Government Lies
compiled by Deanna Spingola
The following is obviously a work in progress. If you copy or re-post this list, please give accreditation or a link
They concealed the ratification of the original 13th Amendment banning lawyers from Congress
They lied about the real Marxist functions behind the Civil War
They lied about the purposes of the 14th Amendment
They lied about government’s ethnic slaughter in America
They lied about the reasons for the economic crash of 1893
They lied about the internal explosions on the
USS Maine
They lied about the US invasion Cuba
They lied about the US invasion of the Philippines and the massive deaths
They concealed the biological warfare via vaccines against the Filipinos
They lied about the tortuous waterboarding of the Filipinos
They lied about the US seizure of Hawaii, Puerto Rico
They lied about the reasons for the economic crash of 1907
They lied about the establishment and function of the Federal Reserve
They lied about the ratification of the
concealed the reasons for Rockefeller/Carnegie control of US education
They lied about the false-flag sinking of the
They lied about who created and funded Communism
They lied about and supported the Bolshevik Revolution
They lied about the facts behind the censor function of the Radio Act of 1927
They lied about the reasons for the economic crash of 1929
They concealed the facts and supported the perpetrators of the Ukrainian Famine
They concealed communists in the Roosevelt administration and the State Dept.
They lied about the Dust Bowl during which 7 million people disappeared
They lied about provoking Japan and the subsequent attack on Pearl Harbor
The concealed Japan’s biological warfare because Japan owed money to bankers
They lied about nationalist Germany
They concealed Eisenhower’s 200 death camps in Germany
They lied about the reason for the United Nations
They lied about the real function of the chaotic-causing CIA
They laid the blame at the Nuremburg Tribunals, a precedent for a world Court
They lied about the Korean War
They lied about the Cold War and military build-up to profit numerous companies
They lied about nationalism in order to promote internationalism
They lied about Mossadeq and the US toppling of nationalist Iran in 1953
They lied about the Bay of Tonkin false flag they used to start the Vietnam War
They lengthened the Vietnam War to facilitate drug smuggling and oil discovery
They concealed the CIA/elite drug operations out of Vietnam
They lied about the moon landing wherein many companies made huge profits
They concealed the US seizure of Diego Garcia and the deportation of its
They created the 501 (c) 3 to silence political dissent in churches and lied
about it
They lied about Lee Harvey Oswald being the lone gunman
They lied about the assassination of JFK via the Warren Commission
They concealed the truth about Israel’s assault of the
USS Liberty
They lied about the reasons for creating of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum
They created “brain death” in order to engage in high profit organ trafficking
They concealed the privatization and corporate monopolization of public airways
They lied about the US air strikes against Libya and its sponsorship of
They lied about NAFTA and its devastating economic effect on employment
They lied about the sanctions in Iraq and the resulting deaths of 500,000
They lied about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction
They lied about the capture and killing of Saddam Hussein
They lied about 9/11, perpetrated by factions of the CIA and the Mossad
They lied about the invasion of Afghanistan and subsequent growth of poppies
They concealed the death of former CIA asset, Osama bin Laden, in 12/2001
They lied about the imposition of the Talmudic-style PATRIOT Act
They lie about chemtrails and their biological and weather modification effects
They lie about the fixed election process, it matters who or what counts the
They lied about nationalist Libya
They lied about the capture and killing of Muammar Gaddafi
They conceal the dangers of aspartame, fluoride, mercury, and GMO foods
They conceal the fact that vaccines are part of the official depopulation policy
They conceal numerous cancer cures in order to maintain a steady cash flow
They lied to us about the reasons for the economic crash of 2008
They lied about and blamed others for the housing bubble
They conceal the fact that the nation’s privatized prisons are profit centers
They lie about the function of Obama-care and its massive profits and deaths