II agreed to the formation of a
State Duma
January 7-8: general strike among munitions factories in
February 17: terrorists assassinated Alexandrovich,
Moscow’s Governor
May 1905, the Congress of the German Social-Democratic
Workers’ Party, Jena
May 11: rebels assassinated Russian Prince Giorgi
31 - June 2: American Society of International Law established
June 1905, Anglo-Jewish Committee began collecting money
for Russian Jews
July 27: Seventh Zionist Congress, Basle
July 27-29: William Howard Taft met with Prime Minister
Katsura Tarō
July 29: Taft–Katsura Agreement or Memorandum
September 5: Treaty of Portsmouth ending the Russo-Japanese
October 17: Czar signed the October Manifesto
October 21: general strike in Saint Petersburg and Moscow
October 26: over two million Russian workers were on strike
November 15: Federal Council of Churches founded in New
York City
November 17: the Peking Treaty
Congress chartered the National Education Association (NEA)
Otto Warburg learned about the massive mineral resources of
the Dead Sea
February 28: Doubleday published Upton Sinclair’s novel,
The Jungle
March 10: the U.S. massacre of the Muslim Moro natives in
the Philippines
April: Russia had executed over 14,000 people and
imprisoned 75,000
April 23: Russia enacted Fundamental Laws, Czar agreed to a
State Duma
June 30: Roosevelt signed Pure Food and Drug Act, and
created the FDA
July: Czar dissolved the Duma
August 10: the British Museum accepts a copy of the
Protocols… Zion
November 11: Jacob
H. Schiff, Cyrus Adler, and Louis Marshall founded the
American Jewish Committee
August 21: David Wolffsohn stated that Jews “must yet
conquer the world.”
August 31: Triple Entente between Britain, France and
Stalin was again working as a laborer in the Rothschild’s
refineries in Batumi
Roosevelt made a “Gentlemen’s Agreement” with the Japanese
October 14: economic panic struck New York
February 1: Freemasons
Alfredo Costa and Manuel Buiça assassinated King Carlos of Portugal
May 26: Anglo-Persian Oil Company strikes oil in Persia
May 30: enactment of the U.S. Emergency Currency Act
July 3: Young Turks create a new parliament and government
Israel Zangwill play,
The Melting Pot, is a popular sensation in America
October 6: Austria-Hungary annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina
November 30: Root-Takahira Agreement
Ninth Zionist Congress, Wolffsohn and Nordau expect changes
as a result of the Young Turk Revolution.
January 26: Cancer was practically unknown until cowpox
March 4: William Howard Taft became president
March 12: the Black Hand killed Joseph Petrosino, New York
City detective
April 9: Congress passed “free trade” Payne Bill against
Filipino opposition
April 27: Abdülhamid deposed and exiled by the Young Turks
May 1: Freemasons convened to
create the Grand Orient Ottoman
February 6: American Society for the Judicial Settlement of International
Disputes met
May: creation of National Association for the Advancement
of Colored People (NAACP)
August 22: Japan annexed Korea
October 5: Freemasons led the revolution in several
countries, including America
December 15-17: first official international conference of ASJSID
February 12: Leon Furnémont admitted that Freemasons led
the revolution of October 5, 1910
October 10: Chinese Revolutionary Alliance began their
revolution, Wuchang Uprising
September 1: Leon Trotsky met with Dmitri Bogrov, son of a
wealthy Jew residing in Kiev
September 14: Bogrov shot the Russian Prime Minister Pyotr
Stolypin twice
December 29: Dr. Sun became the Provisional President of
the new Republic of China
January 8: National Monetary Commission recommended the
Aldrich Plan
October 8: Balkan Wars began; they ended May 30, 1913
February 3: government added the ungratified Sixteenth
March 4: Woodrow Wilson became president
April 7: Senator Henry Cabot Lodge introduced the Aldrich
April 8: Seventeenth Amendment, the popular election of
Senators, passed
May 14: New York State legislature chartered the
Rockefeller Foundation
May 22: founding the American Society for the Control of
October 20: Sigmund Livingston founded the Anti-Defamation
League (ADL)
December 23: President Wilson signed the Federal Reserve
Act into law
MI6 Director sent William Wiseman to the U.S. as its
liaison to House and Wilson
Margaret Sanger organized the
Birth Control League
Establishment of American Jewish Joint Distribution
Committee for Jewish war sufferers
February 10: Andrew Carnegie and others created the Church
Peace Union
April 20: the Ludlow Massacre by the U.S. military in
June 17: Churchill urged Britain to purchase 51% of
Anglo-Persian Oil
June 28: assassination of Archduke Ferdinand and his wife,
Duchess Sophie
July 28: Austro-Hungarian Empire declared war on Serbia
July 29: Russia declared war on Germany
July 29: Rathenau introduced the Mitteleuropa Plan to Sir
William E. Goschen
August: British naval blockade of Germany; it ended July
12, 1919
August 1: Germany declared war on Russia
August 2: Ottoman-German Alliance
August 3-4: German troops went through neutral Belgium
August 4: Belgian officials warned citizens against
organizing militias
August 28: CRB created of the Brussels Relief Committee
September 9: Erzberger and Riezler published the
September Program
October: Dr. Weizmann advocated a British-Zionist alliance
October 28: Turkey entered World War I on the side of the
Central Powers
November 27: founding of the American Jewish Joint
Distribution Committee (JDC)
December 14: Dr. Weizmann and Balfour met to plan strategy
January 9: Wangenheim sent a telegram to Arthur Zimmermann
February 4: Germany declared waters around Britain and
Ireland a war zone
March: Germany attempted to declare peace
March 6: Parvus arrived in Berlin for a meeting with Kurt
March 18: Constantinople Agreement between the European
April 22: Germany warned Americans not to travel on British
April 24/25: Young Turks arrested between 235 and 270
Armenian leaders
April 26: Treaty of London, a secret pact between Italy and
Triple Entente
May 1: Lusitania
was to depart from New York
May 7: the Lusitania
reduced its speed and its military
escort withdrew; Germans attacked
May 12: Bryce published report on
Alleged German Outrages
May 24: Siege of Van, insurgency against the government’s
Armenian policies
May 24: Great Powers charged the Ottomans of crimes against
May 27: Talaat Pasha issued the Temporary Law of
June 7: agents in Germany transferred five million marks to
the Bolsheviks
June 26: Ottomans posted the deportation proclamation for
all Armenians
July 12: Wangenheim demanded the end of potential
large-scale massacres
August 4: 90% of the U.S. public was against fighting in
the European War
August 14: officials urged Germany to financially support
the Bolsheviks
September: New York bankers loaned England and France $500
September 5-8: pacifist, socialist Zimmerwald Conference
September 16: the CUP decided to destroy all Turkish
October 6: James Bryce told Parliament about the murder of
the Armenians
October 15: a firing squad executed Edith Cavell for
revealing the food scam
October 24: the British promised to support Arab
November 11: Socialists organized an American branch of the
November 22: Britain determined to seize Palestine to retain naval power
German emissaries approached numerous London officials to
end the war
February 15: state documents disclose the bankers financing
March 9: President Wilson sanctioned U.S. entry into the
war in Europe
April 16: Karl Marx’s son-in-law, held a pacifist
April 24 to 30: the Second Zimmerwald Conference in
May 1: Luxemburg and Liebknecht organized an anti-war
May 16: Sykes-Picot Agreement aiding Armenians, Arabs,
Turks and Jews
June 1: Wilson appointed Louis D. Brandeis to the Supreme
June 4: Brusilov began offensive against the Central Powers
on the eastern front
June 6: Kitchener, who opposed Jewish policy, died on his way to Russia
June 9: U.S. instituted the draft and created the Bureau of
June 30: German Ambassador told how the CUP was running
August 11: U.S. introduction of a law sanctioning extensive
August 12: Hugo Stinnes agreed to fund a Russian publishing
October 21: Friedrich Adler assassinated Austrian Prime Minister
Karl von Sturgkh
November 22: Zimmermann replaced von Jagow as State
Secretary for Foreign Affairs
December 7: David Lloyd George became Britain’s Prime Minister
December 10: Lord Balfour replaced Sir Edward Grey as the
British Foreign Minister
December 12: Germans wanted peace and hoped Wilson would
get the Allies to meet
December 18: Ambassador Page relayed a peace offer from
Central Powers to the Allies
January: Trotsky arrived in New York City where he
collaborated with Jacob H. Schiff
January 9: Prime Minister Lloyd George repudiated the peace
offering from Germany
January 19: Zimmermann sent a second telegram to the German
Embassy in Mexico City
February 1: Bernstorff told the U.S. that Germany was
beginning submarine warfare
February 5: Congress enacted Immigration Act restricting
February 7: Secretary Mark Sykes met with Weizmann and
other Zionist leaders
February 14: the U.S. government suspended all diplomatic
relations with Germany
March: demonstrations in St. Petersburg, Bolsheviks attempt
to manage the masses
March 8 - March 12: early Bolshevik revolution, a
demonstration against the war
March 15: revolutionaries halted the Czar’s train; told him
that his reign was over
March 15: Czar Nicholas abdicated; provisional government
formed under Kerensky
April 2: Wilson pleads with Congress to declare war against Germany
April 2: Congress initiated censorship policies and
regulated media
April 6: the U.S. declared war on Germany and entered World
War I
April 7: Wilson requested the restitution of the coastal
territories stolen from Poland
April 8: Dr. Weizmann requested Brandeis to counsel Wilson
to support Balfour
April 11: Benedict XV told Sykes Vatican would accept
Zionist settlement in Palestine
April 13: Wilson created the Committee on Public
Information (
April 13: officials waylaid the ship in Halifax and they
arrested Trotsky
April 16: Lenin and his group left Bern for Stockholm, then
to Russia
April 26: Agreement of St.-Jean-de-Mauriennean, Triple
Entente and Italy
April 29: Nahum Sokolow met with Pacelli
May: Nahum Sokolow negotiated with France for the Balfour
May 1: Nahum Sokolow met with Secretary of State Cardinal
Pietro Gasparri
May 4: Nahum Sokolow met with the Pope who wanted
protection of the holy places
May 20: Weizmann announced that the Pope supported a Jewish
homeland in Palestine.
June 10: U.S. Jews established the American Jewish Congress
June 15: Congress passed the Espionage Act, similar to 2012
June 18: in Petrograd, a huge demonstration involving
workers and soldiers
June 28-30: Masonic Congress developed the plan to create
the League of Nations
July 4: Lenin, in Petrograd, directed his agents to take to
the streets
July 4: Weizmann met with a representative of the British
July 6: in the Reichstag, Matthias Erzberger called for
July 17: King George changed the name of the British royal
house to the House of Windsor
July 21: Kerensky becomes Prime Minister of Russia over the
Provisional government
August 10: Wilson created the Food Administration led by
Herbert Hoover
August 10: the Lever Act authorized Hoover to regulate food
in the U.S.
September 1917, House persuaded Wilson to create a “body of
experts” to devise peace terms
October 1: Robert Cutting, Elihu Root and Percy
Rockefeller, met with the Japanese Mission
October 6: Trading with the Enemy Act
October 24: Bolshevik forces began the takeover of
government buildings
October 25: the Bolsheviks arrested members of Kerensky’s
October 26: Lenin presented first official document, the
Decree on Peace
November 2: Balfour Declaration cited in a letter to Baron
November 2: Robert Lansing negotiated the Lansing-Ishii
agreement with Kikujiro Ishii
November 7: Bolshevik Revolution, a political coup
November 23: Lenin and Trotsky decided to negotiate with
Germany at Brest-Litovsk
November 28: House told Wilson to suppress criticism of the
December: William B. Thompson’s document to David Lloyd
December 9: Allenby captured Jerusalem
December 11-12: Bolsheviks ignite uprisings across Ukraine
in Kiev, Odessa, and Vinnytsia
December 18: the Pope changed his mind about the Jewish
homeland in Palestine
December 19-20: Lenin authorized Cheka to repress any
December 23: U.S. Jews celebrate the signing of the Balfour
January 8: President Woodrow Wilson delivered his Fourteen
January 18: Bolsheviks killed twenty-three opposition
assembly members
January 8: Woodrow Wilson presented his
Fourteen Points speech to Congress
February 9: Ukrainians declared independence; negotiated
treaty with Germany
February 10: Britain created the Ministry of Information
February 11: France formally endorsed the Balfour
Declaration about Zionism
February 23: Italy formally endorsed the Balfour
Declaration about Zionism
March 3: German troops moved towards Petrograd
March 3: Russia and Germany signed the Brest-Litovsk Treaty
March 7: Anton Drexler established the German Workers’
March 21: Germany began the Spring Offensive
April: Paderewski met Louis Marshall and other Jewish
leaders of the AJC
May 7: Russia signed the Treaty of Bucharest with
May 30: members of the ARF declared the Democratic Republic
of Armenia
June 11: the ZOA sent letters to each Congressman to assess
their Zionist attitudes
July 4: Wilson gave direction on dismantling Ottoman Empire
and Jewish immigration
July 17: Jewish thugs murdered the Romanov family at
July 27: Lenin outlawed all anti-Semitism, a law, if
broken, might result in execution
August 27: Lenin and Trotsky agreed to pay Germany war reparations
August 31: President Wilson wrote Rabbi Wise approving of
British actions in Palestine
September 2: creation of Cheka which perpetrated the mass
murders of the Red Terror
September 24: U.S. Marines arrive at Brest under Smedley D.
October 9: Royal Society sponsored Conference on
International Scientific Organizations
October 14: the British, used mustard gas against German
soldiers, including Hitler
October 30: the Ottoman Empire and Allies signed the
Armistice of Mudros
November 1: beginning of the Polish-Ukrainian War which
ended July 17, 1920
November 4: Marxists start German Revolution; it ended
August 11, 1919
November 5: Robert Lansing told Germany it had to pay all
war damages
November 5: Germany renounced the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
with the Soviets
November 6: Britain
appointed a commission to decide if Germany violated certain laws
November 7: France/Britain claimed to be freeing the
oppressed in Turkey
November 7: Prince Maximilian of Baden formed a new
November 9: the new government forced Kaiser Wilhelm II to abdicate
the throne
November 11: Matthias Erzberger, acting for Germany signed
the Armistice
November 13: Allies occupy Constantinople; it ended
September 23, 1923
December 17: Marxists said the German Empire was the main target
December 27:
Greater Poland Uprising which ended June 28, 1919
November 24: Béla Kuhn founded the Communist Party of
Hungary (KMP) in Budapest
January: the Polish National Committee (PNC) disbanded
January 4: Chaim Weizmann arrived in Paris, part of the
Zionist Delegation
January 18: Paris Peace Conference began; it ended January
21, 1920
January 25: allied
powers established Commission on the Responsibility for the war
February 3: Zionists submitted their demands to Peace
Conference officials
February 5: Pilsudski said that the “western borders of
Poland were a gift of the coalition”
February 5: officials charged three Turkish officials with
mass murder
February 6: National Assembly selected Friedrich Ebert as
February 13: Japanese submitted Racial Equality Proposal at
the Paris Peace Conference
February 14: Polish–Soviet War began; it ended in March 18,
February 16: France sent the military to force German units
to retreat
March 4:
Lenin and Trotsky created the Communist
March 10: Pope told his advisors that Jews should never
have custody of holy places
March 21: Communists established the Hungarian Soviet
March 24: the Communists seized government buildings in
March 25: PM Lloyd George opposed placing over 2,100,000
Germans under Polish control
March 27: Ribbentrop talked with Paderewski regarding the
outrages in Bromberg
March 29: Allied
commission claimed that Germany caused the war using 32 classifications
April 6: Marxists officially proclaimed a Soviet Republic
in Bavaria
April 7: lawyers created the War Guilt Clause, article 231
April 11: Japan attempted to add a “racial equality clause
into the League of Nations Covenant
April 28: the main trial of those responsible for the Armenian massacre began
April 28: the Freemasons erected League of Nations to
supervise every nation’s activities
May 6: lawyers completed the text, in secret, of the
Versailles Treaty
May 7: David Lloyd George delivered the text of the
Versailles Treaty
May 14: November criminals fought for approval of the
Versailles Treaty
May 15: Greek army occupied Smyrna
May 19: Turkish War of Independence; it ended July 24, 1923
May 29: German delegates defined the potential challenges
of a territorial reassignment
June 20: the Allies gave Germany a five-day ultimatum to
sign the treaty
June 20: the Hungarian Red Army entered Slovakia and declared it a Soviet
June 22: the Reichstag ratified the treaty
June 24: Clemenceau reminded Paderewski of Poland’s
obligations regarding minorities
June 28: Germany signed the Versailles Treaty to halt
Britain’s starvation embargo
June 30: Lansing instructed Morgenthau of the ACNP to
investigate Jewish matters in Poland
July 12: Allies ended the naval blockade of Germany
(1914-1919), months after the Armistice
July 13: the ACNP, headed by Morgenthau, arrived in Warsaw
August 11: establishment of the Weimar Republic and
constitution – Ebert is president
September: Wilson appointed King and Crane to the
Inter-Allied Commission
September 1: Communists create the American Communist Party
September 10: Treaty of St. Germain economically devastated
September 12: Hitler attended his first meeting of the
German Workers’ Party
October 19: Straus claims that 6,000,000 Jews are destitute
and starving in Europe
October 19: Glynn wrote an article entitled,
The Crucifixion of Jews Must Stop
November 12: Warburg claimed the war had reduced the Jewish
population by 6,000,000
December 16: creation of the Permanent Court of
International Justice (World Court)
American Civil Liberties Union founded
Illuminati-based Royal Institute of International Affairs
(RIIA) established
January 10: the League of Nations charter took effect
January 10: Danzig, a seaport city, became the Free City of
January 28: Nationalist Turkey signed the National Pact, a
declaration of independence
February 4: Churchill warned of the spread of communism in
a newspaper article
February 12-24: Conference of London to discuss partition
of Ottoman Empire
February 17: Ottoman parliament supported Nationalism led
by Kemal
February 19: Churchill suggested “some kind asphyxiating
bombs” to seize control of Iraq
February 20: the Soviets made the Volga German Workers’
Commune autonomous (ASSR)
February 24: publication of the NSDAP program
April 1: Hitler leaves the army to devote full time to the
German Workers’ Party
April 23: the Grand National Assembly founded under the
leadership of Mustafa Kemal
April 24: San Remo Resolution allowed for the establishment
of the Civil Administration
April 25: San Remo Resolution legalized British rule,
Southern part, Ottoman Empire
May 31: the members of American Jewish Committee elected
Nathan Straus as Chairman
June 1: the AJC intended to create a World Tribunal to
indict the persecutors of the Jews
June 4: Treaty of Trianon, Hungary gave up over two-thirds
of its territory
August 10: integration of the Balfour Declaration into the
Treaty of Sèvres
August 14: Beneš negotiated the Little Entente
October 17: the Allies ended the trials of the CUP leaders
for the Armenian Genocide
March 4: Warren G. Harding became president
March 20: Gleiwitz residents voted to remain in Germany
rather than join Poland
March 21: the Soviets relaxed their policies through the
New Economic Policy (NEP)
March 22: Communists organized a general strike throughout
April 23: in Bucharest, Beneš negotiated and signed an
alliance with Yugoslavia and Romania
May 1: Arabs attacked Jewish communists who were
celebrating in Jaffa
May 1-7: Jaffa riots spread elsewhere in the Ottoman Empire
May 19: Congress passed the Emergency Quota Act,
restricting immigrants
June 13: Pope Benedict XV criticized Zionism
during a meeting of cardinals
July 29: the Council on Foreign Relations incorporated in
New York
October 3: the Soviets established the first central State
September 30: Polish census enumerated 2,048,878 Jews
November 12: start of the Washington Conference, ended
February 6, 1922
January 22: Pope Benedict XV died; Pope Pius XI replaced him
February 6: England, France and Italy signed the Nine Power
April 2: Weizmann met Gasparri
who continued to object to the Mandate over Palestine
April 5: Sanger’s American Birth Control League
incorporated in New York
April 3: Stalin seized complete power and became General
April 10 to May 19: Genoa Conference was held in Genoa,
April 16: Treaty of Rapallo invalidated all territorial and
financial claims
May 15: Gasparri officially notified League of Nations to
oppose the British Mandate
May 26: German officials release the Reichsbank from
government regulation
July 22: despite opposition, the League of Nations
authorized the British Mandate
July 24: the League of Nations confirmed the British
Mandate for Palestine
September 16: Britain apportioned the Ottoman Empire into
two administrative sections
September 18: the Turks expelled the occupiers and
established new state
October 22-29: Benito Mussolini’s march on Rome
November 22: Ebert appointed
Wilhelm Cuno as Chancellor of Germany
December 30: Bolsheviks created the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics
January 9: Reparations Commission declared Germany in
February 13: Grand Council of Fascists in Italy banned
freemasonry for all Fascists
April 10: Prime Minister Sikorski revealed Poland’s
liquidation of Germans and de-Germanization policy
July 24: the Treaty of Lausanne for the disposition of the
Ottoman Empire
August 2: Harding died and Calvin Coolidge became president
August 6: Joseph Grew signed the Treaty of Amity and
September 1: Kantō earthquake
October 29: Turkish officials proclaimed the new republic
November 13: Schacht became the Special Commissioner to
stabilize the German economy
December: Schacht became the bank president
after meeting with Montagu Norman
January 21: Lenin died
January 25: Treaty of Alliance and Friendship between
France and Czechoslovakia
March 3: Turks dissolved the Caliphate and exiled the
Sultan and his family
April 1: Hitler received the lightest “allowable sentence”
of five years
May 4: The NSDAP won 32 seats in the Reichstag in the
May 26: Congress further restricted immigration with the
Act of 1924
June 16: Dr. Sun established the Whampoa Military Academy
August: Dawes Plan adopted
December 20: Hitler is released from jail
The Institute of Pacific Relations (
February 27: the NSDAP is allowed to function as the ban
against it ended
March 12: Sun Yat-sen died creating a crisis for the
Nationalist Party
April 25: Vladimir Jabotinsky created the Zionist
Revisionist Party
April 26: Paul von Hindenburg voted in as president of
Weimar Germany
April 28: Churchill returned England to the gold standard
with the Gold Standard Act 1925
July 18: Adolf Hitler published Mein Kampf
December 3: Locarno Treaty, which allowed Germany to join
the League of Nations
April 24: Treaty of Berlin
September 20-24: international cancer symposium at Lake
March 16: Marines arrive in Shanghai
April 12: Keswick ordered the Green Gang and Chiang to
begin a reign of terror
April 12: Chinese Civil war begins (ended
June 27: Japan targeted China’s Shandong Province
June 28: Japanese officers killed the Manchurian warlord,
Chang Tso-lin
July 1: Norman and Schacht arrived in U.S. to see Benjamin
Strong and Charles Rist
December 1: Chiang Kai-shek married Soong Mei-Ling
May 20: the NSDAP wins 12 seats in the Reichstag in the
federal elections
September 17: the Achnacarry Agreement
October 10: the bankers installed Chiang as president of
March 4: Herbert Hoover became president
July 28- August 11: Sixteenth Zionist Congress held in
Zurich, creation of the Jewish Agency
August 31: Schacht led the German delegation that
negotiated the Young Plan
September 23: Winston Churchill – met with McAdoo, former
Treasury Secretary
October 2: Baruch met Churchill and his party when they
arrived in Chicago
October 4: Churchill addressed the Commercial Club, the
CEOs of Chicago’s firms
October 18: Churchill visited Republican President Herbert
October 24: Black Thursday, followed by Black Tuesday,
October 29
October 29: the big crash; that night Baruch had a lavish
celebration at his mansion
December 6: Baruch accompanied $10 million in gold to
January: Young Plan replaced the Dawes Plan
January 5: Stalin replaced the NEP with the first of
thirteen Five-Year Plans
January 20: Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
January 30: the Soviets sanctioned the extermination of the
kulaks as a class
March 6: the NSDAP publishes its Party Manifesto
March 7: Hoover told the citizens that the economic
situation would end in 60 days
September 14: the NSDAP wins 107 seats in the Reichstag
September 16: Hoover appointed Eugene I. Meyer as Governor
of Federal Reserve Board
November 21: first birth control clinic opened in New York
December 11: New York’s fourth largest bank, the Bank of
the United States, failed
May 8: Rothschild’s Creditanstalt declared its insolvency
September 18: Mukden Incident, Japan seized Manchuria from
September 21: Churchill removed England from the gold
October 18: Hitler said that the NS Party, if elected,
would restore “law and order” in Germany
December 9: Polish census enumerated 2,732,600 Jews
January 28: Japan bombed Shanghai
March 1: Banker-backed thugs kidnap and murder the grandson
of Charles Lindbergh
May: the NSDAP published its 20-page Emergency Economic
May 6: Paul Gorguloff, a Russian émigré, shot and killed
Paul Doumer, President of France
June 6: President Hoover appointed Joseph C. Grew as the US
Ambassador to Japan
July 28: several scuffles occurred between local police and
the Bonus Army veterans
July 31: the NSDAP won 230 seats, becoming the top party in
the Reichstag
January 30: Hitler became Chancellor of Germany
February 1: Hitler began economically rejuvenating Germany
February 7: Churchill gave a speech
Prepare, he regretted Disarmament Conference of 1932-34
February 11: Morgenthau declared, “The U.S. has entered the
phase of a second war!”
February 22: B’nai B’rith and Jewish leaders met to plan
economic warfare against Germany
February 23: Göring ordered a police raid on communist
February 27-28: Marinus van der Lubbe set the fire to the
March 4: Cordell
Hull became the Secretary of State
March 4: FDR assumes the office of U.S. President
March 5: Germans overwhelmingly vote for the NSDAP, giving
them 288 Reichstag seats
March 9: Roosevelt issued Executive Orders 6073, 6102,
6111, and 6260
March 12: AJC leaders met to plan a national program of
protests against Germany
March 14: Congress passed the Economy Act supposedly to
balance the federal budget
March 16:
International Jewry called a boycott against Germany following the election of
March 19: the AJC
convened a boycott planning meeting; 1,000 Jews attended
March 20: Vilna
Jews held an anti-Nazi boycott
March 21: Rabbi Wise, along with AJC members went to
Washington to see FDR
March 21: Lion Feuchtwanger claimed that Hitler killed a
“vast number” of Jews
March 21: Himmler announced the opening of Dachau to detain
communist agitators
March 23: Hitler said “the struggle with communism in
Germany is our internal affair”
March 23: thousands of Jewish war veterans started marching
in the streets
March 23: The New
York Times printed the headline –
Protest on Hitler Growing in Nation
March 23: at least 20,000 Jews protested at New York’s City
March 24: Reich League issued a statement
reiterating the falseness of the
atrocity propaganda
March 24: Daily
Express reports – Judea Declares War
on Germany
March 27: Justice
Brandeis endorsed the boycott meeting at Madison Square Garden
March 27: Jews
planned a huge demonstration in New York on this date to vilify Hitler
March 27: Hitler issued an order calling upon his followers
to maintain law and order
March 30:
565,000 German Jews complained about atrocity-propaganda against Germany
March 31: Walter Duranty discredited Jones’ report about
the Ukrainian famine
April 1: NSDAP’s preemptive national boycott against
Germany’s Jews
April 1:
International League against Anti-Semitism declared a boycott in Paris
April 2: Jewish and
Christian clergy in Canada protested mistreatment of German Jews
April 3: Polish Minister filed charges of “mistreatment of
Polish Jews in Germany.
April 3: Numerous Jewish organizations sent a telegram to
Hitler promising reprisals
April 3: at least
70,000 Greek Jews protested against Hitler in Salonika, Greece
April 3: 700 members of the JDC met to initiate a campaign
to raise funds for German Jews
April 4: in Bombay, Jews protested against Hitler
April 5: New York, 15,000 protested the government and Jews
who would not criticize Hitler
April 5: Roosevelt made it illegal for citizens to own gold
April 6: Adler and B’nai B’rith president Cohen received a
cable about the “Nazi horrors”
April 6: Poland, mob violence against Germans occurred
during the national boycott
April 9: Britain,
policemen tried to have storeowners remove their “Boycott German Goods”
April 13: the
Romanian National Bank began declining all foreign currency for German imports
April 15:
Daily Herald reported that Germany’s
fur industry would lose $100 million a year
April 21: Rudolf Hess became Deputy Führer of the NSDAP
21: Germany banned kosher slaughter, which Germans viewed as an incredibly
April 28: Jabotinsky began calling for a worldwide German
boycott over Radio Warsaw
May 2: Hitler met with Jozef Lipski, during which he agreed
to heed all Polish-German treaties
May 4-13: Schacht was in the US visiting FDR and Hull about
Germany’s economic situation
May 9, Einstein wrote to Rabbi Wise, complaining about the
lack of Jewish unity in America
May 10: Untermeyer, via the newspapers, urged all Americans
to ban all German products
May 10: New York Jews halted all business so they could
prepare for the parade that afternoon
May 10: Protest parade in New York against Germany, 100,000
May 17: Hitler said he wished to find solutions to meet the
demands of the Polish officials
May 17: Hitler said, “Germany will be perfectly ready to
disband her military establishment
May 24: Senator Gerald P. Nye approved the Congressional
propaganda plan against Hitler
June 5: Congress enacted a joint resolution outlawing all
gold clauses in contracts
June 16: Roosevelt signed the Glass-Steagall Act
June 28: Paderewski gave a concert in Paris to raise money
for the “victims of Hitler”
July: Untermeyer founded the International Jewish Economic
July 14: KPD, communist party in Germany, was outlawed
July 21: Bernard Baruch left for Europe where he would meet
with Churchill
August: publication of
The Brown Book of the Hitler Terror and
the Burning of the Reichstag
August 6: Untermeyer said Jews and Gentiles should not buy
goods made in Germany
August 7: Untermeyer claimed that Jewish bankers lent money
to Germany
August 21 to September 4: the Eighteenth World Zionist
Congress held in Prague
August 25: Jabotinsky declared that his party was in charge
of the worldwide boycott
August 27: Untermeyer predicted that Hitler would not last
over twelve months
September 10: Churchill hosted a lavish dinner party for
Bernard Baruch
September 11: Japanese Ministry introduced policies for
private firms for oil exploration efforts
September 11: James G. McDonald visited Dachau and
published an atrocity story in The
New York Times
October 13: Mein Kampf is published in English
October 14: Hitler suspended Germany’s relationship with
the League of Nations
November 7: Reinhold Niebuhr expected a left-wing revolt
that would eradicate Hitler
November 16: FDR granted the Soviets diplomatic recognition
December 1: Hitler appointed Hess as Minister without
December 18: Hitler asked for equal rights for Germany
January 26: Officials signed a German-Polish agreement, a
relief to their neighbors
February 1: the Chinese government levied an import tax on
kerosene and gasoline
February 7: Churchill urged the rebuilding of the RAF and
the creation of a Ministry of Defence
April 2: Walter C. Teagle, of Standard Oil met with
Interior Secretary Harold Ickes
April 30: Hitler’s
Reign of Terror, one of the first anti-Nazi films, opened on Broadway
July 12: Poland opened prison at Bereza-Kartuska as a
detention center for Germans
July 13: Churchill endorsed a stronger League of Nations
August 2: President Paul von Hindenburg of Germany died,
Hitler became president
August 22: Teagle and Shell’s leadership conferred with
Ickes and State Department officials
October 12: Prince George acquired the title, Duke of Kent
November 27: State Department reps met with London’s
Foreign Office to look at options
November 29: Prince George married his second cousin,
Princess Marina
January 23: Naujocks led an undercover attack on a radio
station during which Formis died
February 21:
Stalin said, a
new world war is inevitable in preparation for world revolution
March 6: France reinstated military conscription
March 16: Hitler issued the restitution declaration of
Germany’s sovereign power
March 23: Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Philippine
May 12: Pilsudski died
May 16: the USSR and Czechoslovakia signed the
Czechoslovak-Soviet Treaty of Alliance
May 18: Standard Oil billed the Manchukuo government for
damages and loss of business
May 21: Hitler offered to take an active part in all
efforts to a practical limitation of armaments
June 18: British officials to sign the Anglo-German Naval
Agreement with Germany
July 12: officials registered the Anglo-German Naval
Agreement with the League of Nations
July 27: Jabotinsky, “There is only one power which really
counts, political pressure
August 31: Congress passed several Neutrality Acts, which
it renewed on February 29, 1936
November 15: US granted the Philippines some autonomy
through the Tydings-McDuffie Act
December 18: Edvard Beneš became president of
December 21: the Kremlin promoted the idea to Germany of a
neutrality pact
January 20: King George V died, hastened by Dr. Bertrand E.
Dawson’s actions
Edward VIII, the eldest son of King George V, became King of the United Kingdom
February 4: David Frankfurter, an orthodox Jew, murdered
Wilhelm Gustloff
March 3: Hitler proposed an encompassing 5-point peace plan
March 7: Hitler, denounced the Locarno Treaties and invaded
the Rhineland
April 28: the Soviets decided to resettle 15,000 Poles and
Germans from the Ukraine
May 2: Franco- Soviet Pact signed in Paris
June 4: first socialist and the first Jew to serve as Prime
Minister of France, André Léon Blum
June 22: Churchill agreed to use his oratorical skills
against Hitler for The Focus
July: Otto Katz formed the Anti-Nazi League in Hollywood
July 11: Austrian and German officials discussed the idea
of Germany annexing their country
July 22: Churchill agreed to use his oratorical skills
against Hitler and Germany
August 14: FDR: “We shun political commitments which might
entangle us in foreign wars”
November: Churchill said, “Germany is getting too strong,
and we must smash her.”
November 20: Anthony Eden said Britain would adhere to the
Versailles Treaty
November 23: Life
Magazine launched
November 25: Japan and Germany signed an Anti-Comintern
December 11:
King Edward abdicated the throne and later married Wallis Simpson
December 11:
George VI became King of the United Kingdom
April 19: U.S. committees met to decide if the Philippines
were ready for independence
April 27: the 3,000,000 Jews in Poland were afraid of
May 1: Congress passed Neutrality Act due to the outbreak
of the Spanish Civil War in 1936
May 6: Hindenburg Disaster (35 dead)
May 12: coronation of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth
May 28:
Neville Chamberlain replaced Stanley Baldwin as the British prime minister
June: Peel Commission advised boundary reductions for
Israel, four hundred square miles
June: the AJCm published an anti-German booklet entitled
The Jews in Nazi Germany
June 26: Exemption of Jews from military service in the
U.S. decided at an annual conference
July 7: Japanese invasion of China
July 7: there was another false flag attack at the Marco
Polo Bridge
July 12: Ben-Gurion said that to establish a Zionist state,
they had to expel the Arabs
July 24: Italy signed the Anti-Comintern Pact, against the
Communist International (Comintern)
August 6: Hirohito removed all constraints of International
Law regarding prisoners of war
August 11: until December 24, 1938, the Soviets executed
over 9,500 of its citizens
August 13: Japan’s massive aerial and ground assault
against Shanghai begins
September 13: Prince Chichibu went to Nuremberg to meet
privately with Adolf Hitler
September 27: State Department denounced Japan for its
indiscriminate bombing
October 5: FDR gave a speech in Chicago asking for a
“quarantine of the aggressor nations”
November 3: the Nine Power Treaty Conference
November 5: Germany officially viewed Austria for
November 5: German and Polish officials negotiated a
mutually beneficial minority agreement
November 5: the Japanese arrived at Jinshanwei and
surrounded the Chinese military
November 7: FDR told French officials that he wanted to
depose Hitler
November 11: Japanese troops began their advance towards
November 16: Bullitt went to Poland and met with Jozef Beck
to promote warfare
December 7: Japan sinks a United States gunboat, the
Panay, on the Yangtze River
December 7: Prince Asaka Yasuhiko took charge of the
invasion of Nanking
December 13: Fifty thousand Japanese troops forcefully
entered Nanking
December 14: Oliphant determines if the United States could
seize Japan’s assets
December 16: Japanese took about 5,000 captives to the
Yangtze River and shot them
December 17: FDR introduced Oliphant’s ideas for using the
TWEA against Japan
January 31: NKVD issued a circular for the mass arrests of
Soviet Germans
February 9: Jerzy Potocki complained to a Polish official
about Jewish influence in the US
March: MacMichaels directed the British military to crush
the Jewish revolts
March: MacMichaels suggested that Britain abandon its plan
to partition Palestine
March 9: Austria scheduled a plebiscite on the issue of
unification for March 13
March 12: Germany annexed the German-speaking country of
March 12-13: the American press did not criticize Germany
for the annexation
March 13: Austrians voted 99.73% and German citizens voted
99.02% for Anschluss
March 14: Morgenthau notified French officials that America
supported Léon Blum
March 14: suddenly the American media denounced the
annexation of Austria
March 16: Beck told Polish officials that he intended to
issue an ultimatum to Lithuania
March 17: Lithuania, under the threat of force by Poland,
accepted the ultimatum
March 22: Goebbels told Hugh R. Wilson that he objected to
hate-mongering against Germany
March 24: Chamberlain said that Britain was unwilling to
defend Czechoslovakia
March 28: Hitler appointed Konrad Henlein as head of the
Sudeten Germans
March 30: Germany removed the Jewish church from receiving
taxpayer funds
April 30: Ribbentrop defied Wilson to find any criticism of
FDR in the German press
May 21: Czech officials mobilized military forces against
the Sudetenland Germans
June 5: Jabotinsky spoke of the 6,000,000 European Jews who
centered their hopes on Palestine
June 12: Ben-Gurion said, “I am for compulsory transfer; I
do not see anything immoral in it.”
July 6: beginning of the Evian Conference to discuss the
Jewish refugee problem
August 3: George
Rublee held first meeting to determine the fate of the Jews from Germany
August 19: Kleist-Schmenzin assured Churchill that when war
erupted, the German opposition would impose a new government within 48 hours
August 19: Churchill decided to try to provoke Hitler to
take aggressive action
August 24: Poland blockaded Danzig’s Germans which now
faced starvation and economic ruin
September 6: Hitler, in a speech, disapproved of occultism
and opposed freemasonry
September 7: German traitor Erich Kordt told Lord Halifax
that army leaders were ready to forcibly oppose Hitler
September 7: Churchill conceded that the surrender of the
Sudetenland was beneficial
September 9: the State Department negotiated an
Anglo-American trade treaty with Britain
September 16: King George VI praised Chamberlain for
planning on seeing Hitler
September 30: Hitler, Chamberlain, Mussolini and Daladier
sign Munich Agreement
September 12, Hitler spoke about the Sudeten crisis at a
rally in Nuremberg
September 15: Chamberlain met with Hitler and he agreed to
cede the Sudetenland to Germany
September 20, Lipski told Hitler that Warsaw agreed with
Berlin regarding Czechoslovakia
September 22: Polish officials asked for volunteers to
liberate the Poles in Czechoslovakia
September 22: Chamberlain and Hitler met in Godesberg to
confirm the prior agreement
September 27: Polish officials demanded that Czechoslovakia
revise the border
September 29-30: France, Britain and Germany signed the
Munich Agreement
October: the British accepted MacMichaels’ proposals which
closed Palestine to the Jews
October 3: Lord Halifax affirmed the Munich Pact in the
House of Lords
October 4: the French National Assembly endorsed the Munich
October 5: Beneš resigned as president of Czechoslovakia
October 15: Polish officials said that Polish passport
holders must obtain a validation visa
October 16: Churchill, after received money from Strakosch,
bashed the Munich Pact
October 21: division of annexed territories in Europe into
neighboring territories
October 22: Edvard Beneš, president of Czechoslovakia, went
into exile in Putney, London
October 24: Germany approached Polish officials seeking to
reunite Danzig to Germany
October 28: Germany, per the Polish passport-ordinance,
took about 15,000 Jews into custody
October 31: Poland guaranteed the minority rights of
Danzig’s Germans (96% of the city)
November 7: Herschel Grynszpan shot Ernst vom Rath
November 8: the British were to announce their decision not
to partition Palestine for the Jews
November 9: The New York Times stated that 1,000 Jews died;
less than a 100 perished.
November 9-10:
Kristallnacht, which the worldwide media exaggerated
November 10:
Goebbels ordered those involved to stop all aggression against the Jews
November 15, FDR
would not raise immigration quotas for immigration from Germany
November 17: the
British decreased its immigration quota for Jews emigrating from Germany
November 19: in
Washington, Bullitt met with Jerzy Potocki to discuss European issues
November 21:
Potocki reported his conversation with Bullitt to the Polish Foreign Ministry
December 14-17:
Schacht was in London seeking the advocacy of wealthy Jews for refugees
December 18: Rublee
approached Washington officials about financing for Jewish immigration
December 20:
experts in Paris decided that a Jewish consortium could raise the needed money
January 1: Germany published a decree eliminating Jews from
the German economy
January 1: By this date, the NKVD had incarcerated 18,572
Soviet Germans in labor camps
January 2: Ben-Gurion wanted a “world Jewish conference,”
to gain support for the Jews
January 4: Roosevelt delivered a warning to Germany in his
message to Congress
January 4: FDR referred to Hitler as an aggressor and
potential war in Europe
January 5: Hitler told Beck that he would not deprive
Poland of access to the sea
January 10: Neville Chamberlain and Lord Halifax arrive in
Rome to meet with Mussolini
January 12, Potocki reported that the Jews perpetuated
anti-Hitler propaganda in America
January 17: Denmark, Latvia and Estonia sign a
non-aggression pact with Germany
January 17: Slovakian premier declares his foremost task is
to solve the Jewish question
January 19: Hjalmar Schacht has his last meeting with
George Rublee in Berlin
January 20: Hitler replaces Hjalmar Schacht as president of
the Reichsbank with Walter Funk
January 24: Reinhard Heydrich established the Reich Central
Office for Jewish Emigration
January 24: Germany allows Jews from Poland to return to
Germany to settle their accounts
January 27: because of the failures of the New Deal, the US
planned on going to war
January 31: U.S. Senate Military Affairs Committee met
secretly with FDR to discuss the war
February 1: Beck told Ribbentrop that Poland wanted to
annex Ukraine for access to Black Sea
February 25: Poland admitted it was terminating Germans
working in agriculture or industry
February 27: German and Polish officials talked about
issues concerning ethnic minorities
March 10: Baruch ridiculed Chamberlain’s remark about peace
in Europe
March 10: Stalin told the 18th
Congress/Communist Party he intended to overthrow America
March 10: Stalin told attendees at the 18th
Congress that World War II had already begun
March 14: Slovakian officials declared independence, which
dissolved Czechoslovakia
March 15: Hitler and Hácha agreed to establish the
Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia
March 15: Poland officially recognized the German
occupation of part of Czechoslovakia
March 16: FDR issued ultimatum demanding that the British
government oppose Germany
March 17: Chamberlain gave a speech at Birmingham in which
he angrily criticized Hitler
March 18: Welles condemned Germany’s actions to the US
media and suggested military action
March 21: Ribbentrop told Lipski that he hoped that they
could restore Danzig to the Reich
March 22: Lithuania relinquished Memel, a 700-square mile
strip of land, back to Germany
March 25: Hitler stated that he did not intend to settle
the Danzig problem through force
March 26: Lipski, in a memo, rejected Hitler’s
Danzig-Autobahn plan
March 26: West Marches Society held an incendiary
anti-German demonstration in Bromberg
March 26: Soviets eliminated the remaining 7 raions
(administrative divisions) in Ukraine
March 27: Ribbentrop met with Lipski and objected to the
persecution of Germans in Poland
March 31: Chamberlain announced Britain’s guarantee to
March 31:
Britain and France draw red line of guaranteed
protection for the Polish state
April 3: Beck went
to London to finalize a British/Polish alliance
April 3: Hitler
asked the OKW to draw up provisional plans for an attack on Poland
April 6: the Polish
census enumerated 741,000 ethnic Germans residing in Poland
April 9: Bullitt
cabled FDR that America might be able to furnish warplanes through Britain
April 11: Warsaw
Parliament began preparing and gathering support for mobilization
April 15: Britain
and France vowed to protect the independence of Romania and Greece
April 15: Roosevelt
sent Hitler a telegram accusing him of aggression
April 23: without a German threat, Warsaw officials
activated another 334,000 army reservists
April 25: the Polish media promoted the developing
connection between Moscow and Warsaw
April 26: Poland, via two laws, assembled the military
reserves and introduced conscription
April 28: Hitler responded to FDR’s cable and renounced the
Anglo-German Naval Agreement
April 29:
the Social Crediter published the article
May 3: forced resignation of Maxim Litvinov as the Kremlin
wanted to a pact with Germany
May 5, Beck told the Warsaw Chamber of Deputies of the
agreements with England and France
May 5: after Britain’s guarantee of support, Polish
officials refused Ribbentrop’s proposals
May 10: FDR invited Harry Hopkins, an advisor, to live in
the White House
May 11: Soviet battle against Japan at Khalkhin begins; it
ended September 16
May 14: According to Pravda,
Stalin needed to get the capitalists to fight each other
May 21: in Danzig, a Polish citizen, claiming self-defense,
shot a German, perhaps staged
May 31: Molotov said that the Soviet Union supported Poland
and condemned German policy
June 6: Axel Wenner-Gren met with Chamberlain to tell him
Germany did not want war
June 9: the Dukes of Kent and Hamilton, and General Walther
von Reichenau met to avert war
June 13: Soviet experts made a secret expedition to the
western frontier to evaluate the situation
June 26: FDR created a new intelligence agency for
espionage in Latin America
June 29: Moscicki claimed that Poland was arming to
maintain “peace” in the Baltic Sea
July 2: Georges Bonnet stated that France and Britain
planned to fulfill their vows to the Poles
July 10: Chamberlain reaffirmed Britain’s guarantee to
July 13: the Soviet government closed the
German Central-Newspaper in Moscow
July 24: Polish officials rejected any attempts of Germany
to incorporate Danzig into the Reich
August 11: British and French officials arrived in Moscow
to discuss action against Germany
August 19: Stalin ordered a surprise attack on Japan,
Germany’s ally
August 19: the Politburo held a secret meeting,
including members of Communist International
August 23:
Germany and the Soviet Union signed
the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
August 25: British officials altered their vow support to
Poland into a mutual assistance pact
August 25: the Anglo-Polish Treaty promised direct or
indirect military assistance
August 27: Dahlerus presented Hitler’s modest 16-point
proposal to British officials
August 28: Polish soldiers using machine guns fired on
German customs in Gleiwitz
August 29: a Polish formation opened fire on German customs
agents near Neubersteich
August 30: Kleist-Schmenzin conveyed the details of the
invasion of Poland to the British embassy in Berlin who warned Warsaw
August 30, Hitler issued
his 16-point solution for the Danzig-Corridor and minority question
August 30 Hitler agrees to Britain's request for a 24-hour
extension to permit negotiation
August 30: Poland mobilized for war
August 31: Poles attacked the Customs House at Neubersteich
August 31: Poles blew up the Dirschau (Tczew) bridge over
the Vistula River
August 31: the Poles attacked Gleiwitz, a mile from
Poland’s western border
August 31: The Supreme Soviet ratifies the German-Soviet
Non-Aggression Pact
August 31: Alfred Helmut Naujocks said he received the code
words Grandmama dead
August 31: Polish Ambassador Lipski meets with Ribbentrop
at 6:15 PM.
August 31: Beck forbade Lipski from receiving any documents
from von Ribbentrop
August 31: Poland declared war on Germany at midnight
August 31-September 1: on the night of,
Polish military assaulted the German town of Beuthen
September 1:
Germany invades Poland to rescue Germans living there
September 1: Churchill began rounding up enemies of the
September 2: Chamberlain argued against declaring war on
Germany over the invasion
September 3: the British and French governments issued an
ultimatum to German government
September 3: England and France declare war on Germany
September 3: Churchill became First Lord of the Admiralty
(until May 11, 1940)
September 3: beginning of the Phony War which ended in
April 1940
September 3: Polish terrorists enacted the Bromberg
Massacre; they murdered 5,500 Germans
September 4: Britain began aerial warfare against Germany
September 7: Poland shot down 15 German planes as they had
an early warning system
September 11: the Nordic League merged with the BUF
September 16: German aircraft disseminated flyers
throughout Warsaw warning the civilians
September 17: the Soviets invade Poland and several other
September 21: Germany decided to invade Warsaw, the capitol
September 26: Germans disseminated millions of new flyers
throughout Warsaw/ no response
September 30: in Paris, officials set up a new Polish
government-in-exile with Sikorski as PM
October 6: after the Polish defeat, Germany and the USSR
annexed and divided Poland
October 6: at the battle’s end, the number of Jews in
Poland was 2,633,000
October 8: Germany annexed western Poland and the former
Free City of Danzig
October 10: the Soviet-Lithuanian Treaty of Mutual
October 15: Stalin and Churchill signed the agreement to
obliterate Germany
October 16: Britain abandoned all restraints regarding
October 16-17: Germany’s first bombing strikes against the
October 30: repatriation of citizens of German nationality
in Latvia
November 4: the US Neutrality Act allowed the US to supply
weapons to Germany’s enemies
November 17: German soldiers discovered numerous mass
graves and uncovered 12,857 bodies
November 30: the Soviets invaded and annexed parts of
Finland in the Winter War
December 3: Ribbentrop stated that Poland was influenced by
Britain’s desire for another war
December 15: authorities completed the deportation of
45,000 Germans from Latvia
January 12: Pope told British official that there were
Germans who wanted to overthrow Hitler
January 18: FDR
appointed Robert H. Jackson as the Attorney General
February 1: the number of dead/missing Germans was at least
58,000, just in Posen &Bromberg
February 16: the Altmark Incident
February 21: the Soviet Union dropped bombs in Sweden
March 13: the Winter War, the Soviets against Finland,
ended with the Moscow Peace Treaty
March 16: Luftwaffe struck a navy yard leading to the first
British civilian death
April 3: German traitor Oster shared the details of
Germany’s invasion of Norway with the West
May 10: Winston Churchill replaced Neville Chamberlain as
Prime Minister of England
May 10: Hitler sent 500 planes to Britain, the Netherlands,
Belgium and Luxembourg; all had declared war on Germany
May 10: the Second Battle of Sedan began in the Battle of
France, ending June 22, 1940
May 12: General Guderian, with part of the Nineteenth
Panzer Corps, arrived at Meuse River
May 14: Germany attacked Rotterdam; media falsely reported
that it killed 30,000 civilians, after the city had surrendered
May 15: Churchill directed the RAF to execute a night raid
on German cities in the Ruhr
May 15: Latvian officials completed the disposal of the
German’s remaining property
May 15: Soviets had, according to the General Staff, 303
May 15: the Royal Navy began moving destroyers and other
ships to the southeast
May 16: Churchill flew to Paris to meet with anxious French
May 16: Germans crossed the Meuse and broke through the
last French forces
May 18: the British bombed Hamburg, a trading partner since
1600, for the first time
May 19: In a cabinet meeting, Churchill discussed an
evacuation at Dunkirk
May 20: William White and Clark M. Eichelberger created the
Committee to Defend America
May 20: after consolidating their bridgeheads at Sedan, the
German Army reached the Channel
May 20: the Germans founded a camp at the site of a
compound of brick barracks in Auschwitz
May 22, Churchill resolved to withdraw the British
Expeditionary Force from Dunkirk
May 24: at 11.30 am, Hitler arrived at Rundstedt’s
May 24: General Von Rundstedt issued the halt order on May
24, which Hitler confirmed
May 25: at 10pm, Churchill sanctioned an evacuation using
the destroyers already in place
May 26: British government then selected this day as a Day
of National Prayer
May 26: Germans resumed the offensive, targeting Paris, the
nucleus of the French troops
May 27 – June 4: the battle of Dunkirk; British began 9-day
evacuation on May 26
May 27: FDR sent a proposal to Churchill that he lease land
for US airbase construction
June 1: FDR ignored the Neutrality Act by reclassifying
ammunition and small arms as surplus
June 9: France’s PM sent FDR a telegram asking for more
financial aid to continue the war
June 14: Germany entered Paris where they confiscated many
Rothschild treasures
June 15: Germany gave the Soviets an ultimatum to leave
Germany’s area of interest in Poland
June 16: Ulmanis notified the Latvian population of the
nation’s capitulation to Moscow
June 16-17: Soviets invaded and began the occupation of
June 18: the Soviet Union invades Estonia and Lithuania
June 21: Smedley Butler, who said war is a racket died in
the Naval Hospital in Philadelphia
June 24: FDR directed Military and Naval Intelligence to be
responsible for the world
June 27: Stalin forces Romania to surrender Bessarabia
June 29: the anti-Communist Alien Registration Act of 1940
July 1: J. Edgar Hoover created the Special Intelligence
Service (SIS), in Latin America
July 2: FDR signed the Export Control Act in order to halt
Japanese expansion
On July 7: Hitler
said, “All members of the Wehrmacht must exercise restraint in their relations
with the civilian population of occupied territory”
July 19: Hitler, in remarks to the British public invited
England to the peace table
July 20: Lord Lothian requested a copy of Hitler’s
peace proposal from the Germans
July 20: Churchill told Lord Lothian to terminate all
interaction with German officials
August 18 - September 1: the Japanese consul in Lithuania
issued 6,000 transit visas to Jews
August 24: a German pilot inadvertently overran his target
and dropped bombs within London
August 24: Germany bombs London for the first time
August 27: Jackson dismissed the 1917 Espionage Act’s
prohibition against helping belligerents
August 31: Hess and Karl Haushofer discussed ways of
negotiating peace with Britain
September 2: Destroyers for Bases Agreement – exchanging
destroyers to Britain for airfields
September 14: Congress passed the Selective Training and
Service Act of 1940
September 27: German, Japanese and Italian officials signed
the Tripartite Pact
October 6: Greenwood told the Jews that people would help
them to found a new world order
October 7: McCollum devised an eight-step plan to provoke
Japan to attack the United States
November 9: Chamberlain, Britain’s most popular Prime
Minister died
November 25: the Haganah sank the
Patria, with 1,800 Jewish refugees from Europe aboard
December 10: Hitler told Goebbels that the Soviet Union was
“lurking in the wings”
December 18: Hitler signed Directive No. 21 relative to
implementing Operation Barbarossa
December 29: FDR, to scare Americans, said, if Britain goes
down the Axis Powers will win
January 27: Ambassador Joseph Grew told Cordell Hull about
a possible Japanese invasion
6: Adolf Berle described several Latin-American German groups as seditious
11: Anthony J. Biddle became an ambassador to the governments-in-exile
14: Hull told FDR that foreign countries should disclose their assets in America
26: FDR told Hull, Morgenthau, and Jackson that US needs to control foreign
1-2: Aleksandr Vasilevsky and others presented a plan to Stalin to invade
March 11: the enactment of the Lend-Lease Act
March 24: Time
Magazine endorsed Kaufman’s plan/book,
Germany Must Perish
April 1: America’s protection of Atlantic convoys began
April 3: Harry Dexter White told FDR to freeze all of
Japan’s assets in the US
April 3: Churchill confidentially warned Stalin about the
impending German invasion
April 13: Japan and the Soviet Union sign a Neutrality Pact
April 17: Officials create the Independent State of Croatia
April 18: officials expanded the security zone eastward
more than 2,300 sea miles from NY
April 21-27: Singapore Agreement between the British and
the US
April 28: Hess sent Haushofer
to visit with Burckhardt regarding possible peace with Britain
May 4: Soviet propagandists
claimed Germany was disintegrating due to Hitler’s policies
May 5: Stalin addressed the
graduating officers of the Frunze Military Academy
May 10: Rudolf Hess flew to
Scotland to meet with the British peace group
May 10: Churchill received FDR’s negative response
regarding America’s entry into the war
May 10: the Luftwaffe bombed London, killing 1,436
civilians and destroying several buildings
May 10: German invasion of France and England, whose armies
fled from Dunkirk
May 10: Hitler sends 500 assault planes to Britain, the
Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg
June 3: Gallup Poll indicated that 83% of the US population
opposed US entry in the war
June 13: Sorge warned the Kremlin that Germany was going to
attack on June 22
June 14: Roosevelt froze all German assets in the US, in
violation to international law
June 14: double-agents in Germany alerted Moscow about an
attack scheduled for June 22
June 22: Operation Barbarossa – German invasion of the
Soviet Union
June 22: the beginning of the alleged holocaust by Germany
in the eastern territories
June 22: Communists and Zionists began a decades-long
propaganda campaign against Germany and its alleged genocidal treatment of the
Polish Jews
July 1: by this date, Stalin increased the Red Army by an
additional 5.3 million men
July 6: Stalin scheduled the Soviet attack against Germany
for this date
July 11: FDR
appointed Robert H. Jackson to the Supreme Court
July 11: in anticipation of another war, FDR created the
Office of Coordinator of Information
July 25: NKGB began an investigation of all former war
prisoners from the camps in Germany
July 26: Roosevelt recalled MacArthur to active duty
July 26: Roosevelt froze all Japanese assets and brought
all transactions under US control
July 30: Sikorski-Mayski Agreement between the Soviet Union
and Poland
August 1: The US announces an oil embargo against aggressor
August 12: Atlantic Conference between Roosevelt and
Churchill in Newfoundland
August 14: Roosevelt and Churchill signed the Atlantic
Charter in Newfoundland
August 15: NKVD gave Germans in the Crimean just 3-4 four
hours to prepare for relocation
August 31: NKVD began evacuating the Soviet Germans from
the western regions of the USSR
September 3: formation of Ustaše unit, the Black Legion
September 4: a destroyer targeted the German submarine
U-652 with three depth charges
September 10: Weizmann told Churchill that the Jews got
America into WWI against Germany
September 11: FDR claimed that the U-652 “without any
provocation,” attacked the USS Greer
September 15: Knox said that the US could use every means
to capture or destroy Axis ships
September 20: General MacArthur organized the Philippine
Department Air Force
October 1: German ESE report describes the absence of raw
materials, food and the hunger among the Russian population
October 1: Operation Typhoon, Halder’s plan of a frontal
attack on Moscow began
October 30: FDR approved $1 billion in Lend-lease aid to
the Soviets
November 10: Time
Magazine reported that Germany seems to treat the Jew as equals
November 11: ESE reported that food/essentials scarcity
affected the morale of the Russians and Ukrainians
November 15: General Marshall explained offensive strategy
to some reporters
November 22: Rabbi Liebman told the Junior Hadassah, “The
Jewish people will say, ‘We were the first victims
November 24: Rabbi Wise claimed that the State Department
had a copy of Hitler’s mandate for “the immediate extirpation of all Jews in
German-occupied Europe”
November 25: Stimson, in his diary, talks about maneuvering
the Japanese into attacking
November 25: Hart received Washington’s approval to send
some of his warships south.
November 27:
American military secretly began to construct the
Del Monte Field
November 27: Strasburger, the Polish Finance Minister,
claimed that the Germans also slaughtered 400,000 non-Jewish Poles
December 7: Japan attacks Pearl Harbor
December 7: U.S.
evicted nearly 120,000 Japanese residents from the west coast to 27 camps
December 8, FDR sanctioned the apprehension and
incarceration of Germans and Italians
December 8: MacArthur’s headquarters received word of the
Pearl Harbor attack at 2:30 a.m.
December 8: the Japanese began their occupation of Shanghai
December 11: Hitler described the Soviet menace in a speech
before the Reichstag
December 11:
Germany and the United States declared war on each other
December 16: officials demoted Admiral Kimmel and relieved
him of his command
December 18: FDR issued an order to investigate U.S. Army
and Navy personnel
January 1: the Red Army had resettled 799,459 Soviet
Germans by this date
January 1: the Allies of World War II pledged adherence to
the Atlantic Charter
January 15-28: in Rio de Janeiro, delegates from western
countries met in a conference
February 13: The
American Hebrew called Hull one of the greatest diplomats of the world
February 15: Prince Chichibu organized a regional
headquarters of Golden Lily in Singapore
February 19: U.S. began the internment of citizens of
Japanese descent as enemy aliens
February 20: Sir Arthur Harris implemented a total war
against German civilians
February 21: Japanese began executing 70,699 Chinese males
on the island of Singapore
February 24: the Soviets torpedoed and sank a Jewish
refugee ship, with 786 passengers
March 1: the ESE reported that, in the Donets area, several
thousand died of starvation
March 28: Harris directed 400 tons of bombs to be dropped
on Lübeck, Germany
May 19: creation of the DOJ’s Alien Enemy Control Unit
May 27: Czech agents attacked Reinhard Heydrich; he died on
June 8
May 30-31: raid on Cologne, Operation Millennium, the
Allies used 1,000 airplanes with 1,455 tons of bombs, mostly incendiaries that
generated over 2,500 fires
June 4: Two British-trained agents assassinated
Reinhard Heydrich
June 4: Ernst Kaltenbrunner then became Chief of the Reich
Main Security Office
June 13: FDR created the Office of War Information (OWI)
with Executive Order 9182
June 13: the COI’s propaganda department merged into the
Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
July 17: MI6 claimed that Mengele’s selection process
began, followed by the “mass gassings.”
August 12: US began aerial warfare against Germany during
daylight hours using 12 bombers
August 14: the Jews claimed that the Germans had emptied
the Polish ghettos via murder, deportation and hunger
August 25: the
Duke of Kent perished in a plane crash, ordered by Churchill
October 3: a Stockholm newspaper requested the real details
surrounding Hess’s flight
October 7: John Simon created the UN War Crimes Commission
December 8: Jews submitted a document to FDR claiming that
Germany had exterminated almost two million Jews
December 17: members of the wartime UN issued the Joint
Declaration against Germany
January 11: London acknowledged that their policies had
created India’s food shortage
January 14-24: Casablanca Conference, where FDR, Stalin and
Churchill stated that they intended to impose an “unconditional surrender” on
January 20: preparation for the deportation of incarcerated
Germans in Costa Rica
January 26: U.S. Army transport,
Puebla departs from Costa Rica with German deportees
January 27: ninety-one bombers headed towards Germany’s
Wilhelmshaven naval base
January 27: The
New York Times headline announced,
“Liquidation Day Set for France’s Jews”
February 6: the
Puebla arrived at the immigration detention station on Terminal Island
February 12: FDR, on the radio, elaborated on the tenets of
“unconditional surrender”
February 28, the
Times announced “Total Nazi Executions Are Put at 3,400,000; Poland with
2,500,000 Victims, Tops List”
March 9: over 40,000 people at Madison Square Garden viewed
We Will Never Die
March 23: the Treasury froze all Axis assets, including
internees, the enemy aliens
April 13: Germany announces its discovery of a mass grave
in the Katyn Forest
April 16: Sikorski asked for a full inquiry of 20,000
bodies by the International Red Cross
April 29: Molotov blamed the German “fascists” for the
murders of the Polish officers
May 27: Sir Arthur Harris presented his plans to fire-bomb
and destroy the city of Hamburg
July 4: British Secret Service assassinated General
Władysław Sikorski
July 24 - August 3, 1943: Allied attack on Hamburg,
Operation Gomorrah
August 19: the Soviet report,
Katyn No. 2, referred to the “gangs of Gestapo agents”
October 6: over 400 rabbis marched to the Capitol to get
the US support against Hitler
October 22: the Allies totally destroyed Kassel in one
night of conventional and fire-bombing
October 23: the British dropped over 1,823 tons of high
explosives and firebombs on Kassel
October 30: Moscow Declaration signed during the Moscow
October 30: the
allies created the Declaration on Austria
November 1:
Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin published the
Declaration on German Atrocities in
Occupied Europe
November 15: Raphael Lemkin, of B’nai B’rith International,
introduced the word “genocide”
November 28:
Tehran Conference
January 10: Time
promoted The Black Book of Polish Jewry
as “an account of the Nazis' systematic extermination of the Polish Jews”
January 22: FDR, via an executive order, organized the War
Refugee Board (WRB) after 400 American rabbis demonstrated in Washington and
petitioned Congress
January 24: the Soviets issued a comprehensive report,
The Truth about Katyn
April 22: the RAF dropped 32,000 bombs on the German city
of Brunswick
June 6- August 25: D-Day invasion of Normandy
June 10: Isidor Feinstein, in
The Nation, claimed that the Germans killed
4,000,000 to 5,000,000 Jews since August 1942
June 18: Jacob Rosenheim asked Morgenthau to have the US
bomb the rail lines going into Auschwitz.
June 19-August 20: Red Army’s Operation Bagration
July 10: Eisenhower told Lord Halifax that the German
leaders should be “shot while trying to escape”
July 20: Operation Valkyrie, the attempt on Hitler’s life
by Germany’s traitors
July 20: The New York
Times reported Peter H. Bergson’s claim that Germany had killed a million
Jews with gas
July 20- May 8, 1945: destructive Allied bombing in such
places as Dresden, Berlin, and hundreds of German cities
July 22: Soviets liberated Majdanek
August 4: Ike decreased German POW rations below those set
by the Geneva Conventions
August 21- October 7: Allies founded
the United Nations at Dumbarton Oaks
August 23: Morgenthau presented his rigid policy for
postwar Germany to Stimson and McCloy
August 28: after working on it for weeks, the Treasury sent
the Morgenthau Plan to FDR
August 31: Donald Day began broadcasting to American forces
in Europe
September 16: Churchill and FDR agreed to implement the
Morgenthau Plan
September 19: Look
Magazine published Ehrenburg’s
The Breath of a Child
October 2: the
Red Cross alerted German officials of the
imminent destruction of the transportation system which would cause inevitable
starvation throughout Germany
October 16: the Soviets, with 500 planes, bombed the East
Prussian city of Gumbinnen
October 19: Naujocks surrendered or perhaps deserted to the
American forces
October 20: the Soviets went on a 24-hour rape rampage in
the city of Gumbinnen
October 21: FDR said, “We must play a leading role in the
community of Nations.”
October 28: Saturday
Evening Post published How the Nazi
Butchers Wasted Nothing, along with the images of the clothing/shoes in the
warehouse, and an incinerator, but no gas chamber
November 25: publication of Raphael Lemkin’s
Axis Rule in Occupied Europe
November 26: FDR, via the WRB released a forty-page report,
the Auschwitz Protocols
December 1: Edward Stettinius Jr. became Secretary of State
December 4: Newsweek
reported that the WRB supported the idea that the Germans engaged in mass
December 17: Malmédy Massacre
December 22: Ehrenburg announced that the Germans had
killed 6,000,000 Jews at Auschwitz
January 4: Ehrenburg again claimed that the Germans had
killed 6,000,000 Jews at Auschwitz
January 5: Rosenman met with people from the War, State and
Justice Departments, to promote the conspiracy/criminal organization scheme
against Germany
January 13: Bernays/Wechsler “chronicled Nazi atrocities
and crime” based on a criminal plan”
January 20: the beginning of the Soviet occupation and the
rape of the females of East Prussia
January 27: the Soviets “liberate” Auschwitz
January 30: a Soviet submarine torpedoed and sank the
Wilhelm Gustloff, a hospital ship
February 4-11:
Yalta Conference
February 10: the Soviets torpedoed the General Steuben
killing 5,000 women, children and wounded men
February 13-14: the allied fire bombings of Dresden
February 23-24: Allies destroyed about eighty-three percent
of the city of Pforzheim
February 24: The
Nation published Lemkin’s two-part article,
The Legal Case against Hitler
March 10: Ike created a new prisoner category, Disarmed
Enemy Forces (DEFs), individuals the army did not feed after Germany’s surrender
March 30: the Soviets began the “liberation” of Danzig,
raping every female from young to old
March 31: Stalin, Churchill, and FDR forcibly return the
Soviet refugees to the Soviet Union
April 1- June 22: the Battle of Okinawa
April 5: John Simon suggested that they execute Hitler,
Goebbels, Himmler and Ribbentrop without a trial
April 11: Heinrich Himmler relinquished Bergen-Belsen
April 11: U.S. troops liberated Buchenwald, soon turning it
over to the Soviets
April 12: Franklin D. Roosevelt died
April 15: Eisenhower notified General Marshall about what
he said he saw at Buchenwald
April 15: Billy Wilder directed the filming of scenes at
Buchenwald, before the official tour
April 17: the US opened Camp Rheinberg on the Rhine, about
six miles wide in circumference
April 18: Eisenhower met with Churchill to plan how to
exploit the images at Buchenwald
April 18: The New
York Times reported that four million people died at Auschwitz
April 21, Ike told Marshall that the new enclosures “will
provide no shelter or other comforts”
April 21: American pilots targeted and shot at General
Patton’s plane trying to silence him
April 22: the US had, in Europe, 50 days’ worth of
4,000-calorie rations to feed five million
April 24: a Florida newspaper reported that, from April
1-22, 992,578 German POWs died
April 25: Stimson insisted on official judicial proceedings
against German war criminals
April 25: eighteen American newspaper publishers and
editors arrived at Buchenwald
April 26: Combined Chiefs of Staff (CCS) approved of the
DEF status for all German citizens
April 26: Truman
asked Rosenman to invite Jackson to head the Nuremberg Military Tribunal.
April 26: Robert H. Jackson immediately formed the
organization of the first Nuremberg Trial
April 26 and 27: a 13-member commission with envoys from 12
nations toured Buchenwald
April 28: the Red Cross negotiated a surrender plan to turn
Dachau over to the American troops
April 30: there were 2,062,865 civilian prisoners with the
DEF status
May 2: Truman
appointed Jackson to prepare charges of atrocities/war crimes against Germany
and the Axis powers
May 3: some assassins attacked Patton’s jeep during which
he suffered minor injuries
May 7: the Soviets reported that four million “died in the
gas chambers at Auschwitz”
May 8: the war in Europe officially ended when Germany
accepted an unconditional surrender
May 8: Ike was outraged when he discovered that Patton
released a half million German POWs
May 8-September: Allies sent 2,270,000 ethnic Germans and
Russians who fought with Germany back to the USSR
May 9: Ike warned all German citizens against trying to
provide food for the prisoners
May 9: Ike announced, “We are not coming here as liberators
but as conquerors”
May 10: President Harry S. Truman implemented the
Morgenthau Plan
May 25: Soviet at
the conference said they wanted to deport millions of Germans to the gulags as
slave labor
June 5: Berlin Declaration
June 9: Collier’s
reported that “Russia has 5,800,000 Jews, of whom 2,200,000 had migrated since
1939 to escape the Nazis”
June 26: official founding of the United Nations
August 2: Potsdam Agreement signed at the end of the
Potsdam Conference
August 6: American bombing of Hiroshima
August 8: in accordance with the Yalta agreements, the
Soviet Union declared war on Japan
August 8: Allied adoption of the London Charter
August 9: the Soviet Union invaded Manchukuo
August 9: American bombing of Nagasaki
August 15: Japanese began burning documents
September 2: war between Japan and China ended
September 2: America terminated the Lend-Lease program to
September 14: Patton opposed labeling the Germans as war
criminal and having POWs work as slaves
September 15: Patton criticized Morgenthau and Baruch and
their revenge against all Germans
October 19: The
Courier-Mail of Brisbane reported that the WJC provided information to the
U.S. War Crimes Commission
November 20:
Alderman read the 100-page indictment in the first session of the IMT
December 9: deliberate crash into Patton’s vehicle; he died
a few weeks later on 12/21
December 16: Secretary Robert Patterson requested
cooperation in revising recent history
March 11: Allies arrested Rudolf Höss, former Auschwitz
March 31: the second Chinese Civil War begins
July 22: Menachem Begin supervised terrorist attack on the
King David Hotel in Palestine
August 14, 1946 to May 9, 1947: Operation Keelhaul; the
Allies repatriated Russian soldiers
September 4: Hecht’s one act play,
A Flag is Born opened on Broadway
October 1: Allies sentenced Hess to life imprisonment at
Spandau Prison
December 11: the UN
General Assembly declared genocide a crime under international law
February 28: Truman threatened Commander Earle if he
continued to criticize US policies regarding the Soviets
April 2: British relinquish Palestine to the UN because of
Jewish terrorism in Palestine
November 3: Polish officials said, “the Marienburg area was
almost 100% purged of Germans”
November 29: Truman instructed the State Department to
endorse the UN’s partition plan
April 9: the Jewish massacre of Arabs at Deir Yassin, with
the Stern Gang’s help
May 14: Israel’s Provisional Government announced the new
Israel State, Truman endorses it
May 15: End of British mandate, the Zionists had already
expelled a quarter of a million Arabs
May 15: the Arab states responded by invading Israel which
began the first Arab-Israeli War
September 27: Jewish Theological Seminary awarded Ike an
honorary humanities degree.
November 24: the Soviets established an 8- year gulag
sentence if “special settlers,” did not finish their work assignments
December 9: UN approved of the
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide
May 21: German officials signed the Chancellor Act, a
secret treaty
May 22: death of James Forrestal at the National Naval
Medical Center (NNMC)
May 23: western sectors of Germany, controlled by France,
Britain and the US merged as the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany)
October 7: the eastern Soviet Zone became the German
Democratic Republic (East Germany)
April 1: creation of the Israeli Secret Intelligence
Agency, the Mossad
April 9: Life
Magazine revealed that Eisenhower used the U.S. Military Mission in Moscow
to radio Stalin that he intended to stop his military campaign at the Elbe River
February 6:
King George VI of Britain died
August 5: Veterans of Foreign Wars awarded Eisenhower the
first Bernard Baruch Peace Medal
June 8:
Israeli attack on the USS Liberty
November 1: President Carter, via Executive Order No.
12093, appointed Elie Wiesel as chair of the newly-created thirty-four member
Commission on the Holocaust
January 15: Commission on the Holocaust began its
operations to evaluate “the establishment and maintenance of an appropriate
April 24: the government held the first National Civic
Commemoration of the holocaust in the Capitol Rotunda
September 27: the Holocaust Commission recommended the
creation of a national Holocaust memorial museum in Washington, D.C.
October 14: the
Senate ratified the Genocide Treaty
November 4: Reagan,
under pressure from influential Jews, signed the Genocide Treaty
December 9: the US
ratified the Genocide Treaty and it became the law of the land
September 12: Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect
to Germany signed in Moscow
March 3: The
New York Times reported that the total number of deaths at Auschwitz was
73,137, out of which 38,031 were Jews
March 20: President George H. W. Bush signed the Noahide
November 26: Ian Kagedan, the director of government
relations for B’nai B’rith Canada, said that the Holocaust must play a key role
in the “moral reconstitution of Eastern Europe”
October 14: Yeltsin provided documents to Poland about
Germany’s innocence regarding Katyn
April 22: Officials dedicated the USHMM with special
speeches by President Clinton and others