Confessions of a
Recovering Republican Join Email List to receive notification of new Spingola articles No one likes to admit they’ve made a mistake, especially a terrible
one. But here it is: I confess, with utter embarrassment, that I worked
very diligently for the Bush re-election in November 2004. I placed about
forty to fifty yard signs, worked at the local Republican Headquarters
making phone calls and talking with voters. I totally regret those
efforts. The more I began to question policy and performance, the more I
regret voting for him, let alone encouraging others to do likewise. No, I
have not become a democrat. Actually both parties are going, and have been
going, in a parallel direction, following the same globalist agenda for
years. Years ago I wisely read a remarkable book entitled "None Dare Call it Conspiracy" by Gary Allen. It was obviously true and well researched. Thereafter, I read everything that I could find concerning the Council on Foreign Relations, the Federal Reserve and other eye opening books about the conspiracy. I have a growing list of suggested books here. I also joined the John Birch Society, read their books and subscribed to their magazine – American Opinion. I felt empowered. Joining with other likeminded people helped me to feel like I could make a difference. I attempted to share my new found information but it wasn’t always well received. Often, one is assumed to be some kind of a fanatic just by mentioning the word conspiracy. As a consequence I allowed myself to become intimidated by critical but well meaning friends and family. I was young and it was hard to defend this new unconventional path even though its direction was the correct and most courageous route. Ultimately it became easier and less conflicting to follow the crowd and I lost my way. After November 2004 and deep reflection I made another switch. It was like getting back on a bike after lengthy inactivity. I reverted to a more courageous but unpopular course, retrieved long forgotten books, and completely left the Republican Party. I joined a smaller, but more ethical and constitutionally correct party that truly represents what I believe - The Constitution Party. My only regret is the valuable time that I wasted by not making the change sooner. The small percentage of people who actually vote (about 24%) become
politically focused about once every four years. Presidential candidates,
assisted by the mass media, distract us with attacks on their opponent's
military records, driving records and other insignificant things. They
should address actual issues. Both parties have an obligation to adhere to
the constitution, something both have failed to do for generations. The
debates are orchestrated and the outcome is sure.
Well if Bush was able to push two highly questionable socialistic, freedom stealing, big central government pieces of legislation through congress almost question-free then why not attempt to repeal Roe versus Wade through this Pro-Life, republican congress? It appears to be a piece of cake. After all, most of the republicans used that issue to get elected – why not follow through and actually act on it? So why do real conservatives always vote for pro-life politicians running as conservative republicans? The significant word here is "always". Roe versus Wade was "decided" in 1973. Forty four million individuals have been murdered - all sanctioned by the Supreme Court misinterpretations of the the First, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments never questioned by congress. The Supreme Court does not legally have the power to enforce their interpretations. This state sanctioned murder could have been overturned years ago if our elected officials were upholding the constitution and protecting the lives of the people they serve. As long as they include this vital issue in their platform, conservatives will continue to support the Republicans. However, abortion serves a political purpose. Oh, here we go again with political expediency versus the lives of Americans. What if Roe versus Wade was actually repealed - Solve this riddle: Which top officers in a well known big "conservative" group would lose their long time cushy jobs? What big "conservative" group has spent millions to endorse certain key republicans? What industry do we know that generates millions of dollars annually by using cheap mass mailings to millions of passionately pro-life individuals? What group takes little itty bitty baby steps to keep the money rolling in? What group buys political influence? What group does not have to finish the job that generated its creation? And finally what group does not have to actually produce a product to stay in a very lucrative business? For the answer: The abortion issue NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) was ratified in 1993 and cost Americans 900,000 jobs. But it was deceptively sold to Americans as a beneficial trade agreement. It compelled the amendment of our laws while compromising our sovereignty. This treaty established weak southern borders enabling more heroin laden, uninspected trucks to enter our country. This agreement promised more effective trade with our neighbors - Canada and Mexico. We were already trading with Canada - businessman to businessman - without the 900 pages of restrictive NAFTA regulations. After 1993, several large U.S. companies relocated to Mexico to take advantage of readily available workers willing to work for slave labor wages. The poor Mexicans are still poor. The benefactors are the Mexican government and US companies who now enjoy a bigger profit margin. Some of these companies actually received United States government aid, thanks to the taxpayers, to assist their relocation to foreign countries with absolutely no financial risk. That was sure nice of us to assist these big political donors! And yet we still have thousands of Mexican citizens coming here for jobs - jobs that Americans used to do. Only now, because of NAFTA and taxpayer assisted factory relocations, there aren’t as many jobs!!! Now "conservative" republican George W. Bush is attempting to get congress to pass the trade agreement called CAFTA, a precursor to FTAA which will further jeopardize our sovereignty. No, this really isn't about trade; it is about destroying America's middle class, the backbone of our country. Between the liberal democrats and the "conservative" republicans, we are being sold down the proverbial river and we are standing on the deck smiling and waving goodbye to our freedoms. The bogus undeclared war on terror is not really a war against a legitimate defined terrorist enemy. Victory must include a definite enemy. The terrorist tag was merely pinned onto Iraq to accomplish some other nefarious goal. Is the Iraq war merely the continuation of the 1991 Desert Storm, the war George H. W. Bush started but which still left Hussein in power? Apparently Saddam Hussein must have been uncooperative. If the real secondary object of war was the spread of democracy, there are other closer tyrants. But they already cooperate with the United Nations. The war is about regime change and a particular kind of dismantling and nation rebuilding in Iraq. There are no terrorists that are losing their freedoms. The welcome mat is out on the southern borders for anyone, from any country who wishes to come in. The citizens of this nation are the people who are losing their freedoms. Our military was previously deployed for our defense which was noble and just. Now the blood of our gallant and patriotic, but misled, youth is shed in wars of offense, often against innocent civilians in countries where we are not wanted. But for political expediency, that CFR agenda, the government will sacrifice the lives of more Americans. While tens of thousands of United States military personnel and millions of taxpayer's dollars are being used to secure Iraq's borders, our citizens adjacent to the Mexican borders are subject to violence. Why, Mr. Bush? Despite George W. Bush's statement about not waiting for the U.N.'s permission to invade Iraq in 2003, this current war is under U.N. authorization (Security Council resolutions 678 (1990), 687 (1991), and 1441 (2002) had "authorized" the invasion.) So the UN authorizes wars and America pays with money and blood. Our government is supposedly bringing democracy (the worst form of government) to Iraq. You cannot bomb or sanction someone into democracy. Meanwhile Bush fraternizes with the tyrannical murdering leaders of China who actually have weapons of mass destruction. We know they have them because Clinton, who should have been charged with treason, sold them the resources to build them. In May 2001 the U.N. removed the U.S. from its Human Rights Commission in favor of Sudan, a country previously designated by our country as a sponsor of terrorism. The "conservative" republican George W. Bush apparently still likes the UN even after the apparent preference of Sudan over the United States. On 24 October 2001 he proclaimed United Nations Day and asked Americans to pause for a moment of silence and to reflect on the noble history of the UN and its many contributions towards providing a better quality of life. Better quality of life for whom? The "conservative" republican Christian George W. Bush is lauding praise on the UN for blessings Americans should thank God for. At least he didn’t ask us to face the direction of the UN and pray to the earth goddess. How can the "conservative" republican Bush applaud this godless entity whose leaders have lied and embezzled millions of dollars yet remain unpunished? There are a myriad of other disturbing issues that should invite anyone to question their loyalty, not only to the Republican Party but to the Democrat Party as well. Do you want to recover? Repeat the following statement twice daily for two weeks. "We are a republic, not a democracy!" Next, read a brief but good book: "The Insiders" by John F. McManus. Continue to read – don’t look back. Wake up republicans, Wake up democrats! – or wave good bye to the rest of your freedoms while you are being sold down the river to the tyrannical United Nations. Take a stand that really matters. Don't refrain from voting or think that there are no other choices. You simply need to be courageous enough to make an alternative choice. Evaluate the choice that I made - The Constitution Party. Don't waste valuable time like I did only to find years later that I was naively supporting, not only the wrong party, but the one faction of the republican/democrat party that was essentially leading us quicker into one world government.
Bill of Rights Implausible Defenders by William F. Jasper
© Deanna Spingola 2005 - All rights reserved Deanna Spingola's articles are copyrighted but may be republished, reposted, or emailed. However, the person or organization must not charge for subscriptions or advertising. The article must be copied intact and full credit given. Deanna's web site address must also be included.