COVID-19 is a truly amazing virus - one which has
apparently cured seasonal influenza, measles, heart
disease, tuberculosis, cancer and most other
diseases and also abolished death from natural
causes and even accidents. It appears to be highly
intelligent and very selective - extremely virulent
in churches, schools, restaurants, gyms, bars/clubs,
and at social gatherings in private homes, yet
seemingly has no effect on the thousands of
employees who work at Walmart, Target, K-mart, Home
Depot, Amazon Warehouses, etc... and especially
liquor stores.
The virus can also live on any surface - except
for anything shipped in the mail by Amazon. Despite
that the virus can travel distances of up to 6 feet,
but not beyond 6'1", many public parks and beaches
nevertheless remain restricted as a
necessary precaution against any possible spread of
infection. The
halls of the U.S. Congress, Senate, national
parliaments, and most other hubs of government power
around the world also seem to be largely unaffected
by the deadly disease.
The virus seems to mainly target small,
independent, mom & pop businesses - restaurants,
barbershops, salons and such, which generally see
far fewer customers than their corporate, big-box
counterparts. It also has ravaged the food supply
chain, caused the closing of farms, meat packing and
food processing plants, and forced farmers and other
food producers to lay off workers and discard their
harvest in record time across America, while leaving
the employees of large supermarket chains virtually
unaffected. Utility
workers hastily and covertly installing 5G
transmitters in schools and throughout neighborhoods
during the lockdowns also appear to possess a
peculiar immunity, but would probably still need to
be locked down and vaccinated at some point after
the installations are completed.
In many areas, mandating the wearing of cloth or
paper masks to prevent too much oxygen from entering
people's bodies and affecting their brains, spraying
beaches and streets with bleach and other noxious
chemicals, while also dumping various other toxic
airborne chemicals from planes over densely
populated areas are all thought to be prudent and
necessary measures to protect the health of the
general population - especially those already
suffering from acute respiratory problems.
And surprisingly, police uniforms apparently may
hold some hope for a cure for the virus. Evidently,
no social distancing - nor even masks - are
necessary for those wearing police uniforms.
Coincidentally, the large crowds of unmasked BLM &
Antifa rioters and looters who often clash with them
also seem to be strangely immune.
The virus is generally not known to target
children, but nevertheless, arbitrary school
closures and social-distancing policies have been
adopted in many areas as necessary precautions
against the deadly threat.
Although animals were not initially thought to be in any danger, the President of Tanzania recently discovered that goats, fruits, and even motor oil can test positive for the dreaded virus, as can unused COVID test swabs submitted to labs in the United States - in other words, virtually anything might be contaminated.
In an effort to further inform and educate the
public about the severity of the crisis, hospitals
and local news media in some areas - especially in
New York - have teamed up to stage and film fake
corporate media events using training mannequins and
hordes of crisis actors portraying sick and dying
victims for an avalanche of mainstream news clips
showing overworked hero doctors and nurses
courageously battling this terrible but invisible
enemy - one that can never be definitively
identified or fully eradicated and always lurking in
the shadows - much like the imagined Muslim
boogeymen in the war of terror which our news media
had so often warned us about before the emergence of
this new menace.
A sophisticated, cosmopolitan virus, it seems
especially prevalent in the New York City area.
There appears to exist the less-lethal Celebrity and
Politician Strains, and then a much more common
Highly Deadly Strain which devastates much of the
general populace in certain areas of the world, as
seen in New York, Italy, and elsewhere. Even more
amazing, in Sweden one can freely mingle unprotected
with others, shake hands, even hug grandchildren and
remain healthy and unaffected, while the UK, German,
and French strains forbid this. In
India alone, the deadly virus has managed to force
1.3 billion people into lockdown in their homes
indefinitely after decimating a horrifying 0.008% of
their population within just a few short months.
Australia has imposed some of the most severe
lockdown policies and barbarous Police State
tactics, having recorded a staggering 904 deaths so
far - an absolutely astonishing 0.003% of their
total population. New Zealand too - with an alarming
25 deaths - an unthinkable 0.0005% of their
population - has simply had no other choice but to
enforce equally draconian measures to protect its
citizenry from the threat of infection.
As the dreaded
virus is thought to become much more active at
night, strict curfews have been established in
several countries in a valiant and noble effort to
curb the spread.
Meanwhile, despite no lockdowns or quarantines in
very crowded Japan - right next door to China and
with many thousands of Chinese tourists, life
continues as usual, with very few reported cases or
deaths. One might be inclined to wonder whether the
Japanese people possess some sort of special natural
immunity, until we find a similar situation in
Uruguay where, just as in Sweden, there have been no
lockdowns or quarantines, yet again, very few
supposed COVID deaths - while neighboring Argentina
inexplicably remains under very harsh and strict
lockdown conditions.
But every single loss of life from this virus is
tragic, therefore, pushing 150-500 million people
into starvation worldwide, and turning many
countries into brutally oppressive Police States
which shut down businesses (destroying people's
livelihoods along with the global economy), force
innocent people from their homes, traumatize
children, and beat and jail selfish, irresponsible,
and disruptive dissenters - who actually have the
audacity to dare to speak out against tyranny and in
defense of human freedom - is a necessary price to
pay to combat a virus which kills but a fraction of
one percent of the global population and which has a
99.9% recovery rate. Experts have pointed out that
this seasonal virus could easily be defeated by
forever abolishing untraceable cash money, all
small, independent farms and businesses, families,
individual privacy and liberty, and nearly every
natural human right.
The possibility that we all may have been
infected by now, though asymptomatic, means that
anyone could potentially pose a danger - whether
testing negative or positive - and that our natural
antibodies may or may not provide immunity -
depending on geographic location and the level of
corruption of government officials and media in any
given area.
Therefore, most public health officials agree
that only a comprehensive, government-funded and
globally-mandated contact tracing and involuntary
detainment and isolation program, along with an
untested, experimental, DNA-altering, nanotech
vaccine can possibly save humanity by
force-vaccinating billions of people against their
will every single year, for a constantly mutating
virus, the particular strain of which has long since
Remember, we are all in this together, so please
be responsible and take care not to spread dangerous
misinformation which challenges or disputes the
official narrative, disrupts the New World Order
plans to enslave humanity, promotes human freedom
and other such nonsense, or threatens the power
which our tyrannical oppressors currently enjoy.
After all, dissemination of any information is
best left to the trusted official experts such as
Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, the WHO, CDC, the
Rockefeller Foundation, the World Economic Forum,
and the professionals over at CNN, MSNBC,
CBS, Google, Twitter, Facebook, and all of the other
very reliable corporate media outlets and their
seasoned, highly-trained journalists around the
world, whom we can be assured are working tirelessly
to keep us all safe from this very grave threat to