Leaving the LD$ Corporation
By Deanna Spingola
A cult may be defined by how its members treat those who leave.
President John Taylor said, "I think full, free talk is frequently of great use; we want nothing secret, not underhanded, and I for one want no association with things that cannot be talked about and will not bear investigation." (Journal of Discourses, Volume 20, p. 264)
The Lucy Code: Who really wrote the Book of Mormon
The latest and most interesting news about data collection!
Church’s Control of Information
Church Members Committee (SCMC)
Leadership Awareness of
Book of Mormon – Columbus
Book of Mormon – Geographical Evidence
The LDS Church is a Profit-driven Corporation
Additional Corporations
Joseph Smith
Nauvoo Expositor
Prozac in Happy Valley
Doctrine and Covenants 89
God Did Not Goof! (Healthcare in America)
Brett Wilcox – Letter to the First Presidency
LDS Church and Bill Gates
The Polio Vaccine
Elder Marlin Jensen admits that members of the Mormon Church are
leaving the Church in droves.
Crisis: Anatomy of a Failing Religion
God vs. the Internet and the Winner is…
Some Mormons Search the Web and Find Doubt;
Hans Mattsson
Brainwashing: Those who acknowledge some of the deceptions and
inconsistencies but who do not leave for various reasons may experience
cognitive dissonance (the mental
stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more
contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time):
My LDS Journey - How to Avoid Deception
by Chris Johnson;
The example of the Jehovah Witnesses characterized in
Johnson’s video is similar to the mind manipulation in the well-correlated
LDS system. However, it may be even more pervasive than what individuals
experience as a Jehovah Witness.
The majority of humanity has been brainwashed and/or
indoctrinated from birth about history, religion and just about everything
else. This is particularly true in a corporate-media-monopoly environment
and attendance at federal government schools. Children, without question,
believe most of what they hear. Most people are conditioned to
be compliant to authority figures – parents, teachers, professors, doctors,
bosses, government officials, judges, police officers, religious figures,
military officers, etc. People are NOT encouraged to think critically about
any subject. Individuals comply for various reasons: a desire for acceptance
and/or love, rewards for performance, hope for a different outcome,
increased self-esteem, and fear of rejection, failure or the unknown. Just
one of the emotional appeals of Mormonism is the belief that membership
makes one special, above average, a select soul, one who has superior
knowledge to which the rest of humanity is not privy.
LDS Control of Information: Previously, the LDS
church has carefully controlled the information circulated to the members.
Leaders have maligned, slandered and denigrated any member or former member
who has published anything that suggests that there is something
fundamentally duplicitous about the church, its history and particularly its
founder. Members are warned to avoid reading books such as
No Man Knows my History by
Fawn M. Brodie (niece of Prophet David O. McKay). And heaven forbid that any
member even consider reading anything from
Sandra and Jerald Tanner, especially their book,
Mormonism, Shadow or Reality.
Download their book, The Changing
World of Mormonism
here. See Sandra Tanner’s 3-part video
here. The church
is currently admitting many of the truths that the Tanners discussed decades
ago. The same could be said of Fawn M. Brodie who the church excommunicated
for her book. The Tanners were referred to as apostates and anti-Mormons
(actually just people who have discovered the truth). According to church
dogma, people who leave the church are assigned to outer darkness after
death, a place apparently much worse than hell. I am uncertain how anyone
would know this but that's the penalty. Murderers and child molesters fare
much better than apostates. Now, there are dozens
of books and hundreds of web sites that address various Mormon matters.
The obedience-centered LDS church consistently keeps its members so busy and brainwashed that they have little time to critically contemplate or investigate the history or doctrines of the church. This authoritarian, Stepford-style mind control situation changed drastically because the Internet allows greater access to accurate information that is not being filtered by the Correlation Committee under the direction of the church leadership. The church created its Radio, Publicity and Missionary Literature Committee in 1934. They renamed this committee in 1972 and again in 1973 to the Public Communications Department which operates under the direction of the First Presidency. This is in addition to the church's use of such firms as Edelman, the world's largest independent PR firm to which the church had a decade-long relationship. The Public Communications Department coordinates the volunteer service of 3,500 local public communications director in the stakes and missions of the church. The church also maintains thirty-seven volunteer-staffed visitor's centers and historical sites. Especially since the mid-1990s, the church has conducted numerous damage control operations through its Mormon Newsroom, the Public Affairs Network, LDS FaceBook, and Mormon.org. "The Church's Public Affairs Committee is chaired by a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and includes the senior President of the Seventy, the Presiding Bishop, the Church's legal counsel, a female officer who is in the presidency of one of the Church auxiliaries, and an additional member of the Seventy who serves as executive director of the department."
Strengthening Church
Members Committee (SCMC): Since 1985, with the creation of
the Strengthening Church Members Committee (SCMC), the church monitors
FaceBook pages, other social media and blogs for the members who publicly
criticize local and general church leadership or question the church's
history or policies. If members of the committee (number unknown) find said
criticism, they forward information to local church authorities who may
convene a "Court of Love" which may devise charges of apostasy which may
result in excommunication. The SCMC, reportedly staffed by ex-CIA agents, is
under the direction of at least two general authorities and was been kept
well-hidden until 1991. In 1993, Apostle Dallin H. Oaks admitted that it was
a "clipping service."
The Strengthening Church Members Committee;
Outing the Mormon Cult on its Strengthening the Members Committee;
SCMC Timeline;
A very good discussion of the SCMC
Leadership Awareness of Idiosyncrasies: Current leaders
undoubtedly know about the problems surrounding the
Book of Mormon
and church history and have for a
long time. Kay Burningham, the author of
An American Fraud: One Lawyer's Case Against Mormonism watched the
church's April 2010 Semiannual conference. In her preface, regarding the
audience and the Tabernacle Choir who were singing, We Thank Thee O God
for a Prophet, she wrote, "During the singing of the song, the
broadcast camera panned over the Church leaders—'general authorities,’ aka
the Brethren, who were in attendance and who sat in the plush seats behind
the pulpit and then stood for the hymns. Body language was telling. As the
Mormon faithful audience enthusiastically belted out the words of the hymn,
the Brethren manifested various levels of interest, indifference, apparent
discomfort and perhaps, outright shame. Many of them looked from side to
side; one fumbled with his neck tie; some shifted their weight from foot to
foot. Another, third to the end on the back row, hung his head and did not
look up during the entire hymn. Was he praying or was he embarrassed?"
B. H. Roberts: In 1922, James
Talmage, one of the apostles gave B. H. Roberts, an accomplished scriptorian
and the assistant church historian, five questions that a member had asked
about the Book of Mormon. He was told to provide the best answers that he
could. Robert undertook a study and discovered the numerous anomolies in the
Book of Mormon. Roberts met
and discussed his investigation with the church leadership. The leadership
summarily dismissed the evidence. The result of his study was a book,
Studies of the Book of Mormon.
Roberts considered the possibility that Joseph Smith
plagiarized from available books when he wrote the
Book of Mormon. He studied Ethan
Smith’s View of the Hebrews
(1825). He “listed eighteen parallels between it and the Book of Mormon.”
Roberts’ two manuscripts about his investigation were “suppressed for many
years because of the fear that the contents would prove harmful to the
Mormon Church.” Roberts, in his manuscripts, “acknowledged that Smith could
have written the Book of Mormon
from the information that was available to him at the time.” The more he
looked into the similarities between the
Book of Mormon and books by Ethan
Smith and Josiah Priest, the more “his faith in the divine authenticity of
the Book of Mormon began to erode.” In his second manuscript,
A Book of Mormon Study, he
“really began to openly express his own personal doubts about the divine
authenticity of the Book of Mormon.”
Peggy Fletcher Stack,
journalist for The Salt Lake Tribune
wrote, “The memo adds that these leaders also should emphasize that ‘prayer,
regular study of the scriptures and the teachings of the living prophets,
the exercise of faith, and humility are fundamental to receiving inspired
answers to sincere questions.’” Stack wrote, “It doesn't, however, suggest
reading any or all of the essays from the pulpit or using them in Mormon
services or classes.”
so might lead to a
council and disfellowship or excommunication.
The information in the essays used to be considered “anti-Mormon.” The
essays address potential questions that very few members might have.
Most compliant “chapel Mormons” (a term used by
T. Runnells who wrote the
CES Letter) do not know what they do not know and may
never even question the theology or the history. The church has always
published its own interpretation of that history. Now, the church and its
stable of apologists are reluctantly releasing watered-down versions of that
history, its doctrines and its founder. General and local church authorities
do not refer to the essays but rather keep them as concealed as possible.
One has to know of their existence and even then, it takes effort to find
them. Many local church leaders may not have read the memo and do not know
of their existence.
However, if members publicly use the
church’s own sources to defend their actions or justify their withdrawal of support from
the church, local church leaders may decide to conduct a disciplinary
court (court of love). The results of these courts may result in the member being
disfellowshiped or excommunicated. The justification listed in the
excommunication letter may be “conduct unbecoming of a member” or
“apostasy.” The “conduct” judgement suggests immoral behavior on the part of
the member. The member is always to blame; it is never the church. The court
of a former active member should cause other members to question but most
will “follow the brethren.”
Reasons: A court is a figurative stoning, something that
others want to avoid. Members usually assume that there are five reasons
that an individual would only leave the church for the following reasons.
Was offended by someone
Desired to sin
Never had a testimony to begin with
Lazy…or stopped praying and reading the
Studied anti-Mormon literature
The church would really prefer that doubting members
remain silent about the multitude of deceptions and just stop attending
church. The other option is to quietly but formally resign from the church –
just go away and keep your mouth shut. The church wants members who will
pray, pay and obey, not doubters or people who research the actual history.
John Dehlin
Mormon Stories,
took a survey of over 3,000 respondents who he recruited
through liberal and former-LDS web sites, forums, blogs, and podcasts. These
individuals had higher than average income and education, were middle to
upper-class, internet connected U.S. church members.
[4] The following graph, created by
Dehlin, shows the results:
A Few Recommended Internet Resources
CES Letter
T. Runnells
Top Ten Mormon
Problems Explained (video)
More Truth Foundation
Richard Packham's Home
Wives of Joseph Smith
(he had at least 34 documented wives)
Deanna's Comments:
I am going to address a few issues that concern me the most. I was born
into Mormonism and experienced the brainwashing, the mentality and the
endemic exclusiveness although my mother was a Jack Mormon (not strictly
observant) married to a non-member. Later, my father would join the church and my mother
gave up drinking and smoking and became active. My mother always expected
perfection from the family - no mistakes allowed, EVER! However, I found
love and acceptance from the people in church, things that I did not
experience in my home. As a member, I had always had minor questions but up until 1988, I
did not really think critically about those matters - it was go along to get
I was not confrontational. Up to that point, my whole life, social and
cultural, was centered on the church. Now, I feel embarrassed that I was
so gullible, guileless and angry because no one wants to be deceived or worse,
betrayed! I think a lot of people, when discovering the truth about a lot of
things, initially experience anger and outrage. I wonder how I
could have been so mesmerized by Mormonism. If the missionaries approached
me today, I would be kind but would totally reject their message. But not to be too
hard on myself (typical), I know that thousands of intelligent people have
also been brainwashed, then have felt betrayed, not just about Mormonism but
about numerous other issues and events, historical or contemporary. I recently read a book,
An American Fraud: One Lawyer's Case Against Mormonism that spoke
to my heart and soul. Therein, I recognized that I had not been alone. Doubters
in the Mormon Church, with an active gossip grapevine, usually feel very isolated or even ostracized.
In a highly-regulated environment, there is a great tendency to negatively
judge others who do not measure up to the high standards. Obviously, the
doubter or the person who has left the cult is somehow defective or has
committed or wants to commit some grave sin. It is NEVER the church. The
individuals in the group, having arrived at a consensus, censor and regulate
themselves. Though hard for the average person to believe, the spouses of
those who become non-believers are often encouraged by church leaders to
divorce their non-believing spouse. Long-time friends often view individuals
who become non-believers as if s/he were a leper. Some parents disown their
non-believing children and some children shun their disbelieving parents.
Thus, there are cultural and social reasons for remaining silent and
compliant. Very few
members ever bring up any controversial subjects or ask provocative questions in
the multitude of church classes conducted in Mormondom. Unless one has been raised or has
thoroughly embraced Mormonism, s/he would not understand the unnecessary and
unobtainable striving-for-perfection regulations that the church
systematically imposes and its dire consequences. A cult may be defined
by how its members treat those who leave. Times have changed, thank heavens! There is so much
information on the Internet. Following are just a few of the many concerns that I
have about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints®.
serial number: 75636824)
The Pearl of Great Price, Articles of Faith states:
12 We believe in being subject to kings, presidents,
rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.
(Pearl of Great Price, Articles of Faith 1:12)
I personally do not believe that people should be
subject to governments but rather to God. This is blind acceptance of authority. If one is
attempting to live a Christian life, he/she is not going to break the law
against the state or another person. Consider the many things that the US
government has asked of its citizens.
FBI agents, many of them LDS, slaughtered women and
children at Waco. David Koresh posed no threat to the government. Yes, of
course that is not what the national media told people. There is always the
other side of the story, the objective side. See
this web site for an
alternative story about Waco. Or how about the real situation at Ruby Ridge
where the
FBI killed Vicki Weaver, the wife of Randy Weaver, along with Weaver’s
son. At the time of Vicki Weaver’s death, she was holding her baby. Also
Ruby Ridge: 20 years later, Randy Weaver's daughter lives in peace. The
FBI recruits many Mormons who are programmed to follow orders from authority
Warfare: In
warfare, we always hear the victor’s side – after millions of people have
been killed and countries have been destroyed.
Multinational corporations, complicit with the corporate government,
benefit from the US military’s invasion of numerous countries – Christians
should never engage in warfare – if LDS members are Christian, they would
not comply with the government and go and kill strangers in foreign lands.
That is applicable to other Christians. Elite-controlled governments are
indifferent to the slaughter, starvation, slave labor, and suffering of
others, as evidenced by a callous response from former Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright when questioned about the 500,000 children who died in
Iraq because of the U.S.-imposed sanctions. She said, “It was worth it.”
Translation and Historicity of the Book of Abraham - Response to LDS.org;
Mormon Essays
The Joseph Smith Egyptian Papyri: A
Complete Edition
Quest for the Gold Plates: Thomas Stuart Ferguson’s Archaeological Search
for the Book of Mormon
Book of Abraham is a book that Joseph Smith fabricated in order to
boost his faltering credibility as a prophet, seer and translator. He purchased (from
Michael Chandler) some papyrus. along with four Egyptian mummies. Joseph
claimed that the papyrus contained writings from Abraham. Modern day
Egyptologists have translated the Joseph Smith Papyrus Facsimiles, as well
as other documents that did not make it into the facsimiles that were part
of the original collection of Papyri. Their conclusion: The documents are
entirely different from what Joseph Smith said. [6]
Was it a translation or a dictation
using a seer stone in a hat?
Historicity of the Book of Mormon,
Chris Johnson - "How the Book of Mormon Destroyed Mormonism"
Grant Palmer - "My Ah-Ha Moments While Researching Mormon History"
Three Meetings
with a LDS General Authority, 2012-2013, Grant Palmer
Uncut Interview: Grant Palmer
A Comparison of
the Book of Mormon and
The Late War
Between the United States and Great Britain
Occult Context of Joseph Smith's 1823 Discovery of Gold Plates, Dan Vogel
New Approaches to the Book of Mormon
The Book of Mormon
Book of Mormon Origins
Tom Donofrio: "Book of
Mormon Tories, Part Deux: Colonial Influences in the Book of Mormon"
Lamborn, author of
Standing For Somthing More: The Excommunication of Lyndon Lamborn
If the Book of Mormon is a true history of a real people, we MUST accept the
1. That somehow the Brother of Jared was familiar with glass windows 2000 years before the Romans invented glass.
2. That somehow Nephi owned a bow of fine steel 400
years before steel was invented and 2000 years before steel processing was
advance enough to fabricate such an item out of "fine steel."
3. That somehow the heavily laden families of Lehi and Ishmael were able to
travel from Jerusalem to the shores of the Red Sea in three days, a distance
of 170 miles, over soe of the most rugged terrain in the middle east.
4. That somehow the horses, cattle, sheep, and elephants mentioned were
swept off the continent without a trace or even a bone remaining, and none
of the natives drew any likeness of these animals on cave walls.
5. That somehow the people, after knowing how to make steel and using it
extensively for weapons of war, somehow forgot how to do it and miraculously
erased all traces of it from this continent.
6. That somehow the people, after building chariots and making extensive use
of the wheel, somehow forgot how to make wheels and erased all evidence that
they once built wheeled vehicles extensively.
7. That somehow the prevalent wheat and barley and silk were eradicated from
this continent without a trace.
8. That somehow a people all speaking a Hebrew/Aramic dialect in 400 AD
would have their language morph into a myriad of languages with no
similarities to their legacy language, but rather contain similarities to
far eastern languages. Add to this the fact that in a 2000 year occupation,
not a single person wrote any Aramic, Hebrew, or Egyption character on the
wall of a cave for us to find; not one. This unprecedented in the history of
any people on earth.
9. That a Hebrew-looking people with signature facial and skeletal structure
and signature DNA would somehow morph into a people with anthropological
characteristics and DNA common only to far east populations.
In the
Book of Mormon, 1 Nephi 13:12 –
13, it states:
12. And I looked and
beheld a man among the Gentiles, who was separated from the seed of my
brethren by the many waters; and I beheld the Spirit of God, that it came
down and wrought upon the man; and he went forth upon the many waters, even
unto the seed of my brethren, who were in the promised land.
13. And it came to pass
that I beheld the Spirit of God, that it wrought upon other Gentiles; and
they went forth out of captivity, upon the many waters.
Book of Mormon,
Nephi saw “a man among
the Gentiles” whom the “Spirit of God” inspired to sail to where the
descendants of Lehi would be in the Promised
Land. This man has been identified by
Mormon officials as Christopher Columbus. Learn
about the accurate history of Columbus and his interaction with the native
Book of Mormon and
DNA Studies - Response to LDS.org
Indian Origins and the Book of Mormon - Dan Vogel;
(rationalization for the Lamanite Placement
Insider’s View of Mormon Origins
Losing a Lost Tribe: Native Americans, DNA, and the Mormon Church
Book of Mormon –
Geographical Evidence
Book of
Mormon Translation - Response to LDS.org
Translation of the Book of Mormon
Martin Harris stated in public that he never saw the
plates with his natural eyes only in vision or imagination, neither Oliver
nor David and also that the eight witnesses never saw them and hesitated to
sign that instrument for that reason, but were persuaded to do it.
The LDS Church is a
Corporation (1923)
Joseph Smith, always interested in acquiring money first mentioned the word
corporation in 1838. This seems to go along with his scripture, Doctrine and
Covenants, 29:31 - 32: “For by the power of my Spirit created I them; yea,
all things both spiritual and temporal. First spiritual, secondly temporal,
which is the beginning of my work; and again, first temporal, and secondly
spiritual, which is the last of my work.”
The Mormon Church is a Corporation Sole
How the Mormon Church Makes Its Billions
Deseret Management Corporation - http://www.deseretmanagement.com/
Beneficial Financial Group - http://www.beneficialfinancialgroup.com/
Bonneville International - http://www.bonnint.com/
Bonneville Communications - http://www.bonneville.com/
Bonneville Interactive Services
Bonneville Satellite - http://www.bonnevillesatellite.com/
35 Radio Stations
1 Television Station (KSL)
Deseret Book - http://deseretbook.com/
Excel Entertainment - http://www.xelent.com/
Deseret Morning News - http://deseretnews.com/dn
Hawaii Reserves - http://www.hawaiireserves.com/
Polynesian Cultural Center (PCC) - http://www.polynesia.com/ and http://www.polynesia.co.jp/
La'ie Shopping Center
La'ie Park
La'ie Cemetary
Hukilau Beach Park
La'ie Water Company
La'ie Treatment Works (sewer)
Mstar.net - http://www.mstar.net/preportal/index.asp
Temple Square Hospitality - http://www.htsc.net/ and http://www.hoteltsc.com/
Weddings (JSMB and Lion House)
The Inn at Temple Square - http://www.diningattemplesquare.com/
Lion House Pantry - http://www.diningattemplesquare.com/
The Roof Restaurant - http://www.diningattemplesquare.com/
The Garden Restaurant - http://www.diningattemplesquare.com/
Passages Restaurant - http://www.diningattemplesquare.com/
Zions Securities Corporation - http://www.zsc.com/
Farm Management Corporation (commercial farms and agricultural properties)
Deseret Land and Livestock
200,000 acres of land in Rich, Morgan and Weber counties (Utah)
Sun Ranch (Martin's Cove)
Deseret Ranches of Florida (Orlando) (largest ranch in Florida)
Deseret Farms of California
Rolling Hills (Idaho)
West Hills Orchards (Elberta, Utah)
Cactus Lane Ranch (Arizona)
Corporation of the Presiding Bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints (CPB)
Corporation of the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Deseret Trust Company
LDS Family Services
Property Reserves Inc. (PRI)
Ensign Peak Advisors - http://www.imno.org/articles.asp?qid=123
Deseret Mutual Benefit Administrators (DMBA) - http://www.dmba.com/
Brigham Young University (BYU) - http://home.byu.edu/webapp/home/index.jsp
BYU - Idaho - http://www.byui.edu/
BYU - Hawaii - http://www.byuh.edu/index.jsp
LDS Business College - http://www.ldsbc.edu/
Primary Children’s Hospital (founded by the Primary Association May 12,
1922); in 1975, the LDS church founded Intermountain Healthcare which
included the Primary Children’s Hospital
The LDS Church is in the very profitable
healthcare business BIG TIME.
Prozac, the Drug of Choice in Happy Valley;
Please view Death by
Medicine by Gary Null
The idea of the three Degrees of glory came from
Swedenborg; See
chapter 5
The First
Vision – Mormon Think’s Response
The First Vision -
A Look at the Problems
A True
Believer Asks Questions About Joseph Smiths's First Vision Story
The First Vision was Plagiarized - Read Mormon Handbook by
Robert Holden (available as a pdf from Lulu)
Joseph Smith's
Changing View of God with Grant Palmer
In 1842, Joseph Smith published the story of the first
vision in the Times and Seasons.
He claims this vision occurred in 1820. That story in now included in the
Pearl of Great Price and is
accepted as scripture by members of the LDS Church and is fundamental to
their belief system. Interestingly, this was twelve years after the
publication of the Book of Mormon and the creation of the church. Fawn M.
Brodie wrote, “If something happened that spring morning in 1820, it passed
totally unnoticed in Joseph's home town, and apparently did not even fix
itself in the minds of members of his own family. The awesome vision he
described in later years may have been the elaboration of some
half-remembered dream stimulated by the early revival excitement and
reinforced by the rich folklore of visions circulating in his neighborhood.”
Brodie also wrote that, despite this event that supposedly occurred in 1820,
his mother and his brothers, Hyrum and Samuel continued to attend the
Presbyterian Church until 1828.
After taking a survey, the church altered the temple
ceremony in 1990. The church removed the violent penalties such as slashing
one’s own throat or disemboweling her/himself if she/he divulged the secret
handshakes. Please visit
Sinister Sites – Temple Square, Utah
H. Paul Jeffers, in
The Freemasons in America, Inside the
Secret Society indicated that Joseph Smith (probably Sr. as Joseph Jr.
would have been too young) was a Master Mason in the Ontario
Lodge No.23, Canandaigua, New York. His older brother, Hyrum Smith belonged
to Mount Moriah, Lodge No. 112, Palmyra, New York. Jeffers states, “The
historical record of Freemasonry among the Mormon starts on April 6, 1840,
when the Grand Lodge of Illinois was formed by Judge and General James
Adams, the Mormon patriarch.” Adams and Grand Master Abraham Jonas persuaded
Joseph Smith to allow Freemasonry in Nauvoo. Thereafter, lodge meetings were
held in the upper room of Smith’s store while the new Masonic hall was under
construction. Hyrum Smith dedicated it on April 5, 1844. “The first five
Presidents of the Mormon Church -- Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, John Taylor,
Wilfred Woodruff and Lorenzo Snow -- were also made Masons in the Nauvoo
Lodge.” Hyrum Smith was the master of the lodge.
Insufficient Focus on Christ
Authoritarianism Trumps Free Agency (Pray, Pay, Obey)
Jeffrey R. Holland’s Conference Talk, October 2009
functioned as an angry, emotional appeal to authority during which he
attempted to publicly defend the criticisms waged against the historicity of
the church. This Mormon apostle talked about Joseph and Hyrum Smith’s
“martyrdom” at Carthage jail and said that those who reject or question the
history of the church or the claims of the
Book of Mormon are “foolish” and
implied that such doubters are reprehensible. He stated, “Witnesses who were
for a time hostile to Joseph, testified to their death that they had seen an
angel and had handled the plates.” [11]
David Whitmer, one of the three witnesses (all later excommunicated) of the
Book of Mormon, later wrote a
book in which he criticized Joseph Smith for changing the revelations.
Martin Harris accused Joseph Smith of “lying and licentiousness.”
Tom Phillips, a former stake president and someone who
was relatively close to him, responds to Elder Holland’s conference talk:
Recovery from Mormonism
Elder Jeffrey Holland’s rant, (an apostle of the church), April 26,
2016, His rhetoric was not exactly an invitation to come unto Christ
Most of the emphasis in the church is on Joseph Smith
who said:
No Man Knows My History
by Fawn M. Brodie
Joseph Smith
LDS Church History
Occult Origins of Mormonism
Joseph Smith and Kabbalah: The
Occult Connection; Part 2
(D. Michael Quinn); Part 3
(Nauvoo, Alexander Neibaur, Freemasonry)
Joseph Smith sought for political and military
Joseph Smith put a hit order on Governor Boggs of
Joseph Smith threatened Emma Smith with death
Mormon leader, Sidney
Rigdon, “declared that dissenters and antagonists would no longer be
tolerated; he said the Mormons were set to react with a ‘war of
extermination.’” This attitude led to the creation of the Danites, leading
the violence on both sides. The militia ultimately surrounded his town
(Missouri) and Joseph Smith was charged with murder and treason. Several
“high-ranking” Mormons, including the Danite leader testified against Smith
who was jailed. Smith, while awaiting trial, was able to escape to Nauvoo,
Illinois. Anyone who tried to extradite him “could be imprisoned for life.”
M. O’Brien wrote, “Mormons reportedly committed crimes against their
non-Mormon neighbors, but were always let off by the Mormon-run courts.
Nauvoo residents couldn’t even be legally arrested without the approval of
Mayor Smith.”
Joseph Smith appointed himself as the Lieutenant
General of the Nauvoo Legion, a 4,000-man militia that he operated
“independently of the government. He announced his candidacy for president
and put together his secret Council of Fifty, designed to help him establish
God’s rule on earth. This council ordained Joseph as a king. He also
petitioned the government to raise an army of 100,000 men.”
“Mormon apostle William Law left the church over the
polygamy scandals…Law founded the
Nauvoo Expositor, a newspaper that only managed to put out one issue. It
accused Joseph of gross immorality and threatened to blow the lid off his
secret life of polygamy. The paper also referred to Joseph as a king,
possibly tipping him off that he had a traitor in his secret Council of
Fifty.” Smith bypassed the legal route, held a meeting with the like-minded
City Council which declared the newspaper a nuisance and then issued an
order to “abate the said nuisance.” Smith ordered the Marshal to immediately
destroy the newspaper. Hundreds of individuals obeyed his order to destroy
private property simply because this authoritarian leader instructed them to
do so. This led to Smith’s arrest but he was “acquitted by a Nauvoo judge
who later became a Mormon apostle.”
[14] Read the
Nauvoo Expositor
here or
here. Also, view
Special Collections.
Joseph Smith also said, “I combat the errors of ages; I
meet the violence of mobs; I cope with illegal proceedings from executive
authority; I cut the Gordian knot of powers, and I solve mathematical
problems of universities, with truth-diamond truth; and God is my ‘right
hand man.’”
Doctrine and
Covenants 132, the scriptural basis for polygamy
Plural Marriage in Kirtland & Nauvoo - Response to LDS.org
Remembering the Wives of Joseph Smith
Marriage and Families in Early Utah - Response to LDS.org
Emma Smith, first
and only legal wife of Joseph Smith
Why William and
Jane Law left the LDS Church in 1844
Mormon Church: A "Dirty Nast Filthy Affair"
New Testament, Luke 17:2: It were better for him that a millstone were
hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend
one of these little ones.
Doctrine and Covenants 121:22: It had been better for them that a millstone
had been hanged about their necks, and they drowned in the depth of the sea.
New Testament, Matthew 19:14:
But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto
me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
Stories about Child/Sexual Abuse in the LDS Church
Mormons Testify Of Human Sacrifice! Bishop Glenn Pace.
Mormon statement on child abuse: Move along, folks; we don’t have a problem
Since the days of Joseph Smith and his polyandry (marrying women who already
had husbands) and his polygamy (he had at least 34 documented wives and his
pedophilia (marrying 14-year-old girls), there has been sexual abuse
within the LDS Church. Interestingly, the media seems relatively silent when
it comes to reporting sex abuse in the LDS Church. Martha Beck, the daughter
of the late Hugh Nibley, Brigham Young University Professor emeritus, Mormon
extraordinaire, wrote
Leaving the Saints: How I Lost the Mormons and Found my Faith.
It is a
poignant heart-riveting book about an incredibly disfunctional family that
astounded the church and its members, especially in Happy Valley. I
believe very word of it. It took enormous courage for Martha Nibley Beck to
write it.
Many church leaders, such as the late Apostle Boyd K. Packer, encouraged
members who are unsure of their feelings about the church to regularly bear
their testimonies until they actually obtain said testimony. In other words,
just lie to yourself and others until you believe.
Elder Boyd K. Packer said, “It is not unusual to have a
missionary say, ‘How can I bear testimony until I get one? How can I testify
that God lives, that Jesus is the Christ, and that the gospel is true? If I
do not have such a testimony, would that not be dishonest?’ Oh, if I could
teach you this one principle: a testimony is to be found in the bearing of
One young Mormon who had very recently returned from his mission commented
to me:
"When I was on my mission I never felt truly that the church was true, to be
honest, I just didn't know. For that reason something that M. Russell
Ballard said (in a talk to the missionaries) really stuck out to me. He told
a story of a missionary who came to him and said, 'I can't say that I know
the church is true because I don't really know it and I feel guilty when I
say it.' Ballard (the mission president at the time) responded: 'The way you
gain a testimony is in the bearing of it.' In other words e told this
missionar and essentailly all of us in the conferenc, if you don't know if
the church is true, just keep lying to all of your investigators and tell
them you do know, until you have said it enough times that you brainwash
yourself into believing it is true.
The traditional testimony, according to church leaders,
should include the following statements:
Dallin H.
Oaks in the article, Testimony,
in the Ensign of May 2008, said, “A testimony of the gospel is a
personal witness borne to our souls by the Holy Ghost that certain facts of
eternal significance are true and that we know them to be true. Such facts
include the nature of the Godhead and our relationship to its three members,
the effectiveness of the Atonement, and the reality of the Restoration.”
meetings, often incredibly emotional, are held the first Sunday, Fast
Sunday, of every month. Members refrain from food and drink for twenty-four
hours and donate the equivalent or more of what the food/drink would have
cost to the church for welfare assistance. Fast Sunday is totally devoted to
testimony-bearing by members.
Brainwashing tactics integrate repetition and
reinforcement. One could easily categorize the Mormon testimony meeting as
an example of group or cultural brainwashing with its use of repetition and
reinforcement. Repetitive “truths” are frequently readily accepted and
believed in an emotional environment. Members identify with the person
bearing the testimony and the group becomes more cohesive. Groups provide an
excellent structure for brainwashing. Individuals, who identify with a
group, right or wrong, aspire to maintain a certain status. This is
applicable to a sports team, a political party or a religious group. In
Mormonism, people retain their “faithful” status by paying their tithing,
regular attendance at all the meeting, obeying the word of wisdom, and
attending the temple to ensure entrance to the Celestial Kingdom. The
repetitive rhetoric reinforces the compliant behavior and activity that
ensures continuous money-flow into the LDS coffers. Tithing appears to be
the ticket to exaltation. Financial and emotional investment almost
guarantees long-term obedient activity.
Richardson asks, “Knowing that money and love of it is the root of all
evil, what possible excuse can a true ‘church’ have for forcing tribute upon
its members, unless its designs and intent are evil in and of itself?”
LDS Tithing
Tithing - Mormon Think
President Thomas S. Monson said, “If you have not yet
been to the temple or if you have been but currently do not qualify
for a recommend, there is no more important goal for you to work toward than
being worthy to go to the temple. Your sacrifice may be bringing your life
into compliance with what is required to receive a recommend, perhaps by
forsaking long-held habits which disqualify you. It may be having the faith
and the discipline to pay your tithing. Whatever it is, qualify to enter the
temple of God. Secure a temple recommend and regard it as a precious
possession, for such it is.”
President Henry B. Eyring said, “Tithing settlement is
months in the future. I pray that you and your family will begin now to plan
and prepare to qualify for the blessings that God pours out on all those who
can declare to Him that they are full-tithe payers.”
[20] Members/families meet with the
local Bishop in December for what is called tithing settlement when they
declare whether or not they have paid a full tithing (10% of one’s gross
income). If one is not current, then s/he has the opportunity to write a
check to become current.
Once an individual receives their own endowments, they
return to the temple for and in behalf of a dead individual. Although the
church has always encouraged people to avoid duplication in their submission
of names to the temple, the church is currently recycling names at the
temple, apparently for three days. The temples do not have sufficient names
to operate. Busy members have not conducted the necessary family history
research. Yet, the church continues to construct multi-million dollar
temples. Local or easily accessible temples motivate members to pay tithing.
With regard to temples – in 1975, President Spencer W.
Kimball, grandson of Heber C. Kimball (40 wives), announced the construction
of a temple in Brazil. However, many potential converts and members in
Brazil have black ancestry. Males with black ancestry were not allowed the
priesthood from the days of Brigham Young who had changed Joseph Smith’s
policy regarding blacks. Conveniently, on June 8, 1978, the prophet said
that the Lord revealed that it was now time for the blacks to receive the
Mormon Temples
The LDS scriptures state, “You must study it out in
your mind; then you must ask me if it be right, and if it is right I will
cause that your bosom shall burn within you; therefore, you shall feel that
it is right. (Doctrine and Covenants, 9:8). Members are encouraged to seek
answers to questions by using the admonition in this scripture. It is a
general principle to gain a “spiritual witness” or “burning in the bosom,”
after intellectually studying an issue. Certainly, church leaders should
assign someone to “study” the many reports of serious side effects and
dangers associated with vaccines. Even the CDC admitted the failures of the
flu vaccine, which contain mercury.
[23] Actually, there is
mercury in trace amounts in all vaccines. Additionally, Doctrine and
Covenants, Section 89:4-9 encourages the use of herbs for natural healing,
not chemicals. Church leaders told one natural healer residing in Utah that
he should stop promoting his methods as it impacted their financial
Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn of Chicago, author of
Confessions of a Medical Heretic
(1979) referred to vaccines as “a medical time bomb” in his book
How to Raise a Healthy Child
In Spite of Your Doctor
(1984). He said, “There is a
growing suspicion that
immunization against relatively harmless childhood diseases may be
responsible for the dramatic increase in autoimmune diseases since mass
inoculations were introduced. These are fearful diseases such as cancer,
leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Lou Gehrig’s disease,
lupus erythematosus, and the Guillain-Barre syndrome. An autoimmune disease
can be explained simply as one in which the body’s defense mechanisms cannot
distinguish between foreign invaders and ordinary body tissues, with the
consequences that the body begins to destroy itself. Have we traded mumps
and measles for cancer and leukemia?”
November 14, 1986, during the Reagan administration, Congress passed
the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA)[25]
in response to parental concerns over the DPT vaccine and its adverse
effects and in response to Fisher and Coulter’s book. This act also
established the Vaccine Adverse
Event Reporting System (VAERS). The objective of this legislation was
to reduce the potential
financial liability of drug makers due to vaccine injury claims. It also
assured a stable market supply of drugs and vaccines, along with
cost-effective arbitration for the inevitable vaccine injury claims. On
October 1, 1988, under
the NCVIA, officials created the National Vaccine Injury Compensation
Program (NVICP) to provide a federal no-fault system for compensating
vaccine-related injuries or death by establishing a claim procedure
involving the United States Court of Federal Claims and special masters
(usually attorneys), often referred to as the
Vaccine court.
The taxpayers have paid $2 billion in compensation and
legal fees in claims over the last two decades. The Department of Justice
(DOJ), with an unlimited budget, represents the HHS in the Court of Federal
Claims. The doctors who administer the vaccines and the various drug
companies are never defendants in the VICP. They do not suffer the
consequences of their actions; the taxpayers do, just as they pay for the
vaccines, psychiatric drugs and the medical care of those in the military,
which has tens of thousands of vaccine victims.
Since 2003, the LDS Church has contributed more than
$16 million to the immunizations initiative, donating approximately $1.5
million a year to help provide funding for immunization supplies such as
vaccines and syringes.
[27] In 2003, the church donated $3
million to the worldwide Measles and Rubella Initiative, which involved such
entities as the United Nations Foundation, and the World Health
Organization. It provided measles vaccinations to children in 40 countries.
[28] In 2005, the Merck rubella vaccine
contained aborted fetal cell lines.
“In nine years, approximately 60,000 Church volunteers
have donated 766,000 hours to immunization campaigns in 35 countries,
reaching more than 100 million children and youth on six continents. Another
25 Church-service missionary couples have offered support in various
countries and campaigns, and Church buildings have served as immunization
sites in the past.”
According to the CDC, vaccines may contain many of the
following excipients (inactive ingredients), adjuvants or growth media:
albumin, acetone (solvent used in fingernail polish remover), aluminum
hydroxide, aluminum hydroxyphosphate, aluminum phosphate, aluminum potassium
sulfate, amino acids, ammonium sulfate, amphotericin B, animal tissue or
blood, ascorbic acid, bactopeptone, beta-propiolactone, benzethonium
chloride, brilliant green, calcium carbonate, calcium calf (bovine) serum,
chick embryo, chloride, chlortetracycline, Cystine, dextran, diploid cells
(aborted fetal tissue), DNA, Dulbecco’s modified eagle medium (DMEM),
ethylenediamine-tetraacetic acid sodium (EDTA), fetal bovine serum,
formaldehyde, formalin, gelatin, glucose, glutamine, glutaraldehyde,
glycerin, histidine, hydrochloric acid, hydrocortisone, hydrolyzed gelatin,
lactose, magnesium stearate, magnesium sulfate, monosodium glutamate (MSG),
mouse serum protein, MRC-5 cellular protein, neomycin (antibiotic), neomycin
sulfate, phenol, phenol red (phenolsulfonphthalein), 2-phenoxyethanol
(antifreeze), phosphate buffers, polydimethylsilozone, polymyxin B,
polyoxyethylene9-10 nonylphenol, potassium chloride, potassium glutamate,
polysorbate 20, polysorbate 80, porcine (pig) pancreatic hydrolysate,
residual MRC5 proteins, sodium acetate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium borate,
sodium chloride, sodium citrate, sodium deoxycholate, sodium
hydrogenocarbonate, sodium hydroxide, sodium phosphate, sodium pyruvate,
sorbitol, streptomycin, sucrose, thimerosal, tocopheryl hydrogen succinate,
tyrosine, urea, xanthan, VERO cells and yeast protein. Some vaccines have
been contaminated with Simian Virus 40 (SV 40).
Doctrine and Covenants, Section 89:4-9 cautions the
members about the evils and designs in the hearts of men in the last days.
It warns against hot drinks (coffee and tea). Coffee and tea are forbidden
or else members must relinquish their temple recommend. Meanwhile, the
church encourages its members to be injected with the toxins listed above.
Perhaps the general authorities are unaware of vaccine
dangers – NOT! Brett Wilcox, a life-long member sent them a letter dated
March 1, 2015. Several other members printed the letter and also sent it.
The Mormon Church and Vaccines: A
Letter to the First Presidency
Brett, in another post stated, “The questions of vaccine safety and
efficacy are crucial. Don’t get sucked into the false argument that those
issues are best left to corporate science and corporate scientists…Even as
you read these words, lawyers, lobbyists, and legislators are working with
the vaccine industry. The
common goal is to vaccinate your children and grandchildren prior to
their births, on the day of their births, and then to vaccinate them
throughout their lives until death…only the wealthy and the privileged will
be able to resist…over 64% of Congress refused to answer the question,
you vaccinate your children?”
On June 7-8, 2000, the CDC convened a secret
invitation-only conference at Simpsonwood in Norcross, Georgia which was
attended by 52 individuals including eleven CDC consultants, FDA scientists,
WHO vaccine specialists, autism specialists, and experts in pediatrics,
toxicology, epidemiology and vaccines, and drug company delegates. All of
the documents generated at the meeting were “classified.” The objective of
the meeting, called the Scientific
Review of Vaccine Safety Datalink Information, was to devise damage
control regarding the thimerosal scare.
The CDC, at Simpsonwood, did not present any data from
people like Dr. Boyd E. Haley, who, in one study, indicated that fifty-three
percent of autistic children had “aberrant porphyrin profiles” similar to
mercury toxic individuals. Mercury toxicity was the problem, not genetic
impairment. The Journal of
Neurotoxicology indicates that any amount above 10ug is neurotoxic. Even
the WHO admits that there is no safe level of mercury. Dr. David Johnson
said, “…the data suggests that there is an association between mercury and
the endpoints, ADHD, a well-known disability, and speech delay…
period when the brain develops the most is in the last three months
of pregnancy and then continuing until the toddler is two years old, a
period called the brain growth spurt. None of the experts at Simpsonwood
mentioned this. If parents knew this, they would never allow anyone to
persuade them to give their child a mercury-containing vaccine, nor would
they ever dream of accepting a prescription for a mind-disabling psychiatric
drug that essentially functions as a chemical lobotomy. Even at the age of
six, a child’s brain is only eighty percent developed.
Dr. Rapin later on suggested that thimerosal decreases
the potential IQ and then said, “Even in my grandchildren, one IQ point I am
going to fight about (it).”
[35] Evidently, they view their
grandchildren as more important than other people’s grandchildren. These
decision-making experts did not want their grandchildren to get a
thimerosal-containing vaccine until someone had resolved the thimerosal
issue, but it was all right for millions of people to accept the same
vaccines as safe for their children and grandchildren.
Many of the experts suggested that autism was genetic
but Dr. William Weil stated, “We don't see that kind of genetic change in 30
years.” Dr. Weil said, “I have to say the number of kids getting help in
special education is growing nationally and state by state at a rate not
seen before…there are certainly more kids with ADD and there are more kids
with speech and language disorder than there have been in the past.”
Dr. Chen, concerned that the public would learn about
the cover-up, said, “We have been privileged so far that given the
sensitivity of information, we have been able to manage to keep it out of,
let’s say, less responsible hands...” Dr. Bernier, later referring to the
incriminating data as “embargoed information” and “very highly protected
information,” responded, “This information has been held fairly tightly.”
Dr. Orenstein, in closing the conference, thanked Dr. Roger Bernier, “who
pulled off this meeting in rather short notice...” Then Orenstein added, “In
a sense this meeting addresses some of the concerns we had last summer when
we were trying to make policy in the absence of a careful scientific review.
I think this time we have gotten it straight.”
[37] He blatantly acknowledges that they
had no empirical evidence as a foundation for their opinions.
As part of the damage control, the WHO used the
industry’s mercury-laced vaccines for their immunization programs in third
world countries. Meanwhile, the vaccine makers used up their remaining stock
on America’s children for another decade. Merck was aware of the dangers of
the exposure of its mercury-laden vaccines on infants, which was
eighty-seven times greater than acceptable levels.
On June 12, 2012, the LDS Church, probably having
investments in big pharma, presented GAVI with $1.5 million; “The donation
will be doubled as part of the GAVI
Matching Fund by the Bill
& Melinda Gates Foundation, making the Church-sponsored LDS Charities
the seventh public-private partner in the programme.” The church also
provides “tens of thousands of volunteers to support vaccine roll-outs,
including GAVI’s historic immunization drive in Ghana.”
Bill Gates, a known eugenicist,
admitted that vaccines
are used for human depopulation; Yet, Doctrine and Covenants, Section
104:17, says, “For the earth is full, and there is enough and to spare; yea,
I prepared all things, and have given unto the children of men to be agents
unto themselves.” Why does the church ignore its own scriptures and support
adverse vaccine effects, death and depopulation?
The Oral Polio Vaccines were given to children in India.
The CDC dropped the OPV from its vaccine schedule in the US because
it was causing polio. “In 2011, an additional 47,500 children in India
were newly paralyzed in the year, over and above the standard 2/100,000
non-polio AFP that is generally accepted as the norm.”
The polio vaccine was contaminated with the deadly
carcinogenic SV40 virus which is found in the kidney cells of the rhesus
monkey, the cells that they used to grow the polio virus. In the mid-20th
century, we were told that polio was a major health crisis that took the
lives of over 50,000 people in America. Dr. Jonas Salk developed the
Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine or IPV in 1953 and Dr. Albert Sabin developed
the second polio vaccine, the Oral Polio Vaccine, in 1957. Federal agencies
began mass vaccinations in 1955. Over ninety million people, worldwide, were
vaccinated with the IPV by 1961. Two years later, scientists discovered that
it contained SV40, which could infect and cause cancer in human cells.
American Journal of Medicine
reported that many studies show the evidence of SV40 from the polio vaccine
in brain tumors, bone cancers, malignant mesothelioma, and other cancers.
The FDA, given the controversy, alerted drug companies that they would not
approve of potentially SV40-contaminated polio vaccines after June 30, 1961.
However, the FDA allowed the drug companies
to sell their vaccines for two years after the June date to save the drug
companies from the financial loss on millions of doses. Some vaccine makers
added rabbit anti-SV40 antibodies to their viral cultures to counteract the
simian virus which may not even be effective in eradicating the SV40. The
FDA did not ascertain whether the drug companies actually destroyed their
millions of dollars’ worth of contaminated stocks. The CDC conceded that
about ten to thirty million Americans received the SV40-contaminated IPV.
Dr. Maurice Hilleman admitted that
Merck’s vaccines were contaminated and he knew that their vaccinations were
producing cancer in the field-trials in Russia involving millions of people.
The polio vaccine itself caused polio epidemics. The
infection rate was high in areas where the people failed to practice good
hygiene and sanitation, and where housing and nutritional standards were
sub-standard. Paralysis only occurred in about 0.1 percent of all polio
infections. Other symptoms were similar to viral infections like influenza.
Unethical drug companies, promoted by the government and its pro-vaccine
propaganda, simply vaccinated massive segments of the population because it
was profitable. In the United States, following mass vaccination, the
incidence of polio increased by fifty percent between 1957 and 1958, and by
eighty percent from 1958 to 1959. In at least five states, the incidence of
polio doubled after the vaccine operation. When people improved their
hygiene and sanitation, the disease disappeared. These historical facts
establish a causal connection between vaccination and its consequences. A
healthy immune system is the deciding factor in whether an individual
becomes ill. Vaccines destroy the immune system which allows disease to
develop. Vaccines do just the opposite of what their manufacturers’ claim.
[1] Salt Lake City Messenger,
Utah Lighthouse Ministry, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 1993, Issue
84, p. 10
[2] Peggy Fletcher Stack, Mormon
Leaders Spread Word About Controversial Essays, Salt Lake Tribune,
9/23/2014, last viewed 8/11/2016
[3] Top 5 Myths about Why Some
Mormons Leave the Church by John Dehlin of Mormon Stories,
last viewed 8/14/2016
[4] Top 5 Myths about Why Some
Mormons Leave the Church by John Dehlin of Mormon Stories,
last viewed 8/14/2016
[5] "We Think the Price Is Worth
It" By Rahul Mahajan,
[6] Book of Abraham,
last viewed 8/12/2016
CES Letter Jeremy T.
Runnells, p. 55
[8] LDS Corporations,
http://www.exmormon.org/mormon/mormon410.htm, last viewed
[9] Fawn M. Brodie, No Man
Knows My History, New York, 1995, pp.24-25
[10] The Freemasons in America,
Inside the Secret Society by H. Paul Jeffers, Citadel Press,
Kensington Publishing Corp, New York, pp. 83, 86-88
[11] Safety for the Soul, Jeffrey
R. Holland, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles,
last viewed 8/21/2016
[12] O'Brien, M. Rogue Prophet:
The Other Testimony of Joseph Smith and Mormonism pp. 47-49, Kindle
[13] O'Brien, M. Rogue Prophet:
The Other Testimony of Joseph Smith and Mormonism pp. 47-49, Kindle
[14] O'Brien, M. Rogue Prophet:
The Other Testimony of Joseph Smith and Mormonism pp. 47-49, Kindle
[15] O'Brien, M. Rogue Prophet:
The Other Testimony of Joseph Smith and Mormonism pp. 47-49, Kindle
[16] History of the Church, vol.
6, p. 78
[17] Elder Boyd K. Packer of the
Council of the Twelve, The Candle of the Lord, January 1983,
last viewed 8/22/2016
[18] Five Basic Principles of a
Mormon Testimony,
last viewed 8/22/2016
[19] The Holy Temple—a Beacon to
the World, Thomas S. Monson, President of the Church, April 2011,
last viewed 8/22/2016
[20] First Presidency Message,
The Blessings of Tithing, President Henry B. Eyring, June 2011,
last viewed 8/22/2016
[21] Burningham, Kay. An American
Fraud, One Lawyer's Case against Mormonism, Amica Veritatis, Kindle
Location 5787
[22] Official Declaration 2,
https://www.lds.org/scriptures/dc-testament/od/2, last viewed
[23] NVIC, CDC Admits Flu Shots
Fail Half the Time, 4/26/2016,
last viewed 8/22/2016
[24] Robert S. Mendelsohn, How to
Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor, Ballantine Books, New
York, 1984, pp. 232-233
[25] National Childhood Vaccine
Injury Act, http://www.hrsa.gov/vaccinecompensation/index.html
[26] Louise Kuo Habakus, Mary
Holland, Kim Mack Rosenberg (editors),
Vaccine Epidemic: How
Corporate Greed, Biased Science, and Coercive Government Threaten
Our Human Rights, Our Health, and Our Children, Skyhorse
Publishing, New York, Kindle, 2011, Locations 711, 976
[27] Heather Whittle Wrigley,
Church Makes Immunizations an Official Initiative, Provides Social
Mobilization, 6/13/2012,
last viewed 8/10/2016
[28] Heather Whittle Wrigley,
Church Makes Immunizations an Official Initiative, Provides Social
Mobilization, 6/13/2012,
last viewed 8/10/2016
[29] Letter to Margaret Glavin,
Associate Commissioner for Regulatory Affairs, Department of Health
& Human Services/FDA from Children of God for Life, February 28,
http://www.cogforlife.org/fdaimport.htm, viewed 7/8/2014
[30] Heather Whittle Wrigley,
Church Makes Immunizations an Official Initiative, Provides Social
Mobilization, 6/13/2012,
last viewed 8/10/2016
[31] Vaccine Excipient & Media
Summary, Excipients Included in U.S. Vaccines, by Vaccine
viewed 8/12/2014
[32] Scientific Review of Vaccine
Safety Datalink Information, June 7-8, 2000 Simpsonwood Retreat
Center Norcross, Georgia
http://thinktwice.com/simpwood.pdf, viewed 5/10/2014
[33] Scientific Review of Vaccine
Safety Datalink Information, June 7-8, 2000 Simpsonwood Retreat
Center Norcross, Georgia
http://thinktwice.com/simpwood.pdf, viewed 5/10/2014, pp. 1-2
[34] Scientific Review of Vaccine
Safety Datalink Information, June 7-8, 2000 Simpsonwood Retreat
Center Norcross, Georgia
http://thinktwice.com/simpwood.pdf, viewed 5/10/2014, pp. 1-2
[35] Scientific Review of Vaccine
Safety Datalink Information, June 7-8, 2000 Simpsonwood Retreat
Center Norcross, Georgia
http://thinktwice.com/simpwood.pdf, viewed 5/10/2014, pp.
[36] Scientific Review of Vaccine
Safety Datalink Information, June 7-8, 2000 Simpsonwood Retreat
Center Norcross, Georgia
http://thinktwice.com/simpwood.pdf, viewed 5/10/2014, pp. 207,
[37] Scientific Review of Vaccine
Safety Datalink Information, June 7-8, 2000 Simpsonwood Retreat
Center Norcross, Georgia
http://thinktwice.com/simpwood.pdf, viewed 5/10/2014, pp.
[38] Andreas Moritz,
Vaccine-nation: Poisoning the
Population, One Shot at a Time, Ener-Chi Wellness Press,
Ener-chi.com, Kindle, 2011, pp. 160-161
[39] GAVI commends LDS Church for
US$ 1.5 million gift,
last viewed 8/10/2016
[40] Andreas Moritz,
Vaccine-nation: Poisoning the
Population, One Shot at a Time, Ener-Chi Wellness Press,
Ener-chi.com, Kindle, 2011, pp. 30-32
[41] Andreas Moritz,
Vaccine-nation: Poisoning the
Population, One Shot at a Time, Ener-Chi Wellness Press,
Ener-chi.com, Kindle, 2011, pp. 30-32
[42] Andreas Moritz,
Vaccine-nation: Poisoning the
Population, One Shot at a Time, Ener-Chi Wellness Press,
Ener-chi.com, Kindle, 2011, pp. 30-35